
The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

1ST PLACE / GOLD WINNER WEBNOVEL'S WEREWOLF WRITING COMPETITION 2022 "You are my mate…" Leland said with a hoarse voice. "Don't you know what I am doing?" He looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes, and right then and there, Sophie thought she could understand him. She could feel his overflowing emotions. Was this what they meant by the mate bond? She could feel so much desire engulfing Leland and she just knew what he wanted. He wanted her. He wanted to ravage her body and mark her with his love bites, he wanted her to scream his name over, and over, and over again. He wanted to pound her and make love to her like there was no tomorrow. The man climbed on the bed and kissed her again. He peppered her with kisses from her cheeks, to her lips, then he moved to her collarbone. Soon, she was moaning softly because of the stimulation. The sounds that escape her lips sounded so sexy in his ears and turned him on so badly. If he didn't have better self-control, Leland would have already ripped their clothes apart and immediately enter her. However, he held back and tried to stay gentle. This was only their first night together as real husband and wife. Tonight, he would finally be able to give her so much pleasure that she would want him in her bed every night. The sex they had the last time was an obligation. It was dry and he only did the bare minimum. This time though… he would ravage her body and make love to her in ways that only his luna deserved. His stamina was top notch and he could satisfy her all night long. ___________________ BLURB: The King, or the Alpha? When she jumps over the academy walls to escape from her bullies, Sophie falls straight into the arms of Nicholas, the kingdom's crown prince with a sweet and sunny disposition. Sparks fly and love blossoms between the poor orphan and the prince. But... suddenly, Leland, the dangerous new alpha of the most powerful werewolf pack in the kingdom claimed her to be his mate?! Sophie is torn between two men. One calls her his wife, the other claims her as his mate. The prince is warm and sweet, his love is burning like the sun. The alpha is cold and overbearing, his love is as heavy as the mountain and as cold as the winter. Which one will Sophie end up with when both sides wage war over blood, hatred, and revenge? Leland will burn the entire kingdom just to get Sophie and avenge his race. On the other hand, the newly crowned king, Nicholas, strives to drive out the werewolves that the kingdom deemed as monsters... while keeping a dark secret within himself — He is also a werewolf. __________________ Note: This book is a reverse harem, meaning the female lead will end up with multiple male leads. Cover is mine, by Arkans READ MY OTHER BOOKS? * The Alchemists - COMPLETED * The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETED * Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETED * The Cursed Prince - COMPLETED * The Cursed King - COMPLETED * Finding Stardust - COMPLETED

Missrealitybites · Fantasy
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481 Chs

The Kiss

It didn't take too long for Nicholas and Sophie to retrieve the herb to use as a disinfectant and clean his wounds. However, right before Nicholas could agree with Sophie on going home… the familiar trickle of rain suddenly sounded.

Sophie's eyes widened. "Oh no, it's raining again."

While it didn't rain for the last three days that they were here, except for the occasional light showers that quickly ended when Sophie and Nicholas stayed underneath the trees, this time was different.

Sophie glanced up at the sky and noticed how the clouds were darker and thicker too.

"We need to find a temporary shelter," Nicholas decided.

Sophie agreed with his assessment. The two of them glanced helplessly around the forest and did not know which way to go.

Perhaps it was a miracle that they managed to sleep under the trees before, but now it was different. Sophie took a deep breath and then decided on a direction. "How about we go this way? Maybe we can find a tree with larger leaves?"

Sophie was pointing in the direction where the forest cats ran towards too, but of course, even creatures like them probably found a way to protect themselves from the rain.

"...Okay, let's do that." Nicholas was actually willing to go down for another round with those cats if they happened to have a nice roof over their heads. He wanted to pay them back for almost laying a hand on Sophie.

This was their best shot at it.

As the two of them ran in that direction, the two of them finally encountered something out of ordinary within the forest. The forest was usually covered and littered with trees, but Sophie and Nicholas saw a cave.

It was smaller than the last cave they found the last time. And when they entered it, they saw that it was quite clean, as if it was inhabited by someone… or something.

"This place looks clean. Maybe someone stays here. Wouldn't we be trespassing if we just go in like this?" Sophie asked.

"Let's just stay here until the rain stops," Nicholas told her. "If there's a bear, I'll wrestle it down and kick it out."

Left with no other choice to shelter them from the storm once again pouring at their backs, the two of them risked it and entered the cave. Fortunately, there were no bears or any dangerous cats who came and bothered them.

What only came out were a flock of bats, but Nicholas quickly took care of them and most of them actually just fled rather than stay with the two humans. After their arrival, the bats left them by themselves.

"We're wet again," Sophie wrung the water out of her hair and glanced at Nicholas' strong back. His shirt was a bit see-through at this point, but she cleared her throat. "How's your arm, Nick?"

"It's good," Nicholas threw her a grin. "I'm all fixed actually."

"Hah, that's a relief," Sophie said and then looked around the cave. It was dry and actually kept the rain out perfectly well.

It almost looked like someone still lived there, but with how there were spiderwebs… it must have been a long time since anyone actually used it. Who used to live here? A witch? Someone else?

Maybe just an animal that found a new home?

"...there's wood here," Nicholas frowned at the sight of a few logs piled up in the cave and the traces of someone who lived here. He wished they found some other place, but his senses told him that there was no one else.

Sophie's eyes widened, but then she saw how little logs they were. "Um, it won't last us all night at all."

"Well, it's better than nothing." Nicholas coughed. He didn't want to bring up the hugging incident… but did it mean that it might happen again?

Nicholas was able to start a fire.

Sophie and Nicholas huddled together and were at least able to wear a change of clothes because they both packed some. Both of them closed their eyes while the other was changing and so neither of them was worried about freezing.

However, it was still cold and the fire wasn't going to keep them warm all night.

"I guess this is a little better than last time," Sophie pointed out.

"Huh?" Nicholas' eyes widened.

"The firewood's not drenched," Sophie chuckled as she inched a bit closer towards him. Unlike before, it was Sophie who made a move towards the boy. "But I think we should stay a bit close together to share body heat again."

"That sounds like a good idea," Nicholas nodded and tried not to blush. "You can rest and I'll keep watch tonight to make sure that there's no intruders or anything."

Sophie's shoulders touched Nicholas and she glanced at him with a frown. After everything that they'd been through for the last few days, he kept treating her as if some kind of child.

He didn't need to constantly sacrifice himself for her sake at all.

"That's not fair of a decision, Nicholas," Sophie said and furrowed her brows. "You'll get tired. So, what if I'll just keep you company tonight instead?"

"You need proper rest if we're going back home tomorrow," Nicholas pointed out. "It'll need you to have a lot of energy so get some sleep, okay?"

"I insist on staying awake with you," Sophie pouted at him. "It'll be really boring and tiring for you to stay awake all night as well, Nicholas. At least we'll be able to finally get more adequate rest when we reach home."

"Okay, it's your choice," Nicholas answered, at last, a bit distracted.

The way she didn't back down from looking at him and carefreely pouted with those luscious lips of hers was really tempting him more than ever.

Even the rain failed to hide her alluring scent.

"Oh, thank you." Sophie smiled brighter, but then her face grew warm when she realized how the two of their faces were so closer again.

She could actually feel Nicholas' hot breath fan over her face.

It reminded Sophie of the time where Nicholas whispered into her ear and his lips nearly grazed her ear. The sensation she felt back then returned and it made her wonder if the air around them thickened.

Sophie's heart pounded and she instinctively leaned forward towards Nicholas.

She gave him a kiss.




From Missrealitybites:

Hehehe... FINALLY, they kiss!

PS: Thank you so, so much for all the kind birthday wishes you have showered me today. Let me get back to you on them and reply properly after I got some rest. Still having some back pain here (the perks of getting old, I guess.. ahaha).

PPS: Thank your the gifts as well. Despina, Rose, Kendra, love you! Also my author friends (who don't really read this book but sent me gifts today) - one person even used an account named "HappybirthdayMRB" to send the gift XD.

I am so grateful for having so many wonderful people around me in my writing journey.