
The Kindest Demon Hunter Nym

This is the tale of a human boy who decides to follow a goddess of death to hunt down demons and creatures from hell and purgatory. The twist is this young man is freshly on his own and is extremely kind. Will this be his down fall or will it allow him to rise to the task?

Tensa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Nym’s Departure

I wake to the sound of people outside being loud. Sitting up slowly and groggily I look around to found that I'm in my own house. Considering I live just outside of the town I shouldn't hear so many people.

Getting up slowly I head to the door and open it to see at least half the town outside. It's evening so they have torches too. Benny and Danny are in front of the door for some reason and the air feels heavy. "Benny? What's going on?"

As soon as I speak the townsfolk start screaming all at once. It takes me a minute to realize what they are saying and I feel my face grow hot as my vision blurs.

"It's your fault that beast showed up!"

"My husband is dead because of you, freak!

"How dare you stay here after what you've done!?"

I stammer as I try to speak. "W-what..? B-but I…" I'm drowned out by the shouting until the mayor of the steps forward, the crowd falling silent. "Th-thank you elder…" I sniffle a bit and wipe my face. "I don't under-"

I'm cut short as the back of the old elf's hand strikes my cheek, causing me to stumble. I don't see what happens next too clearly but as the elder starts to speak Danny splashes his face with a potion.

The elders lips move but no sound comes out. He looks puzzled, then furious. As he turns to Danny I watch as she calmly pulls another vial out of her side pouch and uncorks it, blowing the fumes in the elders face.

He winces and stumbles back as his nose wrinkles like he smelled something awful before starting to violently throw up. The only sound coming from him though is the gross gags as he tries to stop it, dropping to his knees.

Now the towns people start to shout again but are silenced by intense wind. I watch in silent terror as my two best friends try to protect me. Thankfully the wind magic coming from Benny is just gusts of strong wind, causing the torches to nearly go out.

Though someone still steps forward. A young woman the same age as me I believe. She got to continue the adventurers academy when I didn't. And she is the elders grand daughter.

Benny snarls at her in an angry tone. "Oh is little miss Bella gonna try and smack the injured kid next? I blew you all back into town once with wind magic. Don't push it." Benny seems furious. I try to calm him but Bella speaks first.

"Nym. You are to leave the town at once. You are hereby banished for bringing calamity and the deaths of three men." Before I can protest she turns to Danny. "You shall be tried for attacking our elder and the town mayor, a public official." She then turns to Benny. "And you shall be tried for attacking numerous people at once when you blew them back towards the town. you will both likely be given the death penalty."

"Wait!" I interrupt. "Please stop all of this! This is because I chose to become a demon hunter right? Then I'll pack some things and leave peacefully. But please leave them out of it. They are just trying to protect me."

Bella stares daggers at me for a long few moments before nodding and helping her grandfather up. They and the towns people leave shortly after and I sigh, leaning against the door frame. "What happened..?"

Benny looks at me with a sigh. "You killed the troll. They're scared of you."

"What? How? I don't remember anything…"

"I'm not too sure. From where I was it looked like the trolls own shadow tangled around it and you came rushing in with a black flame around your arm. Punched it through to the core which stunned it just long enough for you to punch a hole through its head. The flames stopped it from recovering too."

I stare at him in confusion and wipe my face again. "I don't understand…"

Benny shrugs. "I'm as helpless as you. It didn't seem to be magic as far as I could tell. And you saved Danny and the kid. That's all that matters. Now go pack up and get some rest. You got a big day tomorrow."

I nod and reluctantly head inside to prepare. As I do I see moms locket and pick it up. Opening it reveals a picture of mom, dad, and me. Smiling sadly I put it over my head and finish packing before heading to bed.


The next day I leave the house with a backpack. Benny and Danny are waiting by the main path. Benny hands me a small box. "The city is a week or so down this path. Use this to have a weapon made for it."

I stare at the small box in confusion and open it. Inside are 3 connected chain links that look beat up. "How are you supposed to make a weapon with this?" I look back to Benny in confusion.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "That's the core of a demonic chain beast. The same one your father risked his life to stall. These elves are ungrateful asses. The adventurer that came left this behind and said to give it to you when you became an adventurer. Monster cores are infused into weapons, giving them various abilities. Not sure what chains would do though. Find a good smith to make your weapon even if it'll be pricey."

I nod, smiling a bit. "I don't have much money though."

Danny shakes her head and holds out a pouch. "Take this. It should be more than enough." As I try to refuse she just opens my pack and sets it inside. "Consider this my farewell gift. Stay safe Nym." She gives a peck on the cheek before running off, leaving me standing speechless and Benny laughing.

"Stay safe kid. And come visit in a few years when things have calmed." He claps my shoulder before heading back to town too.

I sigh and smile a bit as I watch them go before turning and leaving myself.