
The King's Den

Love can be expressed in any kind of relationship. Love can change any form of relationship. It can change two complete strangers to a father and mother, an aloof colleague to a dear friend and an enemy mafia gang to a beloved family?? Love can break all limitations but can it break the sheer will of two bitter enemy sides? Will they be able to mold back the broken relationships or will everything go in vain?

SiriusCapella · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Found You

A very bleak sight welcomed Gabriel into the safehouse. She had come in search of Nate. The cushions and table were lined up to the wall leaving a pathway in center. Nate's computer system was behind at the end of the room. There were two chairs facing each other on the pathway and Nate was sitting on the one facing the entrance. He was clean shaven with his bright red hair well made and wore a black suit and black pants. Nate stared directly at Gabriel. The new agents that were added into her team quickly created a perimeter. A few of them checked his computer and laptop.

"All the data is gone. They have been self destructed just a few seconds ago."

Gabriel did not respond and continued returning Nate's stare.

"Who did you call, Nate?"

Nate gave a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Won't you ask me about the suit?"

Gabriel breathed out almost in a sigh.

"A black suit...what's the occasion?"

"A visit to the graves, Green Valley neighborhood"

Gabriel's demeanor changed instantly.

"Move out."

The new agents moved out on her orders leaving only Gabriel and the sole agent always by her side with Nate. Nate turned to look at him.

"So your new agents don't know about your expeditions yet? Only him?"

"Who did you call Nate? I won't ask again."

"Take a seat Gabriel."

"I am not in a mood for all this, Nate. Make this easy for yourself."


Gabriel gritted her teeth but still took the chair opposite to him.

"Who do you think my greatest enemy is, Gabriel?"

"The Terranova" Gabriel replied exasperatedly.

"Ah yes, after I was recruited, you said the people of the green valley neighborhood, my family was murdered by the Terranova while looking for me. I was angered but couldn't even visit their graves in fear of being found and killed as well. That is why I went to the far ends, forging the papers Derek and Diana had. To exact my revenge."

Nate paused for a moment, Gabriel's eyes were already on her agent.

"I think you know where I am going with this. Tell me Gabriel, why am I confused? I wonder if the Terranova is really my enemy or is it just all an illusion made by someone?"

The agent had his gun pressed against Nate's head.

"All of them, murdered in cold blood. The murders were linked to one single case: a missing boy. They had tried to find me after I joined the SIO and the SIO murdered them. No no, it was you who had them killed. All of this for what?"

"How much do you know?"

"I know you murdered many people and used agents as your pawns. I know that you killed the agents who opposed your ideas. I know you wish to be promoted. I know you wish to become the director and take control of the SIO. I know you would do anything to reach that."

Gabriel grabbed Nate by the collar and threw him to the ground. She took the gun from the agent and shot next to him.

"Who else knows?"

Nate defiantly looked at the gun with cold eyes like a sharp icicle cutting through the wind.

"You lost the right to ask questions when you involved Derek and Diana. You should have never touched them."

"You were so much better when you were obedient."

Gabriel understood that there was no point on threatening him further like this. She flung the gun back to the agent.

"Take him to the warehouse. Get what we need and finish him off there."

Nate snickered.

"Another one of your expeditions? You won't get a better hacker than me."

"Regrettably so." Gabriel muttered gritting her teeth and left.

Nate was handcuffed and taken in a car. The car moved steadily through the streets. Nate was accompanied by three other agents. The one with Gabriel was sitting beside him on the backseat. Nate quietly gazed at the speeding signs and vehicles. The agent was glaring at him but Nate ignored him.

At a certain point, Nate's lips moved.




Nate bent down immediately with his hands above his head. Soft pops were heard, the car halted. Nate straightened himself after a few minutes. The driver was already unconscious on the steering wheel. So was the agent on the front. The agent beside Nate however was still slightly conscious. He removed the tranquilizer dart from his neck. The windows had small holes through which the darts came in.

Nate casually took the keys from the agent's pocket and unlocked himself. He boldly exited the car and walked towards another car parked on the other side of the road. He entered the back seat. Nate solemnly looked at the man who was waiting for him.

"We have kept our side of the bargain. Now it's your turn."

Nate cordially shook hands with him.

"Don't worry, I will give you all the information that you need."


Upon exiting the washroom, the same footsteps followed me like a shadow. It was vexing to the point of me wanting to tackle him to the ground. Even Damian was better company.

"Why do you have to cling around, Julian? Isn't this your place?"


"Yeah yeah, boss' orders. Geez how many times do you have to repeat that?" I retorted exasperated.

It's been a week since our arrival here in Terranova's mansion and Eric, our 'oldest brother' has not made any attempts to approach and discuss about the next course of actions nor would he allow me to meet him. Our injuries are getting better and Derek is recovering well too. Freya assured me that he will be out of his coma soon. But whenever talks come to us having to leave or us being their enemies, be it Freya or Damian, they conveniently change topics to something else. But I am sure Eric has been watching and listening to everything about us. Derek is probably a wanted fugitive by now for not appearing as witness plus contempt of court and I, his accomplice. On returning to Derek's side, Julian was whispering through his earpiece.

"The boss wishes to meet you"

"What if I say no"

"He said it's fine either way"

I scoffed, he is going to get a mouthful for that. The path was divided into various corridors almost like a maze. We finally reached a simple office style room with a huge table on the end. Eric raised his head as if expecting my rebukes. But it seemed like he had something else more important at the moment.

"Why did you call me?"

One of his eyebrows raised in a slight surprise. He seemed to be expecting a brat, it's funny how they treat us like little children who don't know shit. My steady eyes made his lips rise. He hid it well.

"Someone has found out about you both. Be ready to me-"

The door banged open and in barged Damian shouting gibberish.


He stopped on noticing me.

"Why is she here?" he paced so quickly and grabbed my hand before I could protest and began leading me out.

"No." Eric's stern voice stopped him on his tracks.

"Are you out of your mind, Eric?"

"I said no" commanded Eric and that was end of the any opposition. On dealing with Damian, he turned back to me.

"As I was saying, someone from the government side has found about you."

"Nate?" I managed to whisper out in surprise. Could it be really him? It would be the only logical explanation if the person is on the government side.

"Who's Nate?" came the question in unison.

"Is it the SIO?" I persisted not caring to answer. Eric held a long look at my face and replied.

"No, someone worse."


"Worse than me" Damian mumbled. The suspense was not helping, why are they being so hesitant about the mysterious visitor?


The door opened and Julian announced the person's arrival. I would never forget that face. Those eyes. Those hazel eyes again. This time, they were clear and had an inscrutable sharpness to them. He gave a quick nod to Eric and Eric responded back the same. He pointed his hand to me.

"This is Diana, our sister."

Once those eyes fell on me, they never moved even to the slightest. Not even bothering about the fact that he was surrounded by the deadliest mafia men in the city, his steps made it steadily towards me with his assistant by his side.

"The long lost one?"


"That explains a lot." he replied casually. Their sense of familiarity was starting to bother me.

"This is..." Eric said trying to make an introduction to me. But he was cut off.

"Dominic Knight, You must have heard about me" he said courteously.

His hand extended to me for a handshake. Cautiously, I put my hand out to meet his. One shake and before I could retrieve it, he tugged my hand hard pulling me close to him. My eyes widened as his cologne hit me and I could feel his breath. I tensed up trying to unclasp his hand from mine.

"I finally found you...Angel Eyes" he whispered with a smile.