
the king in the north

reborn as the oldest son of ned stark going to focus on the north and building it into a real kingdom make sure to correct grammar instead of just complaining about it enjoy

Oliver_Richardson · TV
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1 Chs

The Start

POV Catlyn Stark

The septas never could have prepared me for this type of pain the feeling of being split open can only be rewarded by having a strong heir for my husbands lands

after 2 hours hes finally come into the world kicking and screaming and as I hold him in my arms I can belive how small he is

"Are all babys ment to be this small when they are first born maester?"

"I'm sorry my lady but he seems to be below adverage size although lord stark isnt very big I dont belive this one will grow very tall"

"Is he considered a dwarf then?" after asking this I can feel my heart freeze out of worry since I've heard about lord tywins son and how he is treated by others including his family

"no my lady there is no need to worry he wont be very tall but he also wont be very small just below average" hearing this I breathe in relief the north is a rough land and I doubt a dwarf could survive long there

"Has there been any word on if my husband shall be returning soon?" I hope he shall be back soon I hold no love for him but I dont wish to see him harmed either and every father should see their first born's birth

"The battle at the trident has concluded and our forces march on kings landing after robert baratheon killed prince Rhaegar ,once the capital is taken and any resistance is crushed lord stark should be returning"

"that's a relief but if you wouldnt mind maester child birth has left me tired may I be left alone to rest" I ask but it was realy a command

"Of course my lady" he bows and leaves I close my eyes and finally get some sleep

4 months later

Eddard stark POV

as the gates of Riverrun come into view I let out a sigh of relief since I can finally get my wife and return to Winterfell to put all these awful event behind me

the first thing I see once I ride through the gates is my wife Catlyn Tully alough she is my wife she was always ment to be with Brandon I worry I'll never live up to her expectations since next to him I'm nothing special

I notice the bundle in her arms and my brain stops

I dismount and walk over to her and see grey almost silver eyes looking up at me all I can do is stare back and before I know it I'm holding him in my arms

I look up at Catlyn "what's his name?" she looks away from our son and tells me "I was waiting for you to name him" I smile and start thinking until finally it comes to me Torrhen after the king who knelt but he shall rise where King Torrhen bowed

"Torrhen Stark a strong name"

Catlyn seemed to think about until she smiled and nodded "But Eddard there is somthing you should know the maester told me that he will be below adverage height I thought I should tell you"

I just shrug it wont make a big impact in his life I know that Howland who is short has no problems in life he can still fight and ride so it's fine

"That's fine it wont change how much I love him" I say while smiling at Rex

I turn to Hoster my new father in law "my lord if you would be kind enough to allow me and my men to stay in your keep I would be most grateful"

He nods "of course we are family now after all but I must ask when will you be departing"

"We will depart tomorrow I miss winterfell and the North" I say to him with a nod

and with that I'm taken to my chambers but before I leave I ask Catlyn to come with me I also go collect Jon

I'm not looking forward to this conversation

In Neds chamber's

"I have asked you here to explain that this is Jon hes my natural born son and don't ask who the mother is it's not important" I say with a blank face

"How could you shame me like this I'm giving birth to your heir and your sleeping with some whore!" she screeched with a furious expression but I cant let her shame Ashara like that especially since I didnt know about Jon until I stopped in starfall to return Dawn

"You would do well to keep your voice down anger is acceptable but to call his mother a whore is not do you understand me!" I say raising my voice and standing up letting what little wolfs blood I have run wild

She still looks furious but evens out her voice and replays with a "Yes my lord" saying it like its venom before turning around and leaving taking Torrhen with her

but the argument has upset jon so I pick him up and comfort him it's always a shock to me how heavy he is and I wonder if all 2 and a few months old are this heavy but I let that slip out of my mind as I just sit and comfort my son wishing to be in Winterfell before that dammed tourney

The next day Eddard POV

We are finally on the way back to the north and Catlyn wont even look at me never mind talk to me I can under stand why but it's still annoying

But I dont regret raising my voice to her I'm not just going to roll over like a dog I'm a wolf and she insulted a member of my pack and made another cry once she stops being a southern fish and turns into a northern wolf is when she will be in my pack


Authors note

Ned is going to have more of a back bone and is thinking of isolating the north from the other kingdoms after his argument with robert and the fact that after the north bled for the south they weren't rewarded

and jon is the son of Ned and Ashara it happend at the tourney of harrenhall i hope i got Jon's age to align with the time but feel free to post a comment about what the age should be

that's all from me for now expect another chapter tomorrow