
The King Fan Translation

Thousands of races coexist, swords and magic complement each other, human races, sea races, elves, dwarves, orcs... vie to be the first to bloom the light of civilization and write an epic tragedy!

JelJurDrog · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 7

The War Comes In the evening, an urgent letter broke the tranquility of the castle.

  The Skull and Bones launched a rebellion in Dardir City, and many nobles, including Viscount Alphonse, were slaughtered. The governor of the southeastern province, Count Pierce, was furious and ordered the nobles in the province to be recruited to suppress the rebellion.

  The aftermath of the occlusion of news broke out at this moment. The Skull and Bones rebellion happened for more than a month, but the Koslow family knew nothing about it.

  With the call-up orders in hand, Baron Redman didn't know the situation on the front line, so he could only passively accept the orders.

  You don't need intelligence to know the severity of the situation. If it is an ordinary rebellion, the surrounding lords will be strangled together, and there is no need for the entire province to be recruited.

  A barony only recruited 500 people. The last mobilization of this intensity was the orc invasion a hundred years ago, but that was based on the premise of preparation in advance.

  Now that such an order is issued, in Hudson's opinion, Earl Pierce is most likely to be overwhelmed by the collapse of the situation.

  The army is not as strong as it has numbers. An army composed of 500 untrained serfs is not as effective as the castle guards.

  In particular, there are only three days left for everyone to prepare, which is the biggest failure. Regardless of other things, weapons, armor, food, and grass must be prepared, right?

  In this kind of purely compulsory recruitment, the boss is not responsible for the food, the food, grass, and supplies are all raised by everyone, so, strangely, the people below have no grievances.

  "The situation is urgent, Hudson, what do you think of this call?"

  Baron Redman asked with a headache.

  The two older sons were away, and now they were in trouble, and Hudson, who seemed to have some military talent, had to make up the numbers.

  As for the rest of the territory, it is a pity that Baron Redman is a traditional nobleman and has no habit of discussing with commoners.

  "Father, the situation is still unclear, so it is not appropriate to join the main force of the family in the war.

  The call-up order only required 500 troops, so 500 young men were selected for a little training, and then the call-up was completed.

  Hudson replied cautiously. Don't look at the fact that there is only a guard team of dozens of people in his family. It has been accumulated by Baron Redman for decades. .In

  contrast, the serf army is worthless. Even if it loses a few hundred people, it cannot shake the foundation of its own rule.

  For the nobles, war is not all bad, at least it can consume the excess population.

  "Well, Dardir City is one of the largest cities in the southeastern province. The strength of local nobles is not weak, but they were taken over by the rebels. Naturally, things will not be simple.

  It's a pity that I received the information too late. If I had prepared earlier and trained an elite team, maybe your noble title would have been secured.

  Baron Redman said regretfully. The opportunity

  presented itself, but he was unable to grasp it because he was not fully prepared. This is a tragedy in the world.

  Of course, this is just a sigh of relief. , He may not be able to do it.

  In the final analysis, the Koslow family already wears shoes, even if the shoes are not so comfortable, it is difficult to make up their minds and gamble.

  "Father, don't be sentimental. There is never a shortage of opportunities in this world. Even if there are no opportunities, opportunities can be created. The key lies in strength.

  There should be quite a few people staring at this rebellion. If the rebel army can grow rapidly, I am afraid there must be someone behind it to fuel the flames.

  With our strength, even if we make great achievements on the battlefield, at most we will be assigned to one or two knight leaders.

  This Earl Pierce is not very good at eating, and it is not easy to follow him to get ahead. Hudson said with

  a sneer.

  He has never killed a pig himself, and he has seen a pig run.

  The rebellion broke out for more than a month. Not only did no army be organized to suppress the rebellion, but even the news did not spread. If there was no deliberate indulgence by Earl Pierce behind this, it would have been impossible.

  Everyone is innocent, but the pregnant is guilty.

  The inheritance left by the extinct nobles has been targeted long ago. Only limited by the rules of the game, there is no way to "big fish eat small fish".

  The Skull and Bones rebellion just happened to be the right time to give these guys a chance. In this context, how dare Hudson take food from the tiger's mouth?

  "You don't like Earl Pierce?"

  Baron Redman asked suspiciously.

  After several months of getting along, he had already discovered that Hudson was not a thing in the pool. As for the mediocrity in the past, in his opinion, it was deliberately hiding his clumsiness.

  After all, Hudson is only the third son in the family. If he behaves too outstandingly, not only will his stepmother find it hard to tolerate, but even the eldest son will also dislike him.

  Now that I have to go out and set up my own family, these problems are no longer a problem, and it is also necessary to show my talents and win family resources.

  I don't know what Cheapy's father thought, but Hudson's power to speak in the mansion has increased a lot recently, which is reflected in the late-night discussion with Baron Redman.

  "The hearts of the people are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

  Earl Pierce's plan seems to be perfect. He is so proficient in killing people with borrowed knives that people can't grasp it. But why does the world of nobles need evidence?

  The simplest logic: who benefits the most Those who are behind the scenes.

  Even if they can grab the fattest meat this time, they are the earls of the kingdom's twelve fiefdoms, how much strength can they increase?

  For this benefit, causing the hostility of the nobles under their command is completely worth the candle.

  You must know that many of the nobles who were exterminated were their vassals. I dare not serve such a master."

  Hudson said mockingly.

  Talking bastard, he is a professional. I think when I was a keyboard man, I sprayed everything.

  No matter what it is, as long as you want to complain, you can find a bunch of reasons.

  There is only one purpose in playing with these now - to fool Baron Redman into paddling in the ensuing war.

  Although it is a bit immoral, it is better to be safe!

  Anyway, I am not a vassal of Earl Pierce, so I have no obligation to work for him. Even if they accept the call, they still have a high degree of autonomy.

  "Understood, I'll think about it again."

  Baron Redman said hesitantly.

  No matter what kind of person Earl Pierce is, and no matter what his future will be, he is still the boss of the southeastern province.

  It still takes courage to be obedient and obedient under the eyes of the boss. Unless there is collective resistance from the small and medium nobles, the rafters that stand alone will most likely rot first.

  "Father, why don't you let me lead the army this time? You are in charge of the territory. If something happens, there is room for maneuvering.

  After all, the recruitment is too urgent this time, and it is estimated that everyone will have no time to prepare.

  As long as the serfs are trained a little Come out with an army that can be seen, and it can be dealt with in a large team."

  Hudson said pretending to be full of confidence.