
The King's Dimensional Chat Group (In Hiatus)

Reima, descendant of the King of Heros is very bored out of his life cuz he has nothing to do other then just sitting in his office and managing his garden as his ancestor likes to call it. That is until the mysterious Demensional Group Chat has appeared on his phone. Join him, as he travel through various worlds and making many friends along the way, while also having fun. This book was inspired by Akikan's "Sis-con with Demensional Group Chat". Go and check out his work. And I hope you also like mine.

EliasEinzwerth · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Integrating the Class Cards: Part 2

The 3rd card is the Archer Class, I already got 2 surprises here. So show me what I got.

The Archer Card this time seems pretty normal like the Saber Class Card.






To my 3rd and big surprise, the Archer Class Card floating in front of me does not feel like a normal Archer Class at all. In fact, it seems a bit grander in my eyes.



No, no, no, no, no.


It can't be.

It can't be right?

Please tell me this is not real.

Please tell me this is not real.

'I can assure you what you are seeing right now is true. Hmm, for the Archer to be summoned as the Grand Class Servant... This is truly interesting, mongrel.'

Yep, Gilgamesh confirms it. My Sha Nabq Imuru confirms it. That means I cannot deny what I'm seeing right now as being impossible.

Yes, you guess it folks. The Archer Class Servant that is in the Class Card is the Grand Archer, Super Orion, in his Grand status glory. I do hope there is no need to use the forbidden 3rd Noble Phantasm for Artemis. Not that I'm worried but, dying is a horrible feeling for me who had died once to be reincarnated into this world. At the very least, I can take Orion's technique as a playboy and try to rope some the women members of the chat group, now active and the next ones to come, as my women. Though, I'm not sure if the Author can pull of the romance. And, he's not talking to me yet.


After taking sometime to calm down from the surprise I got from the Archer Class Card, I then turned my attention to the Rider Class Card, glaring at it as to dare give me more surprise. Not surprisingly, the Rider Class Card do its usual work of shining and dimming down naturally with no anomalies showing up. The honor of the Rider Class Servant goes to...

Hmm, King type Servant? No, Pharaoh type Servant. A Servant whose ego and composition is only equal to Gilgamesh. It can't be helped tho. If Gilgamesh is said to be the King of Heroes, then this Servant can be said to be the King of Kings or the GodKing (Pharaoh). Well, I'm glad to have this guy cuz, he knows how to rule.

Yes, the servant I'm talking about is Ozymandias, the Egyptian Pharoah, a great and wise ruler of Egypt in the ancient times. He's not much of a fighter perse, but as I'd said above, this guy know how to rule a country and make it prosper.

And now, onto the Caster Class. When I think about Caster, a certain Beast and doctor comes into mind. Why? Why, Dr Romani? Why did you Ars Nova yourself like this? I like you man. Your a nice guy to have around and chat you know.

As for the Beast, fuck you. Fuck you for making Dr.Romani pull the Ars Nova to defeat you, getting himself killed and erased in the process. So FUCK YOU, Beast I.

Hmm? It seems that the Caster Card reacted to my small rumbling and-

gave me the 4th surprise and a little horror of the day. Instead of the Caster Card shining in golden colour, the card suddenly turned red and the symbol of Caster slowly and twistingly turned into a sign that I truly dread to see.




H-how can this be?

T-this can't be happening to me right?

I can't be the one who brings about the destruction of the whole humanity right?

Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right?

I drown myself saying the word 'Right?' again and again and again and again, still not believeing that I was the one to bring about the Inceneration of Humanity.

That is...

Until I was snapped out of it by a deep demonic voice.

"I assure you," the voice, no, Goetia said and continued, "I will not and shall not bring the Inceneration of Humanity, now that I have understand the life of a human. Further more, I'm also interested in other dimension that houses beings different from us in Nasuverse as you call it."

Goetia's words calmed me down a bit, but I can't trust him, because he is a demon and demons are not to trusted, at all. Unless,

"Once again, I assure you that I will not hate and destory humanity now that I have taken interest in them. As a sign of faith and trust, I shall grant you this. I hope to be in your care and not be incompetent like that fool, Solomon." After Goetia said his words, the glowing red card dissolves into motes and intergeates themselves into me, with 10 rings setting themselves on my fingers. I know what that rings are and what they do. If they are given to me by Goetia as a sign of trust, I let it slide for now. If I see any sign of bullshit here...

Let's leave it alone for now.

Onwards, to the Assassin Class Card.

Contary to the earlier shock and horror, the Assassin Class made its appearance in a Grand way, indicating that he is a Grand Class Assassin. And I only know one Grand Assassin. And he is...


Also known as the 1st Hassan, and Gramps by the Type-Moon community. And unlike the other Class Cards, he decided to manifest himself as the bona fide Grand Assassin.

I just stand there, basking in the cool air of death from Gramps, internally screaming in joy of getting him. In fact, the joy was too much that it offsets and dissolves the last remaining fear I had for Goetia.

After he had finished materializing, Gramps said this in his iconic voice (A/N: Kirei, I know you're there. Come out), "Do not be afarid, O Contracter. The Old Man of the Mountain hath come revealed, in answer to thy summon. I have no name. A name that is easy on the tongue would be good."

After the cool intro, Gramps look around the room and eventually set his eyes to his contracter, me and the rest of the Class Cards, floating around me. I think I'll hold the rest of the cards after I finished with the Berserker Class Card. I have enough surprises and horror for the day.

"Ahem," Gramps promted, bringing me out of my internal squealing and thinking, and continued, "It seems that the contracter has work need to be done. Continue with thy integration. I shalt await till thou art finished."

"Yeah," I replied, "I'll just do that. After I finished with the Berserker Class Card, I'll be done for the day. I'll walk you through the things come morrow. Would that be alright to you, King Hassan?"

Gramps nodded, "Thy suggestion is acceptable. Very well, I shalt wait till morrow. In the meantime, am I allowed to look over the surroundings?"

"Please do. Just do not be seen."

Gramps nods at my reply and then disappeared from my place.


And, last but not least, the Berserker Class Card. As if knowing my plight and wanting to rest for the day, the Card does it usual thing of glowing in golden light and dimming down, showing-

Arjuna Alter?

And not just the Servant Arjuna Alter, but the Arjuna Alter or [God Arjuna] from the Indian Lostbelt, the sole god of destruction, in his full power and divinity. Though, it seems that some of his aspects have been tweaked to suit me. Like how the 'Madness Enchantment EX' does not apply to me at all times except the time I get really angry. Another thing is that 'Divinity EX' only does to upgrade my body to its highhest and fullest splendor, without depleting me of my humanity. An unexpected boon but welcome.

Sigh. What rolarcoaster ride of evente huh. I sleep for now and face another round of headache and body pain.

It didn't hurt that much after the 1st integration.