
The King's Chosen

King Lucien has decided that he wouldn't wait for is counsel to get him a bride again,since the first one they got cheated. He decided on having a competition were all the madien could participate,be it a noble or a commoner. He doesn't do love,he just wanted the vacant throne of a queen to be filled up. Rosy a small town girl who had gone through betrayal of her bestfriend and boyfriend decided to join the competition,not for the crown but for the allowance that would be given to her mum while she was away so they could pay up their debt.

Happiness_Daniyan · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Two

I skipped down the stairs as I made my way to the kitchen were my mum was cooking, I was very happy since Lauren came two days ago after I sent her to help me check on Wilson stating that he was doing fine.

She said he was pre- occupied that was why he could'nt come to see me and he also sent me chocolates which were one of my favourites.

 "Hey mum, what are you up to this beautiful morning" I asked smiling at her as she turned towards me.


   " Darling you look bright, I was just arranging the milk incase it was to be ordered for, so I won't need to start preparing it again" she said as she picked up the tray of milk,placing it on the kitchen cabinet " that reminds me, have you thought about it dear"

  I stared at her and grumbled, my mum has been trying to persuade me to join the contest since it had been announced that the King needs a bride and all the single maiden from the age bracket of twenty to twenty eight are welcome to fill the form and get the chance to be the next Queen. Twenty of those who filled the form will be personally hand pick by the kingsmen to competite to be the queen.

" Come on mum you know I can't, i'm too young for that, I turned twenty just last two weeks ago and if it says they are looking for a maiden close to twenty eight years old, it means the king might be very old.


Since I had been in the kingdom I have never seen the king nor a sketch of him, i'm sure that goes for others too, since it was said that the King hated public attention and liked walking around his people freely, going around to inspect their daily lives without them noticing that he was around. So even if the king where to walk past me I wouldn't even recognize him. He was also said to be very ruthless and it was said that he killed his own bride to be a while back because she kind off cheated on him with one of his guards and the guard is being punished and burnt every day for the rest of his life since the king wanted to make him an example for any one who dared defile him.

" Honey i'm not telling you to go there to win, I just want you to stay for the first two weeks or so, so that the daily allowance that will be sent to me while you are there will be used to pay our bills and pay up to the loans I took or else our only property which is this house will be taken away from us" she said trying to convince me.


 " Mum I can' t, I have a boyfriend remember? What is he going to think of me? but don't worry i'm going to go out there and look for a job so that I can assist in paying off the debt"

She sighed as she stared at me "but honey it won't be enough, if you were to join the competition the two weeks allowance can pay off some crucial debts and even feed us and we don't even have time to wait for you to find a job, the deadline is closely approaching. Honey talk to your so called boyfriend i'm sure he would understand, no?"

My mum had never been a fan of Wilson,she said he was too pompous and rude, stating that he just wanted to use me, but I love Wilson...or maybe close to love and he cares about me alot "mum you should give him a chance already,he has practically done everything possible to make you like him"

"Baby it's not that I don't like him, I just think that he is not the one for you" she said as she continued rummaging through the kitchen.

" Ok, i'm going off to Lauren's now, see ya later" I said as I took off....




 I stood at her front door banging on the door but no one was answering, I guess Mrs Winter Lauren's mum is not around and it seems like the maids are all busy, I open the door since it wasn't locked and headed upstairs , since her mum told me I didn't need to knock that i'm always welcome. 

As I got closer to her room I could hear distinct argument. 'What could be going on,' I thought, 'who could she be arguing with,hope she is fine,' all those thoughts ran through my head as I got closer to the door.

When I got to the door I heard a familiar voice, I did'nt mean to eavesdrop but could'nt hold back as I placed my ear on her door.




" Babe you have been avoiding me, you know I have missed you alot" 

  " Don't give me that crap!!, I feel kind of guilty, you should break up with her already, I feel like i'm being used" I heard Lauren say.

"Come on you know she means nothing to me,you are the one I love, she is just my plaything, I will break up with her once I get what I want from her" I sob quietly trying to keep my voice down as I heard Wilson's familiar voice.

" Wilson stop this, just break up with her already or do you still want her? "

" Ofcourse not, why will I want that piece of trash when I have you" wow I would never have thought it was the overly sweet Wilson speaking.

"Then break up already, we should be preparing for our marriage and not talking about her, leave her alone, i'm carrying your child already"


It was like a blow given to me on the head with a hammer, I choked as I turned the door handle, opening the door to get a sure view of what I thought was happening.

" Lau...Lauren" I choked covering my mouth at the sight in front of me, Lauren was in his arms and they were practically eating each other's mouth, they were so engrossed to notice the door being pulled opened but when they heard my voice they pulled apart turning my way in shock.


" Rosy, it .... it's not what you think I...I was going to tell you about it.." Lauren stuttered coming towards me while Wilson smirked at me, not looking even a tiny bit remorseful , I just could'nt take it as I swirled around and ran out.

"Rosy!!Rosy!!!" I could hear Lauren calling out to me, a knife cut through my chest as I heard Wilson say.

" Babe let her be, what are you sorry about? does she think I really love her?, I just wanted to have my fun with her " I continued running as tears blurred my vision......



I moved inside my house as I saw my mum sitting on our single couch reading, she dropped the book when she noticed me 

" Darling, you are home, what took you so long?"

I could'nt reply, as I feared that I might break down in front of her if I opened my mouth to talk 

But I used every strenght left in me to blurt out the first thing that came to my head.." mum i'm going to fill the form for the competition, I will go fill it tomorrow" I said and ran straight to my room while I hear my mum calling out to me, I just could'nt face her with my state, I don't want her to be worried about me.


I lay on my bed looking upward to the stars through my window, wandering how I never noticed that Wilson and lauren were together.

I knew I was just ignorant  because there were signs when we were together, how they sent themselves secret smiles and held hands when they thought I was not watching but me being me, the person I was could'nt figure it out. I was too naive to notice what was going on.

She is even pregnant with his child and they were planning on getting married. I never thought Wilson loved me but I believed that at least he cared for me not knowing that i was just one of his conqests. What do I expect? A noble like him loving a lowlife like me?why was I dreaming,that only happens in fairy tales .

I just hope I get picked for the competition , so I can make my self useful for my mum even if I don't intend to be Queen and I really want to get away from the pain for a while.

I called myself a coward but that's what I really want to do, runaway from my pains .
