
The King's Longing (BL)

After two years enveloped in a mysterious slumber, King Aelar the Evergale awakens in his tranquil chamber to a world transformed. As the first light of dawn bathes the room in a warm glow, his emerald eyes, once closed to the realm he ruled, open to an era of unforeseen change. The stillness of the chamber is softly shattered by the stirrings of the king, signaling a new chapter for the kingdom that has patiently awaited the return of their leader.

0Silent_Night0 · LGBT+
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22 Chs

The Gathering Darkness [REVISED]

As night fell, it brought with it a heavy silence that blanketed the castle, a darkness that seemed to penetrate the very stones of the stronghold. The carriage ground to a halt within the fortress walls, and Draven sprung from his seat, urgency turning his movements sharp and decisive.

He kicked open the carriage door, and the grim scene inside was laid bare: King Aelar, once an embodiment of strength, now appeared pale and weakened, each shallow breath a battle against the enveloping shadow of his affliction.

They traversed the castle's stone corridors in haste, the sound of their swift steps echoing sharply against the whispers of concern that trailed them. They passed torches that sputtered and cast long, mocking shadows against the walls, shadows that danced as if in grotesque celebration of the king's plight.

Myrick, whose voice was usually a bastion of calm, now bore an undertone of desperation. "Bring warm water, and swiftly! We need the healing linens, the ones etched with sigils," he ordered, his mind sifting through spells and remedies from ancient tomes he had long studied.

Servants, startled from their nocturnal duties, scurried to execute his commands, their expressions taut with the weight of the emergency.

With a tenderness that belied his warrior exterior, Draven carefully lowered the king onto the bed, his movements meticulous as he ensured the monarch's comfort.

Gavrel, was swiftly at Aelar's side, his normally steady hands is now trembled with anxiety. Despite his inner turmoil, he began to chant, his voice a low, resonant timbre as he wove spell after spell in a desperate bid to coax healing into the king's beleaguered body.

The priest's incantations persisted, each repetition of the spell a vocal manifestation of his resolve. "It's not yet a full week," he murmured, the words laced with bitterness, "and yet this vile magic tightens its stranglehold."

In the shadowed corner of the room, Kael's eyes locked with Draven's, conveying volumes in a single glance. "I will secure the east wing," he whispered, his voice barely more than the stir of leaves in a gentle wind, "The grounds are under your watch."

The two knights exited the chamber, each carrying the silent hope that their vigilant patrol would instill a sense of safety for their sovereign and their fellow comrades.

The bedchamber had transformed into a place of healing but also a theater of war against the unseen. The air was thick with the weight of Gavrel's gruff, rhythmic chants in the fight to restore Aelar's vitality.

Myrick's fingers sought the rhythm of life beneath the king's skin, only to find a chaotic flutter. It was as if Aelar's divine essence was entangled in a frantic struggle against the curse vying for dominance.

The scholar observed the erratic rhythm beneath his fingers, "It's like the ebb and flow of a stormy sea," he murmured, his voice barely rising above a whisper, resonating softly in the chamber.

"The Stormwrought... Calder could potentially untangle this knot of dark enchantment," he mused, his words laced with uncertainty. "But would the king's safety be assured in his company?"

Gavrel's posture adjusted, his eyes still fixed on Aelar's ashen visage. "Calder's loyalty bordered on the reckless. Is it wise to entrust the king's well-being to one who, in fervor, once jeopardized it?" he questioned, his tone edged with skepticism.

"It's not the intention to harm I doubt," Myrick conceded, his eyes shadowed by the past. "His love runs deep and fierce. In seeking to dispel one threat, we might inadvertently beckon another."

As they grappled with the dilemma, the king's eyes fluttered open, his hand weakly reaching out until it was steadied by the familiar touch of his guardians. "Calder," Aelar breathed out, the name a whisper laden with trust. "Oh, how I ache to hear his counsel once again."

Hearing this, Gavrel let out a chuckle, a sound mixed with relief and a trace of sorrow. "My king, even now you yearn to embrace the tempest's heart anew."

The gravity of King Aelar's situation cast a solemn shadow throughout the castle, creating an unspoken bond among all who dwelled within its walls.

Meanwhile, Kael and Draven, their visages etched with resolve, returned to the king's chamber after completing their rounds. The routine of their patrol had provided a temporary respite from their concerns, allowing them to push away the tendrils of anxiety and fear, if only for a moment.

The knight addressed Myrick and Gavrel. "Rest, both of you," he urged, his words steeped in earnest concern. "I shall stand guard here until the first light of dawn graces our presence," he declared with solemn resolve.

Aelar managed to prop himself up on his pillows. "Forgive me," he uttered, his voice strained but imbued with the dignity of kings, his gaze locking with that of his loyal protectors. "I did not wish to lay such heavy burdens upon you."

Gavrel lightly dismissed the king's concern with a gentle head shake. "There is no burden in serving one's king," he reassured. "Rest now, my liege; we stand as your shield against the encroaching darkness."

Myrick, the scholar warrior, echoed Gavrel's sentiment with a firm nod of conviction. "Take your rest, Sire. Many storms we have faced, and not one has claimed victory over us. This, too, shall pass."

With a soft click, the chamber door closed, the quiet of the room sealed within. Candlelight flickered against ancient stone, its warm light a defiant stand against the dark that loomed just beyond its reach.

As the cloak of night wrapped tighter around the castle, a profound stillness settled over its vast halls and thick walls. In the seclusion of the king's chamber, Aelar lay ensnared in a restless sleep, his breathing labored and erratic, revealing the inner tumult of his affliction.

During these fleeting interludes of repose, the stories of his past unraveled in the theater of his mind.


In the tempestuous depths of his dreams, a vivid memory surged forth—the day Calder, known as the Stormwrought, had first set foot within the castle's venerable walls. The mage, young yet exuding an aura as commanding as the untamed sea, had captivated Aelar's attention.

Aelar had seen not just a man but a force of nature, an ally whose power resonated with the very elements themselves.

"You are the tempest foretold by ancient seers," Aelar had declared, his voice resonating through the grandeur of the hall. With an effortless flick of his wrist, Calder had called forth a whirlwind, sending it dancing through the chamber.

The loose parchments took flight, swirling in the air like a flock of startled doves, a testament to the mage's mastery over the wind itself.

"Interesting," Aelar mused, his eyes tracing the chaotic ballet of papers caught in the artificial gale.

Calder scoffed, his gaze averted in a display of feigned deference. "Forgive this humble one's impertinence, Your Majesty," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm rather than contrition. "However, I would count it as a kindness if you dispatched me back to the academy. The constraints of castle life ill-fit a free spirit such as mine."

Undeterred, the king advanced, intent on closing the distance between them. In response, Calder deftly maneuvered the papers into a barrier—a fluttering wall halting Aelar's approach. The whimsical defense drew a rich, genuine laugh from the king.

"Ah, indeed," he said with an appreciative nod. "A tempest's spirit in human form. You are as untamable as the storm, Calder." His tone, warm with amusement and admiration, acknowledged the mage's unorthodox nature—an attribute he found more intriguing than offensive.

The knight with the fiery hair, a stark contrast to his steely demeanor, bowed deeply, the lines of concern etching his face. "Your Majesty, I beg forgiveness for my son's demeanor. He intends no disrespect," Calder's father entreated, his posture one of utmost deference. "I assure you, I will take measures to correct him."

"Now, now, my friend," Aelar interjected, his hand gesturing for the knight to lift his gaze. As he followed his liege's command, Aelar continued, "The passions of youth at the age of twenty-three can be turbulent. I am well acquainted with the yearning for freedom that burns in a young man's heart." His voice carried the soft timbre of understanding.

Calder, however, was not appeased, his voice laced with frustration. "Yet, this so-called freedom remains beyond my grasp, Your Majesty."

"Calder! Restrain yourself! You are my offspring, but I will not bear such insolence to our king!" the knight, Nial, roared, his eyes alight with paternal ire.

"Nial, peace," the king soothed, placing a calming hand upon the knight's armored shoulder. "Might I request a private audience with Calder? Just the two of us," Aelar proposed, his authority gentle yet undeniable.

With a heavy exhale, the lines of Nial's face softened, and he gave a reluctant nod. He turned and exited the chamber, leaving the two alone. The door closed with a definitive click.

"Calder the Stormwrought, your prowess in the arcane arts is unparalleled, and your mastery of magic's mysteries is without limit," Aelar began, his stance firm yet tinged with a certain humility. "It is for these reasons I have called upon you. Your strength is what the kingdom needs," he confessed, the sorrow in his voice betraying the gravity of the situation at hand.

"And what if I had declined your summons?" Calder inquired, his back still turned to the king. His preference for exile over a life hemmed in by stone walls was palpable in his tense posture.

The king exhaled a weary sigh, the weight of rulership evident in the gesture. "Then nothing," Aelar responded frankly. "I would not compel you against your will. You are Nial's son, and he has been the shield against many a blow meant for me. I owe him a debt of honor. To lose someone of your exceptional gifts would be a great loss indeed, but I would not bind you here by force."

Silence enveloped the room as Calder's defiance visibly ebbed away, his conjured gale dissipating into stillness. The papers that once defied gravity surrendered to it, fluttering to the floor in a gentle cascade.

After a moment of reflection, Calder turned to face the king, his eyes locking with Aelar's vibrant emerald gaze—a gaze that held the weight of a kingdom and the warmth of genuine respect for the young mage before him.

"The realm is rich with talent; scholars and mages of incredible skill abound," Calder asserted, his expression a mix of curiosity and self-doubt. "What makes me stand out in your eyes, Your Majesty?"

Aelar's response was draped in candor, his voice carrying the tone of a man guided as much by instinct as by wisdom. "That, I cannot precisely articulate," he confided. "But tell me, would you think me mad if I said that at times I sense the whisper of fate guiding my hand? That some decisions are nudged by a force beyond our understanding?"

At this, Calder's scoff cut through the heavy air, a mix of disbelief and mockery tinting his words. "You speak like one touched by the gods, my king—a touch of madness in your tone."

The king's laughter, rich and unburdened, echoed off the stone walls. "To the common eye, perhaps I may appear thus stricken," he conceded, stepping to stand shoulder to shoulder with Calder. "Maybe I have indeed surrendered a piece of my sanity. The price of immortality is steep, and it often demands more than one expects to pay."



As the suns rose and set, weaving the tapestry of time, Calder found his place within the castle's storied walls. What began as a reluctant alliance had blossomed into a profound partnership. As the King's right hand, Calder's wisdom became as indispensable as the air that filled their lungs, and the bond between the mage and Aelar grew ever stronger.

They shared countless hours in earnest dialogue, each moment weaving their lives closer together, until they were as much brothers in spirit as they were comrades in arms.

But the cruel winds of fate blew mercilessly upon them when the valiant Nial, Calder's father and Aelar's most trusted protector, was taken from this world. The news of his passing struck Aelar with the force of a physical blow, sending him into a spiral of despair.

The king retreated behind the doors of his chamber, a sanctuary that soon became his prison of sorrow. The once mighty Aelar, whose laughter had filled the halls, now wept in solitude. His grief was a silent specter that haunted the corridors, and the entire castle shared in the mourning of both a fallen hero and their king's heartache.

Calder, having returned from the solemn duty of laying his father to rest, stepped through the castle's gates, the weight of loss heavy upon his shoulders. The air was thick with sorrow, and it drew him inexorably toward the king's private chamber.

The mage's hand met the unyielding wood of the chamber door with a series of respectful knocks. From beyond the barrier, the muffled echoes of a man's grief were the only reply. Calder, sensing the depth of Aelar's sorrow and the need for immediate solace, pressed against the door, urging it open without waiting for permission.

The sight that met Calder's eyes was a stark contrast to the image of the sovereign ruler he had known. Aelar, the king whose very presence once commanded the tides of courtly life, was reduced to a figure of pure anguish, kneeling on the unforgiving surface of his chamber's floor.

His emerald eyes, once bright with the luster of leadership and the joy of life, were now dimmed by the shadow of loss. His regal face, etched with the trails of tears, bore the profound mark of human vulnerability.

Without a moment's hesitation, Calder closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around the king in a firm, unwavering embrace. It was a gesture that transcended their stations—a human connection that spoke of shared pain and mutual support.

The king's response was visceral, his mourning finding a new crescendo as he clung to Calder. His fingers tightly grasped the fabric of the mage's garments, as if holding onto the material could anchor him in the tempest of his heartache.

Aelar's voice, a fragile whisper woven through the fabric of his sobs, carried a plea heavy with desperation. "Please... promise me you will not forsake me as well, Calder," he implored, the words strained with raw vulnerability.

Calder, feeling the shudder of Aelar's form against his own, replied with a tenderness that stood in stark contrast to his formidable reputation. "My liege, I am here—for now and for all days to come," he vowed, his fingers tenderly combing through Aelar's hair, providing a gentle solace. The shimmer of tears in his own crimson eyes bore silent witness to the depth of their connection.

As Calder's assurances wrapped around him, the sharpness of Aelar's grief began to ease, his wails subsiding into soft, beseeching whispers. "Promise me... I cannot bear the weight of another loss. Stay with me."

Calder, deeply moved by the king's raw plea, strengthened his hold, becoming the steadfast pillar Aelar needed in his moment of despair. "Upon my honor, Aelar, I pledge myself to your side," he declared with heartfelt resolve. "You will not walk through this shadow alone." His oath pierced the veil of sorrow encasing Aelar, a resolute promise from Calder the Stormwrought to the sovereign he served and cherished.

Revised thoroughly with the help of my Proofreader! thank you so much! I hope you can enjoy re-reading this chapter again!

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