
Chapter 1- New days

'Elliot. Come downstairs. You don't want to be late for your first day!' My mom yelled from the kitchen.

'Yes Mom. Coming!'

I packed my bags, crossed the list of things to keep and looked at my room, one last time.

I was leaving because I recieved a sports scholarship to a new high school. It was pretty big and most of the rich and popular kids went there.

I never really had many friends from the beginning except for one girl. She and I have been friends since kindergarten. She saved me from 5 kids who used to bully me every day. From that day we were inseparable. She had deep blue eyes and was blonde. She is an amazing person and I would do anything to keep her in my life and never let her go.

'Hey kid! Where are you lost?' My mom snapped at my face.

'Nowhere mom. Just feeling bad about leaving.' I sighed.

'That's okay. You have me!' She peeked from behind my mother.

'Elyria!' I said excitedly

She squealed and hugged me tight.

We both got the scholarship together. We were both moving to the same high school. We were really excited and happy.

'You kids speak and come downstairs soon!' My mom told and went down.

'How was Italy?'

'Eh. Boring. Hanging out with my mother and her new husband was the only fun thing. She was happy.' She told and sat on the bed.

Elyria's parents had a divorce when we were 10. She was pretty hurt. She stayed in our home almost a week. And her mother got married two years back.

'Well if she is happy, I am happy.' She told beaming at me. She never got over the divorce. But as time passed she respected their decision.

'Well. Lets go then. We have a long day ahead!' I told and we went down.

'Hey Elliot. Excited?' Her dad asked.

Her dad and my dad are really close friends. He comes home often with Elyria. We are like a family.

'Yes! Very much!' I said and sat on the chair.

We had our breakfast and my dad drove us to our new school 'GOLDEN MEADOWS'. It was so huge. 7 school buildings of 6 storey each. And there was a college 15 minutes further than the school.

'Woah!' My mom gasped.

We reached our dorm. We were both assigned in the same room with 4 others. We took the elevator as it was on the 5th floor. The door was closed. We knocked on it and a red haired girl opened it.

'Hey! New roommates? I am Abby' she told smiling and opened the door wide for us to enter.

'Hey Abby. I am Elyria'

'And I am Elliot' I told entering inside the room. Our parents were right behind us.

The room was huge and it was tidy and creatively decorated.

'Hey I am Robbie. You can call me Ro!' A brown haired guy spoke.

'And Iam Tim and this is my twin sister Jim' two unidentical twins crashed us in a hug.

'And I am Kelly!' A black haired bob girl greeted us with a smile.

'Hello everyone. Well weren't we assigned to four others? But...' before I could finish Robbie spoke.

'Well don't worry boy. I am in the opposite room. I hang out here because Abby is my cousin!'

Our parents helped us settle in our rooms. We had 3 rooms and 2 people in it. I and Elyria were in one room. Abby and Kelly in other and the twins in another room. Our parents said goodbyes and left. We sat on the couch and everyone seemed polite and we spoke for sometime. We got to know almost everything about each other and it was almost time for our first class. We all had the same first class. English literature. We went to the class and sat in the first row. They were intelligent. Just like us. I and Elyria were both toppers in our old school.

We finished our classes and all of us met in the cafeteria. We were having our lunch when some people entered the cafeteria.

People fell silent. 14 people entered in a group and people sitting in one of the table got up and left them space. That's when I saw her. She had long black hair and green eyes. She wore black skinny jeans and a transparent top over a neon pink bralette. Her lips were deep pink and she had light blue hair highlights.

She sat down next to a little muscular guy who was a brunette and wore all black. Black leather jacket, jeans and shirt. I snapped out of my hypnosis when they both started making out.

I should have known better than crushing on such hot girls.

I turned to Abby and asked her who they were.

She pointed towards them and lowered her voice 'You asking about them?'

I nodded. 'The people who sat there got up when they entered.' I told my eyes locked on the girl.

'You don't want to hear it boy. They are like the satan group. The richest. The hottest. They are really sweet to be honest. They aren't mean to people. But if you cross them you will never be in this school.' Abby answered.

'Wait what?' I asked turning my face towards Abby.

'We have 15 minutes till our next class. We will tell you everything about them.' Kelly told.


This is my first chapter. Hope you all liked it.

Lots of Love.


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