
The Kindest Demon Hunter Nym

This is the tale of a human boy who decides to follow a goddess of death to hunt down demons and creatures from hell and purgatory. The twist is this young man is freshly on his own and is extremely kind. Will this be his down fall or will it allow him to rise to the task?

Tensa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Nym’s Decision and Trial

I debated it for a long while but it seems hard and harder to think. Does this mean I really am dying? Or is my consciousness just fading. Either way that isn't good so I need to make a decision.

"Tena? I'll try… I can't promise I'll be a great hunter but I'll try."

The woman appears again, smiling this time. "That is all I ask. First though I'll need to test you. Most people I make hunters used to belong to something called an adventurers guild. Therefore they have experience. You will be fighting three imps. Small red creatures with horns that can spit fire."

I nod in understanding, actually a bit excited for this. I got to go to the academy for a short while and I liked to practice but I haven't had the chance since. I wonder if I can even do it.

Tena speaks again, still smiling. "Is there a particular weapon you want?"

I think for awhile before settling on something simple. "A short sword." She nods and one appears before me. It's simple but looks sturdy. Grabbing the hilt I smile a bit as I look it over.

My attention is pulled away from it as three dark shadows appear, compressing to form three creatures with red skin and black horns pointing towards the back of their heads. They have jagged teeth and chatter eagerly. They are also only like two foot tall.

"Um… are they really dangerous?" I'm skeptical given how small they are. Sure they have claws and sharp teeth but that doesn't mean much.

Tena doesn't answer so I approach them and pick one up under the arm pits. "See? They don't seem too bad. Actu-" I didn't finish my sentence as I have to drop the imp just before it spits fire.

Backing away quickly I pick my sword back up, Tena chuckling in amusement before she speaks. "Any damage you take will be added to your body. I suggest you be careful."

Frowning I glance to her for a moment before having to focus at the three imps now charging me. One jumps up at me while another stays low. The third stays back.

I twist my upper body to avoid the one the jumped and kick my foot up, hitting the low one in the stomach and sending it flying away.

I sigh as I straighten up only to fall back on to my butt to avoid a fire ball the third one spat at my head. I quickly get up again and move to the side so I can see all three again.

This time when they try the same thing I swing the sword horizontally while stepping back, managing to cut the one that jumped into two pieces. Unfortunately the one that's low bites down on my calf, causing me to scream in pain and try to shake it off like a small dog.

Before I can get it off the third one spits more fire at me. I hold my arms up to protect my face causing them to be burnt pretty badly. Panting I plunge the end of the sword into the head of the imp that was latching onto my leg.

As soon as it lets go I limp away from it a bit and stare at the last one. It screeches at me. I wince and start to approach to finish this, only to have to roll to the side as it spits more fire at me. I stumble to my feet, wincing due to my leg.

I spend the next several minutes trying to find a way to get close and dodging its fire before I get fed up and just throw my sword tip-first. I regret this instantly since I no longer have a weapon.

The balance of the sword isn't suited to be thrown so the tip starts to dip towards the ground. I get lucky as it embeds in the things stomach, causing it to squeal in pain. I limp over and pull the sword free before stabbing it in the head.

I fall onto my back, panting and in pain. I hear Tena as she chuckles and approaches. "Certainly not what I expected but you did well. I will grant you my blessing and a second life. Pray to me when you need guidance." And with that I passed out. I think.


Danny is sitting next to Nym and watching him worriedly. She keeps looking to the healers who are working on the sudden bite wound on his calf. She stands and backs up a bit as a hissing sound is heard and the back of his arms burn.

More healers are rushed in as Danny panics to tend to his new and sudden injury. Though this only lasts a few minutes as Nym's hair suddenly changes from black to a light green, usually associated with wind magic.

They are all left stunned as they stare at this before quickly go back to tending his injuries. Only Danny notices the necklace that has also appeared. An hour glass with vibrant green sand.

"Tena's symbol..?" Danny mutters as she looks it over. The other elves look to it and frown. The oldest healer shaking his head.

"Did he make a deal with the goddess of eternal rest?" One of the others asks, looking a bit conflicted.

"This doesn't mean anything." Danny retorts. "Let's wait for him to wake and find out what happened. You all know Nym would never hurt anyone."

They all nod and go back to tending his injuries and Danny sits back down, taking Nym's hand.