
The King's New Concubine

Jinyoung is a simple college guy who is attending a halloween party when an earthquake happens when he regains consciousness he awakens in the arms of Jaebum, the king of Joseon. What will Jaebum do when he prays to the heaven to give him his half, his soulmate and then a weird looking young man was dropped straight from the heavens and into his arms?

gwenGOT777 · Celebrities
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 : A drink for a troubled mind

Jinyoung looks nervous sitting in front of the King, waiting for their food at a local diner that Chanyeol had found, which is traditional in settings as per usual. Sitting in a wooden chair on the second floor of the small establishment, Chanyeol found the perfect spot for the two to eat, have a drink and talk. Jinyoung sigh as he averts his gaze and looks at the street below them, people are still hustling and bustling around even if it's late into the night. Everything is so weird for him.

The food arrived as Jaebum thanked the lady who assisted them, looking pointedly at Chanyeol who nods his head and occupies the table far away for them to have a personal conversation without being heard but near enough to assist the King if ever there is danger around the area. He and Sulli also order some food as to not raise suspicions.

"Let me introduce myself formally to you. I am Im Jaebum, the current ruler of this Kingdom. I've been the King for five years now since my father passed away, I also have a Queen named Taehyeon and a handful of concubines but so far I have no luck in producing an heir." Jaebum said as Jinyoung turns his head sideways, curious about why the King is still childless. He knew from studying that having so many concubines is an assurance that the king will have an heir.

"Why are you childless? You seem so young and healthy, I guess someone is meddling inside the palace kitchens, preventing your Queen or concubine to conceive..damn that evil characters. I knew them from watching Historical dramas and you wouldn't know the things they do just to meddle in the politics within the palace walls.." Jinyoung blabbed on and on.

The king looks sharply at him.

"Why are you so informed with how the inner palace works?"

"Duh..we learned history in our school, plus TV shows are a huge help in making the people informed of how things are in the past."

Now it is Jaebum's turn to look curious as he doesn't know what Jinyoung is saying.

"What is TV? What do you mean past?"

Jinyoung sigh in annoyance.

"Let's just forget it okay. I am Park Jinyoung, Studying business administration at the local University and I'm not from this world, I'm probably in a coma or something and you just exist in my imagination." Jinyoung reaches a hand towards Jaebum who looks at it then looks back at Jinyoung.

'What? Take my hand..that's a polite gesture of introducing yourself and accepting the other's introduction as well."

Jaebum hesitantly reaches out to touch Jinyoung's outstretched hands and gasp when the smaller man grasp it firmly and show him how a simple handshake works. Jinyoung cheerfully smiled as he shakes Jaebum's hands enthusiastically, it's not every day that he's able to meet some royalty.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol nearly choked on his food as he saw the lady touched and shakes the King's hands, the nerve of that woman. No one can personally touch any exposed part of the King's body except for the Queen and some of his favored concubines. The taller man is made to stand up when Sulli prevents him from doing so.

"Captain Park, the King will not like it if you interrupted them."

"But..that lady touched the king.."

"And the King touched Lady Park more intimately when the lady was asleep. Let them be for now.."

Chanyeol glares at her but nevertheless does what he was told.

Jaebum looks at Jinyoung.

"Jinyoung, I am going to tell you what happened before you woke up from your slumber. I was taking a walk in the garden that night and got the surprise of my life when I saw a strange star in the sky, it's the first time I ever saw it. It is shining so bright, and I suddenly remember what the shaman has told me. She said I need to make a wish and it will come true. Do you know what I wished for?"

"No..." Jinyoung quietly said.


Jaebum looks up and saw a star, shining brightly than the other ones, he looks at it quite confused at its location since he studies astronomy and knows for sure that the position the star is occupying has been empty before.

"That can't be right..right? I am still young yet my mind is now playing tricks on me. Alas, here we go..this is my wish." Jaebum closes his eyes and bows to the heaven.

I pray to the heavens above, for me to have someone to love and to cherish, who will not treat me like I am king but treats me as a friend. One who is not after the crown I wore, one who will stay by my side forever...

*End of flashback*

Jinyoung looks nervously at the king after he heard the story.

"And then we heard a scream, it was your voice. We look everywhere from left to right, back to front but we saw no one until I remember that strange star up in the sky and I look up. You're like a speck of dust until I saw your full form falling right from the sky and into my arms. You fell all over me, and it is absurd..it is strange and mysterious but we all saw it happened. My eunuchs, my lady in waiting and even some of the guards saw it too, that's why there's a rumor circulating in the palace now that the heavens have given me a gift. And that is you.."

Jinyoung processed what was said to him. He needs to believe in it because there's a lot of witness to the said incident but how come he doesn't remember a single thing.

"I...I think I came from the future. I am actually attending some party, having drinks like this and having the time of our lives when an earthquake happens. My friend Bambam and his boyfriend Yugyeom pulled me to safety but I held back because,..because my other friend Mark is still inside."

"You came back for your friend?"

"Yes..because he's my friend."

"You're ready to die for a friend Jinyoung?"

"Yes! Because I know they will do the same for me.."

"What an admirable attitude. You are just and pure. And you're perfect to be one of my concubines.."

Jinyoung spits out the soju he's been drinking.

"Wha..what? No. I'm a man, a concubine is acquired for the purpose of creating an heir...I can't do that.."

"But you are known inside the palace already, my assistant already saw your face. And inside the palace, we have rules to follow. You're in our land so the law is applicable to you as well. No one can enter the palace and leave it whenever they want. You need permission from the King..or you can do something stupid to make us kick you out of it."

Jinyoung looks at Jaebum. Chest heaving with nervousness.

"You're the King..you can give me permission to leave."

"But I have to break a lot of protocols and I will have to suffer the scrutiny and probably lose face in front of my ministers. Do I have to do that for you..remember what I told you? I wished to the heavens and they gave me you. You're supposed to stay with me."

"Let me think about it..this is all too much for me and I really don't have much choice on this one..fate played a cruel game for me.."

Jaebum looks kindly at the scared young man. He didn't wish to pressure him that much but he has no choice. He wants the safety of the person in front of him and he will make sure that he will survive.

"You will take a fake identity, under the Park Clan headed by Chanyeol's father. You will be disguised as their daughter, secretly taken inside the palace as an offer to be my new concubine."

Jinyoung looks at the glaring Captain who is intently looking at them. He is intimidated by the taller man's aura.

"But...he looks scary."

"Looks can be deceiving and he is a good man. I will trust him with my life. Now, enough of this talk..let us call on your new brother...Captain Park!"

Chanyeol walks towards the King immediately.

"Yes, Pyeha.."

"Meet your new little sister Park Jinyoung.."

Jinyoung looks at the incredulous face of the military captain and waves a hand at him.

"Hello oppa.."

Chanyeol felt his soul fled out of his body as the smaller man smiled at him.

Jinyoung turns towards the King...

"But..this is all acting right. Because I don't want to have sex with you." Jinyoung said with a blush as Jaebum looks intently at him.

"There will come a day when you will want to.."