
The King's New Concubine

Jinyoung is a simple college guy who is attending a halloween party when an earthquake happens when he regains consciousness he awakens in the arms of Jaebum, the king of Joseon. What will Jaebum do when he prays to the heaven to give him his half, his soulmate and then a weird looking young man was dropped straight from the heavens and into his arms?

gwenGOT777 · Celebrities
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 : Meet the Parents

Jaebum woke up early, as usual, no hangover will ever break his perfect record of being punctual. As the ruler of these lands, he has strict schedules to follow starting at waking up especially early. He got up just at eunuch Jia entered the room with a serving staff holding a brewed medicine for him. He knew that he can't hide anything from eunuch Jia.

"Pyeha, a brew has made for you today to help ease your headache." Eunuch Jia bows down to him as he nods his head in thanks.

Once the King finished the medicine eunuch Jia signals the servant to quietly exits the room.

"The hall has been prepared Pyeha..and Captain Park told me that his parents are currently on their way to the palace."

"Prepare everything they will need and make sure that they are taken care of. Ignore the people who will surely raise their eyebrows at this warm welcome for the Minister of Justice, but I have to stake my claim as early as today..so that the other ministers will know and be warned not to meddle in my Business."

Eunuch Jia nods his head but apprehensively asked the king the question that has been nagging him since they witness the weird happening involving the King's newest lady friend.

"Pyeha..wouldnt it be wise to inform the Queen of this plan. She might help you out on this one and make things a little bit easier for you."

Jaebum looks at the man.

"But the Queen's clan is from the North Faction, while the Minister of Justice, who will be Jinyoung's new father is from the South Faction..do you think she will help Jinyoung? Or will she destroy him as soon as she found out our secrets."

Eunuch Jia bows his head as he feels troubled with the new information. Placing the new concubine opposite the Queen is not a good thing as it will invoke internal strife from the royal consorts.

"But.Pyeha...to oppose the Queen is to invoke her clan's wrath.."

"And that is why I am doing all of these..our country needs new changes and new changes are hard to achieve. It involves great sacrifices and many lives will be at stake for the future generation's well being. The old customs need reform and if I can't make the North Faction see eye to eye with what I want for my country then a new war will break. Right inside the center of the palace..now I am asking you as a person eunuch Jia..this game I play might make me the greatest King to ever live or it will break me and I'll be known as a naive and impulsive ruler who was stripped off of his power by the North Faction, tell me are you with me?"

Eunuch Jia bows down to his King.

"I am with you Pyeha...whatever the outcome is your loyal servant will always stay by your side."

"I need all the help can get Eunuch Jia..and I appreciate every single one of you who's by my side."


"Did you hear it?..the Minister of Justice has been summoned by the King. A royal feast was being prepared right now as we speak." Royal Consort Lee said towards the other concubine.

"Yes, and from what I heard they will be speaking about marriage.." Royal Consort Tan replied as the other concubines take a breather and enjoying a rare peaceful morning together.

"What? But the Park clan has no daughter. I knew that Captain Park is the only child of the Minister.."

"Apparently we are all wrong as they have hidden the child away from the King's eyes until now.."

"I hate her already. It is hard to have some alone time with the King and now another girl has caught his interest."

"Yes, if only I conceive already. It is rare that he slept with all of us and none of us were able to get pregnant..."

"That is most suspicious..anyway the Minister and his wife will arrive after lunchtime do you want to sneak off with me so we can find out what they were up to?" Royal Consort Lee asked cheerfully as her friend shakes her head at the innocent concubine.

"Why do you think that they put us all here? We are currently being watched by the palace guard, the meeting between the King and the Park sure is an as important one..."

"Aisshh.I never thought of that..hey what do you think will happen if the Queen finds out." Royal Consort Lee asked as her friend lifted an eyebrow at her.

"And do you think that until now she still has no idea about what is happening inside her territory? Don't let that innocent face fool you, she is the daughter of the North Faction, that pretty face has a shrewd mind. It is actually scary that she is being silent about the issue. Let me tell you this, I will pray for the Park Clan's daughter as she will face the Queen's wrath."


"Jungjeon mama, Lady Tiu is here..."

"Let her in.."

An old yet smart looking lady bows towards the Queen before taking a seat in front of her.

"Aunty, what a pleasant surprise to find you back here in the city." The Queen smiles warmly towards the woman who smiled back.

"I came with a message Jungjeon mama, our clan heard the news.."

"Ah...words do travel fast." the Queen smiled at her Aunt who bows her head.

"Lord Ok wanted to relay a message to you Jungjeon Mama..he said that you should eliminate the daughter of the heavens now when her powers are not yet discovered. For her to know her full potential will bring destruction on you and our clan."

"And where did they find all that nonsense..no one can destroy me for I am the Queen and I am the woman who has been with the King since we're little, I am sure that the King trusts me."

"Don't let the brightness of power blinds you, my Queen, even the strongest one can fall down their throne. The King might be fond of you and treats you accordingly but it is widely known that you don't have his heart. If the King's attention is given to someone else, then she has a chance..a chance to sway the favor away from you. And a weak Queen won't be able to help our clan.." The old woman slowly says as she lets the Queen analyze her words.

"Hmmm..you mean the North Faction will turn their back on me if I don't do what they wanted me to do? How can they think that I will be a mere slave for them, a lowly servant to be on their beck and call?!!" the Queen angrily said as she tries to hold on her temper.

"Jungjeon Mama, they are collecting payments. Once upon a time, your family begged for the clan's protection and the clan took care of you and your family. They even make sure that when it is time for the then crown prince's marriage you will be given a chance to be one of the chosen candidates..they faked a family history for you Jungjeon Mama..if it wasn't for them you will not be in your position right now."

Queen Taehyeon closes her eyes and looks down. She is not evil, she holds no grudges against her husband's other concubines for she knew and she accepted her fate as the Queen and Mother of the land. Yet her own family wants her to be evil just so they can hold on to their power.

But she is just, and she pays every single debt she owes.

"I will take care of it. Tell them not to worry and I will pay my debts to the family."


Park Won Bin and his wife Park Na Young looks nervously at each other as they heard the servants make some noise.

"The King is here.."

Both of them stood up and bows their heads, waiting for the King to get to his place and acknowledge them.

"Rise up Minister of Justice and Lady Park. I am happy that you have time to visit me at such short notice." Jaebum smiled at the couple who nervously smiled back at the King.

"Pyeha, our son writes a very interesting letter and we made haste just to clarify the situation."

"The letter says everything, you are now the parents of Park Jin-young, a male who is concealed as a female. He is sent here from the heavens. Believe it or not, he fell down from the sky and into my arms on one of my nighttime strolls. Many of my servants witnessed the event and here we are. I know I am abusing my power as ruler of these lands when I forced you to adopt him but I need some help and my father has some admiration for your family before he died. He said that your clan is just and righteous if ever there is a female born from your family, she will be my Queen but alas, I guess Chanyeol ruins your chances to have a daughter Lady Park.."

"Yes, Pyeha..a a big baby boy our Chanyeol is. Pyeha..if all you want is safety for the said child then we can take him with us and hide him, protect him from harm." Lady Park tentatively said as Jaebum smirked at her.

"You can't sway my decisions, Lady Park, for I want him, and I already decided to take him in as my Royal Consort but he will be disguised as a female. What can you say, Minister Park.."

"Pyeha.I will take the scrutiny of my colleagues, if I know them correctly they will say that I am getting ambitious lately since I am giving my daughter to the King, our family will be in danger as well since our daughter will gain influence inside. We will face a silent battle outside the palace and I am thinking if all of this is worth it." Park Won Bin asked the King as Jaebum's respect for the man to increase.

"It will be worth it Minister Park for your daughter will be the key for the major changes in the Kingdom, she or shall we say he will bring changes that we've all wanted to move forward and improve, to be a country that is flexible enough to endure and last for a lifetime. What is a couple of years, warring and fighting among ourselves when the result will bring a lifetime of peace?"

Park Won Bin stayed silent as he thinks hard about the pros and cons of their situation, he is a simple man and he just wants to live in peace.

"I will forever be in your debt Minister Park if you'll agree to my proposal." Jaebum quietly said as he waited nervously.


"Where are we going Sulli? And why am I wearing this hanbok, it looks grand." Jinyoung asked as he is being led outside by Sulli and Wonhee.

"My lady, the King asked for your presence at the Hall of Peace."

"Why..what am I supposed to do at whatever that Hall's name is.." Jinyoung hitches a breath suddenly nervous as what's going to happen.

He still is inside this weird dream and no matter how weird this dream is Jinyoung doesn't want to die or suffer, the need to survive hums in his blood.

"They won't execute me there, right? I read that some of the death penalty here is being poisoned or by hanging. I really don't want to suffer and be humiliated so if I'm gonna die I will choose the poison option..yes that's it." Jinyoung mutters to himself while his maids look at him like he has two heads.

"My lady, please stop saying weird things. The people on these lands don't know the knowledge of the heavens.." Wonhee carefully said while Sulli just shakes her head accepting how weird their lady is.

"I'm just nervous okay..oh God..what will happen now." Jinyoung whines.

"The lady is calling the Gods now Wonhee..what shall we do.." Sulli panics as he heard Jinyoung talks to himself.

"There. Captain Park is there, let's get him to help us."

The two dragged the panicking Jinyoung forward towards the waiting Chanyeol who smiled politely at his supposed sister.

"Good morning Jinyoung..."

"Oppa..am I going to die now?" Jinyoung tearfully said as Chanyeol looks at him confusedly.

"Ughh..no. Why do you think about dying this early in the morning dear sister.."

"Because the King called for me in the Hall of whatever it's called, and I'm nervous!! Oh my God..." Jinyoung snapped as he grabs at whatever he could lay his hands on...Sulli's outer skirt for example.

"Captain Park please do something, the daughter of the heavens has been calling for the Gods since we went out this morning..what if the heavens think that she's in trouble here.." Wonhee worryingly said while Chanyeol wanted to close his eyes and pray for more patience.

"I'll take it from here. Jinyoung calms down. You're being called here for you to meet our parents."


"Yes..now come on. We don't want them waiting for too long.."

Jinyoung went behind Chanyeol, hands cold and clammy due to nervousness. He can't take the pressure anymore so he pokes Chanyeol on the back to gain his attention.

"What..Jinyoung it's not proper for a lady to do that, don't poke on someone else other than me or else everyone here will judge your actions.." Chanyeol said strictly as he looks at Jinyoung.

"But, Oppa I'm scared. Held my hand first or I won't go inside." Jinyoung pouted as he felt really nervous.

"But..but you're supposed to be the King's concubine, I can't touch you like that here." Chanyeol quietly said as they stopped at the entrance where the servants of the King waits for their signal.

"But I don't think this is fun and I want to get out of here..hold my hand now."


"Oppa hold my hand!" Jinyoung whines louder as Chanyeol coughs awkwardly and looks around, deciding that it's better for the lady to throw a tantrum inside the hall rather than outside where everyone can see.

"Okay, okay, this is just for today because you're still free and not yet intimate with the King.." Chanyeol explains as he held out his hands for Jinyoung who gladly takes it and stands closer to his "brother".

"Damn..your hands are freezing.."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm nervous.." Jinyoung hisses back as Chanyeol signals for a servant to announce them.

"Captain Park and Lady Park are here.."

The two "siblings" walk inside holding hands and walk straight towards where the King is with Chanyeol's parents.

Lady Park nudges his husband in excitement.

"Look at that, our new daughter is holding her big brother's hands ohh..how cute. What a baby.." Lady Park exclaimed as she is overcome with excitement and joy.

The Minister of Justice just nods his head in approval and smiled warmly at his children.

Chanyeol bows to the King and to his parents.

"Father, Mother..this is Park Jinyoung. Jinyoung goes ahead and greets our parents." Chanyeol tries to make the smaller man let go of his hands now that he saw how Jaebum scowls at them.

Jinyoung looks at Park Won Bin and Park Na Young.

What shall I say? What do I do?

"Ughhhh...hi mom, hi dad." Jinyoung cheerfully said as he waves his hands excitedly at the two.

Chanyeol facepalms at the action, he can't believe that Jinyoung didn't even bow to his parents as a sign of respect.

Jaebum chuckles at Jinyoung's innocence and looks at the bewildered faces of the parents.

"That is why I want him, now please Minister Park, please give me your blessings."

"No..my King I will have to reject the offer for now."


"Is this the time that someone will kill me?" Jinyoung wonders loudly while Chanyeol shut him up.

"My daughter needs to be polished first before she is given to the King..that is my condition. I will not have the family name be in shame if ever someone else saw how different she is. She needs to go back and live with us for a few months and then we will talk my good King."

Everyone waited with bated breath as they look at the King.

"I agree but you have to prepare an extra room for me..."


"I do not want my gift out of my sight..if you will take Jinyoung into your home then I will also be with him."

Park Won Bin and Na Young look at each other.

This will be a very long day.