

I realized when i was 14 that there's actually two spirits to my soul but i was too ignorant to explore any of them. I grew up in family of Christians and i'd always go to church with my family and feel nor hear anything. I thought maybe it was because i was too young and simply not interested in what the bible says but i found out later that it was actually the other way round, my spirits were fighting against each other and bad enough the killer in me had more power than the saint in me.

It all started at a Christmas dinner with all family members from both sides. I was preparing dinner with my other siblings and my mom when i felt a sudden urge to point a sharp knife at my little sister, i had no ability to control how i react or feel i assume the spirit always took over me and do whatever that was needed and i would be left confused to find myself in a strange situation without any idea of what exactly happened. My sister screamed so loud that day and i was a bit confused on why she was actually screaming that loud and even shaking. My mom was a bit concerned after my little sister told her what i unknowingly did so i was stopped from cooking then i quickly ran straight to my room, on my last step i felt something walking besides and i stopped to look around, the door of my room slowly opened then i fearlessly walked through that door and something slammed it so hard that my heart skipped multiple beats at once. I searched around my room and there was absolutely nothing, i then walked to my window but the exact minute i walked passed my mirrior i saw a strange vision of a lady in white torn dress and i thought i was hallucinating then i closed my eyes for a couple of seconds until i heard soft footsteps slowly approaching me, the closer the footsteps got the louder my heartbeat went. I opened my eyes to see if there was anyone in my room but i terrified to open my eyes to an ugly creature far distance than it sounded, i stepped a bit closer to see if i notice the women but the closer i got the more distant she went.

I was distracted from the act by a scream from the second room, and when i looked around the strange weird women was gone i then ran to see who was screaming and i surprisingly found my cousin on fire and burning to ashes but i just stood there watching her burn, i was fighting so hard to move and help her but i couldn't move an inch, my body was trapped by something more powerful and the fact that i could see her screaming but i couldn't hear her voice but the music downstairs had me thinking i was dreaming but she was there, screaming and rolling on the floor and the more she tried to scream the louder the music downstairs went, it is painful to see your loved dying and knowing you can't do anything but just stand there and watch it all happen, i shed a tear when i saw her giving her heart away and the exact moment she lost her breath i could move, it was as if my life depends on her either i stand there not breathing or she gives away.

I stood there trying to figure out what i've done to upset the universe that i experience such scenes, why my world was full of unearthly scenarios and why i was a threat to people around me but it was useless to ask all those questions because no one was there to answer. My knees suddenly felt week and a second i was on my knees when my family entered the room, i was so much in pain that i cried out so loud but no one bothered to comfort me, "She killed her" said my younger sister but i was so confused on whether what happened was really true that i lost the energy to stand out and explain what happened because either way no one would've believed me. They all stood there crying and pointing at the fire starter that was in my hand out of pain i smiled looking at the mirrior hoping to see the person who's responsible for the action but she wasn't there.

An ambulance was called and all necesarry things were conducted but i was patiently sitting near my mirrior waiting to see the monster that killed my cousin, hours and hours passed by and i just sat there and waited, after all the hours of waiting i then heard a drop of liquid from the top of my ceiling when i looked up i saw a message written in cursive " You are me, and i am you" i suddenly felt my blood rush to my hand vein, i quickly looked at it and my vein was full of black blood and the pressure was too much that i had to let it burst, it was the most painful i ever felt but she stood there and smiled with her black cracked lips, "You are one of us now" she said. Before i could think of anything i was already laying on the floor weaker than i ever felt and then i blacked out. I wasn't aware that my younger sister was at my witnessing the strange women possess me, she stood there without the ability of moving or screaming.(still to continue)