
The King's Ninth Wife and the Crowned Prince's Love

In an era where women were not considered as people of worth ,princesses were sold off to powerful kings for power and fame and Princess Krystal of Swaji kingdom was a victim of this abuse . Being forcefully married to King Duxan begins the destruction of her life .She vows to challenge her fate by defeating her cursed life and feeling it with love . Her lonely heart began to search for love but her love was reached out to the crown prince of Mugal . What kind of twist of fate is this ? Will a son raise his sword against his father and kingdom for his love ? Do you think this twist of fate will lead to eternal happiness or a doomed cursed life ? If you want to know more then ,read ,share ,vote and pass your comment out on ; THE KING'S NINTH WIFE AND THE CROWN PRINCE'S LOVE . A story of romance ,action ,adventure and power struggle will lead two opposite people to challenge fate . In this same book ,queens and princesses with power don't leave a chance to torture their maidens . The story just holds a lot so please and please ; DON'T MISS OUT ON ANY OF THE CHAPTERS VOLUME TWO Having finally escaped from her cursed life with King Duxan . She finally gets back with her family finding out about her mother 's true identity . Reconciling with her love ,they make the most of their moments and swore to live a happy life together but then ,when she saw life drain out of her lost ones ,she fell to her knees . After sometime of waking up from her coma ,she drew out her sword and said ,I want his heart .... If volume one was fun ,think of how volume two will be . Think of how Krystal claims the heart she wants ... Please vote ,comment ,share and add it up to your library . "TRAPPED IN HER ENMITY ...KRYSTAL'S BRUTAL RETURN " . It is unedited so pardon me for any grammatical errors

Sunnyrays · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter forty

Essien ,are you sure you didn't start the fight between Ahan and Wales ?

Mummy ,I didn't do that ,he denied in front of queen Eva .

Son ,initially I didn't care about all this but now ,I care because victory is coming to our side .

If Ahan and Wales keep on fighting ,then they will lose their chance to the throne .

When that happens ,it will be your chance to rule the whole kingdom .

I have been calm for all these years waiting for this chance .

The time has come for me to claim what actually belongs to you ,my son .

Mummy ,I know that .It's the main reason why I lit this fire but I didn't have a hand in the fight .It was Ahan who proposed that they fight to show 'who is who ' .

Essien ,you need to be very vigilant about your actions .

As a mother ,I will fight till I make you an heir to the throne .

You need to prove that you are far better than your brothers .

I will do just that mum ,thanks for your support .

It really means a lot to me .


Lauren ,do you think that by now ,they have received the message we sent ?

Calm down Myel , they will surely receive it .Just be patient and everything shall be well .

I hope so Lauren ...*


'Catch her ,don't let her escape .....

The lady keeps on running between twigs and trees and keeps looking back out of fear until she finally gets knocked down by a huge tree which stood her way ...

What did you think ? ,did you think that you can escape from me huh ....!

Drag her along with me to the kingdom and I will teach her a lesson ...

Forgive me ,i tried but I failed protecting you as a mother and just then an arrow landed at her back .....

Motherrrrrrr....they screamed in agony looking at her helpless body lying on the floor in a pool of blood as they dragged her on the floor towards the dumping site of scavengers .'

Mother ,she screamed in tears and woke up suddenly from her nightmare panting and sweating .

Krystal ,Laura and Sara quickly run to her bed to comfort her .

It shall be well Krystal ,these nightmares are over .

Look at us Krystal ,we are here to help you out so you can cry out to us .

'Without a word ,still soaked in tears and fears ,she embraced both her handmaidens and went back to sleep '.

I think Krystal is being hunted by her past ,Sara said .

All this is from the effect of how they brutally whipped the Princes today .

It reminded her of her past and now it has eaten down to her nightmares ,Laura said .

Listen Sara ,what's your gift in possession ?

I can call out spirits possessing an individual and sought for ways to flee the person but it will have to be a great sorceress who will flee you .

I haven't gotten to the level of fleeing others from what possesses them . I'm just a child in all this .

How did you inherit this ?

My grandmother actually said I was born with it but I learnt so much from her too because she's a great sorceress .

Right now ,she 's gone into exile but when she returns ,she will coming taking after the body of another person for her work .

Just like how Tamini possessed me right ?

Yes Laura .You are lucky ,she came with healing and the great thing about this is that,when she leaves your body ,you have a gift .

She leaves her gift with whom she possesses so that you can continue with her work in your own style .

Are you going to go into exile to ?

Yes I will because I was born with it .Don't worry ,you will die and not go into exile because you were not born possessed.

I know your next question will be about your sister so I will answer you before you even ask .

Your sister won't go into exile ,though she was born possessed , it was a curse and the curse was cast out by a great seer .

Those who go into exile are those possessed with good spirits from birth. Some go into exile trying to save other possessed beings and others because they are old .

After decades or probably centuries ,they are given a second chance to redeem themselves and gift out what they have before they finally vanish into thin air forever .

I will probably get to the next rank of my possession but the time is not due .

I hope I have answered all of your questions for you .

Keep Tamini calm over there when she comes.

But she hasn't arrived in days ..... ,Laura said .

Well then ,call her if you need her .

Ersdtili erstidy bupata for short ,she said getting up from her seat .

'Ersdtili erstidy bupata ....Laura recited and within a short moment ,she felt possessed .

It was this strong feeling that she couldn't control but after a while ,she felt something come out of her body .

You manifested yourself ,Laura said without fear on her face .

Tamini comes when you call her .You have been a good medium so I came manifesting myself to you as a friend .

Don't worry ,your sister is safe this time around .

'All clad in white ,she walked to Krystal who was fast asleep and laid her hands on her forehead and whispered , 'you are set free ' .

'Meet your destiny on the eleventh day of the shooting star with the full moon bearing witness to your love by the stream on the outskirt of Mugal Kingdom '.


She uttered and disappeared into thin air living a few glows on Krystal's hair .

'Once she left ,Laura rushed to Krystal to check on her but everything seemed okay as she was fast asleep like a newly born baby .'

She came right ? ,Sara asked her .

Yeah ,she did but where did you go to ?

I wanted you both to spend some time together .

Thanks for reading . @sunnyrays .