

Once upon a time there lived a man ,David. He was known for his intelligence all around . He was the son of a great minister Austin ,who had spent all his life in the court of King Noshad as a dignified minister. He wanted his son to serve as a minister in the court of king Noshad as he had done in his entire life. The entire kingdom was in vain when Austin was to die due to his old age. He had promised the king that his son will serve him as a great Minister and will always follow his command.The King accepted his words and made his son and gave his son a dignified position in his court as the new Minister.

As time went, everyone in the kingdom came to know about the intelligence of the new Minister,David. The King was very proud of the new Minister in the court. He was so able that he use to solve major problems within a minute. Due to intelligence he mad his kingdom very wealthy .The King with his Minister won many battles in a very small period of time. Slowly his powers started to increase and his army became much stronger,the whole kingdom was happy by his King .The king lived in Iran. He became so powerful that he made his control all neighboring countries such as China , Myanmar, Uzbekistan and many other small countries. The King was too happy and proud of his Minister. Slowly the Minister became so famous that his kingdom was known by him ,not by the king's name. Many great countries kings sent him an offer to join his army and serve as a Minister in their court. But the minister was too loyal to his king as well as he had not forgotten his promise which he did to his father. Slowly the Minister's demand overtook the dignity of the king. But the minister was very loyal and didn't show his power or arrogance towards the king. He had a lot of respect towards his mighty king. He always see him as his mentor . But the King started to feel jealous with his Minister. The king thought that if it all goes like this,one day the Minister will took his power and the kingdom will also accept him as the new king without any hesitation. So the King started to make plans how to throw the minister from his kingdom. He knew that he cannot directly give him an order to leave his kingdom because he needs a very strong reason to do so and he hadn't done any mistake too. So he made a plan that he will indirectly prove him wrong .King Noshad had a son called prince Thomas .Thomas was a very proud ,arrogant ,greedy ,rude and cunning as a fox. He was happy in his own life full of leisure. The king made a plan with his son to throw the Minister out of his kingdom. The son accepted his father's order and was ready to do so. A plan was made and he was blamed for the ornaments that were kept in the secret room which was known only by the King and the minister.The whole kingdom was schoked when they came to know that the minister was the culprit in the case . The Minister tried his best to defend himself but was unable to do so. He was scolded by the King in the court. The King scolded and said that he was the greedy son of a greedy father. The Minister couldn't control himself and said that due to his father's sacrifice he had reached till here which was absolutely true. He immediately left the king's court and promised the King that one day he had to pay for it .He was filled up with vain when he was leaving the court. This was the place where he had made his dignity and respect and also losed it ,both at the same place. He took an oath that he will succeed King Noshad who was now one of the most powerful King all around. David came to started leaving in the court of King Edward. Edward was a very wise man ,he was a man of his words ,he made all his efforts that can be made by a King to keep his kingdom happy and wealthy. He also wanted to kill King Noshad as he had killed Edward's father in a battle about 13 yrs ago. Thus,the minister found the way by which he would gain his lost self respect in the eyes of people and himself. The Minister and the mentors living in King Edward's kingdom started to train the King and his army wisely in order to defeat the arrogant King ,King Noshad . The training took about a year and all the soldiers as well as the King were ready.

A message was sent to King Noshad that the Iranian King wanted a war from him . King Noshad was extremely surprised because he was unable to know the reason behind the war. He was ready for the war. Both the kings and their army were ready. The world was going to see one of the greatest war in history ever. Many smaller kingdoms King joined the war. One of the greatest war was going to take place. It was very clear that the winning King will rule all over Asia. The Kings of the country Turkey, Saudi,Oman and Syria were in the army of King Edward and King Noshad had a huge army of countries Mongolia, China,Korea and many others .

The names were different at that time but the places were same. The day arrived on which the war was to be held. King Noshad was surprised to see his Minister David on the opposite side in the battlefield. He came to know the reason behind this war. King was full of angry and promised himself to kill both ,the Minister and the King. He was knowing that it was not an easy task to kill the Minister ,as he was full of talents even he had a huge army with him. Millions of soldiers were gathered at a place .

Finally,the war started and both the armies started fighting each other. In a minute, thousands of soldiers were killed ,blood were seen all around both the kings were having such a great ministers and soldier that it was even hard to defend them . They were so well trained that it was even hard to touch them in crowd of millions. The soldiers were so huge in numbers that the war could not end in a day. With the help of his wise minister David , king's Edward army was leading. The opposite team of King Noshad had also killed their opposite Minister and soldiers. On the second day ,the war started with the alarm ,the same scenes could be seen on the second day. It's a famous proverb that quantity doesn't matters in front of quality. This is the reason why we have seen thousand of wars in history were the King with small no.of soldier had conquered the bigger one due to their quality of fight. The same case was with Kings Noshad's army . Even they were huge in numbers but they were not better than King Edward's army troop.It was because of the training given by minister David to the army of King Edward. Thus the entire army of King Noshad were killed and King Noshad was taken with them in the court of King Edward as a prisoner. His all area were taken under the kingdom of King Edward and he became the King of entire Asia. Finally,King Noshad realized his mistake and gave him the reason why he did so with the minister. Finally the minister was able to take back his self respect. The people came to know the real reason behind the matter .King Edward made the Minister the King of that region.Thus the Minister proved that there is nothing big than the self respect of a man .We should have patience and we will be given the things which we deserve.