
The King's Ninth Wife and the Crowned Prince's Love

In an era where women were not considered as people of worth ,princesses were sold off to powerful kings for power and fame and Princess Krystal of Swaji kingdom was a victim of this abuse . Being forcefully married to King Duxan begins the destruction of her life .She vows to challenge her fate by defeating her cursed life and feeling it with love . Her lonely heart began to search for love but her love was reached out to the crown prince of Mugal . What kind of twist of fate is this ? Will a son raise his sword against his father and kingdom for his love ? Do you think this twist of fate will lead to eternal happiness or a doomed cursed life ? If you want to know more then ,read ,share ,vote and pass your comment out on ; THE KING'S NINTH WIFE AND THE CROWN PRINCE'S LOVE . A story of romance ,action ,adventure and power struggle will lead two opposite people to challenge fate . In this same book ,queens and princesses with power don't leave a chance to torture their maidens . The story just holds a lot so please and please ; DON'T MISS OUT ON ANY OF THE CHAPTERS VOLUME TWO Having finally escaped from her cursed life with King Duxan . She finally gets back with her family finding out about her mother 's true identity . Reconciling with her love ,they make the most of their moments and swore to live a happy life together but then ,when she saw life drain out of her lost ones ,she fell to her knees . After sometime of waking up from her coma ,she drew out her sword and said ,I want his heart .... If volume one was fun ,think of how volume two will be . Think of how Krystal claims the heart she wants ... Please vote ,comment ,share and add it up to your library . "TRAPPED IN HER ENMITY ...KRYSTAL'S BRUTAL RETURN " . It is unedited so pardon me for any grammatical errors

Sunnyrays · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

Chapter thirty seven

"Shameless man ..."

'She uttered and exited the room .....'

My Prince ,is there a problem ?

Why did you suddenly push me away from the bed ?

Enough of drama ,Diana . I'm not in the mood ,everything was an act to make Rhian jealous ,hurt and angry .

At least ,she wouldn't bother me anymore after seeing this .

Get dressed and get out of my room .


My Prince ,she said in a seductive and soft voice while passing her hands on his broad chest to satisfy her curiosity .

He pulled a strand of his hair and passed her hands through his hair with the mindset of getting the Prince aroused but all to no avail .


I said get out .....I mean now .He threw her dresses on her in addition with gold coins and pushed her out of his room .

What nonsense ,he passed his hands through his long black hair which fell smoothly on his back and sipped his wine . *

"At that moment ,it was Krystal who came in mind . "

Standing at one end of his window in his chamber ,he glanced at Krystal from a far distance ....


So queen Alexa was married from Ulka kingdom and brought into Mugal kingdom when she was just thirteen years old .

She has spent five years in this kingdom ,Laura added .

This means that ,she's eighteen . Until my arrival ,she was the king's youngest queen .

Absolutely ,Sara also added folding her hands into her chest area .

Finally Myel ..she uttered and the wind from her opened window blew a cool breeze which lifted up her hair from her face to make her beautiful face visible to all .....especially those who were starring from a distance .


As she tugged her hair behind her ear ,she saw Prince Wales looking at her from a distance in the window from his chamber .

Prince Wales ? ,she questioned herself confused because it wasn't the first time she saw him steal a glance of her .

He put up the same attitude at the royal court earlier today ,she said .

Whom are you talking about my lady ? ,Sara asked confused .

'Yes who is that Krystal ? ,Laura bent down arranging the records because the strong wind had blown them away .

Take a look ,she said to her maidens while pointing at the Prince 's direction .

Who is she talking about ? ,Laura whispered to Sara because no one was standing at the direction she pointed .

Krystal ,I think you are tired .Today has been such a stressful day and I understand .I suggest you grab some rest because no one is standing there .You are imagining all these because you are tired.

My lady ,I agree completely with Laura .You should get some rest because today has been such a long day .

Alright then ,why don't you both send back these records to the royal library and make sure that they don't see you because these are records of the queens .

Krystal ,we got you covered . Grab some sleep ,we shall be back soon .

'Alright ,she gave an assuring smile ...'

I'm not imagining things ,I saw him right there .Why is he playing this game on me ?

'As Krystal made her way to sit on her bed ,she saw a reflection on her window ....'

What's that ? ,she slowly got up and stood at her window .

'The reflection was made the second time and she raised up her head to see Wales with her veil.... '.


My veil ...she stretched out her hands to grab it but it was at a distance .

Why does he have my veil ?

When I unveiled myself at the music and dance ceremony , I threw it into the air and this means that ....

This means that ,he caught my veil and ever since then ,he has kept it to himself as if it is his .

Oh noo ,she turned around holding her pendant and twisting it around in thoughts .

'Just then ,a letter with an arrow landed through her window onto her bed '

What is this ? ,she rushed towards her bed and grabbed the arrow taking the letter from it .

Let's see what is hidden in here ,she said opening it .

'The eleventh star on the stream of the moonlit night ' .

The eleventh star on the stream of the moonlit night ,she repeatedly said it severally standing by her window and looking at him while he also looked at her in her direction .

What does he want to say ? ,he looked into his direction and he had smiles all over his face . Smiles without action on his left cheek exposing his dimples .

We are finally back ,Laura said to make her presence known while Krystal hid the piece of paper in her dress and grabbed it tightly .

Krystal ,why are you still standing by your window ?

Are you waiting for your loved one ? ,she mocked pulling her soft cheeks .

Don't be sarcastic Laura ,she said taking a glance at his direction but he was not there .I'm off to bed ,I'm tired .

Thank God I hid the arrow too ,she suppressed her thoughts inwardly .

'The eleventh star on the stream of the moonlit night ....'

What do you want Prince ...?

What do you ....she slept off quickly uttering these words .

Thanks for reading ....@sunnyrays .