

"It's your fault!" The shout echoed through the man's headset.

Directly followed by, "No, it's yours!"

"You failed at containing mid. I got jungle, how is it my fault!" The two got into a heated argument which the man stopped hearing. He took off his headphones and looked over to his second screen. A halo, created by the dawn light, shined from behind the monitor. The man didn't take notice of this, the empty cups of coffee sprawled out around him. The video on his screen was Faker at his prime. His first defining moment replaying itself.

The shouts of the commentators drowning out everything else in the room. The man with a cigarette in hand was reluctant to light it as a smile dawned on his face. His fist tightened a fire held in his eyes. He looked over to the original screen the bold grey letters imprinted on the middle of his screen.

He put back on his headphones, the arguing from before finished. "Anax!" The first voice from before shouted.

"Hey Holland, what's up?" Anax return finally closed out of the loss screen.

The man voice was quiet, himself also sad at the outcome, "Why do you still want to play this dead game?"

Anax didn't reply for a long time. "You still there?"

Broken away from his thoughts Anax replied, "I don't want to see the game die. This game I grew up with an everlasting love for, I don't want to hear its final bell."

"Anax, this the final season."

Anax didn't know how to respond to the man. He looked back over to the other screen more Faker highlights still playing, the commenters shout filled the room. He took the cigarette from earlier and took a puff. The voices of his friends not heard as they moved to a new topic. He reminded himself of his 12-year-old-self first time finding the game. He remembered the immediate attraction he held for it.

He didn't want others to never experience that same love. He doesn't want them to miss out on that feeling of euphony after his first win. He couldn't allow it, he wouldn't allow it. The lose was shortly forgotten by the others in the call, the previous heighten emotions lost just as quickly as they came.

Much like when he saw the replay of Faker a fire reappeared in his eyes.

"Then I'll become the next idol."

Preview of how this story will look.

The game of choice isn't there yet. Just put in placeholders for now.

Might be LoL or a fighting game. We will see but for now, this works

Bronzeapollocreators' thoughts