
Wedding Day

The wedding was held on the island near the sea. Both the families were royal families on the entire nation so there wedding is to be grand. There were many big shots on there wedding. The entire island was decorated with orchards. All the guests was arrived han zhouli and his family also arrived. Han zhouli wore a custom made black tuxedo and he was looking really handsome all the woman's couldn't help but take another glance of him.

Wen Xuxu was walking with her father by her side on the long red carpet. She was dressed in the flowing wedding gown, her delicate skin was as smooth as the skin of a baby lamb. The dress hugged her body tightly, accentuating her slim waist while the lacy ends of her bridal gown made soft waves through the air. She resembled a goddess who had descended from the heavens and fallen into the world of mortals.

Her hair was twisted into an elegant updo, revealing her fair, swan-like neck. Two crystal pearl earrings shone against her dainty ears giving out a subtle, yet beautiful glow.

she was radiant.

The white veil placed on her head covered her face in a layer of soft ivory.

Her father stop in a half way and give her hands to the han zhouli. wen Xuxu held is muscular harm they stopped in front of the pastor.

"Mr Han Zhouli do you take this woman, Wen Xuxu, to be your lawfully wedded wife. From this day forth, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in sorrows and in joy, to live and cherish her till death do you part."

"I do."

"Miss Wen Xuxu, do you take this man, Han Zhouli, to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in sorrows and in joy, do you promise to not leave him, till death do you part."

"Yes, I do."