
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

The Bell Test and Crowded Shiki

The very next morning, the trio of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura stood in the Third Training Ground waiting for the late Kakashi. When their sensei finally arrived he gave some random excuse as to why he was late, earning the ire of his students. He then followed by explaining what their test would be after setting a timer down on a log.

"After I say start, we'll be having a survival training exercise! Your goal is to take these two bells from be until the afternoon, those who can't will have failed the test and be sent back to the academy, not only that, they will be tied to the logs over there and go with no lunch while I eat mine in front of them!"

'So that's why he lod us not to eat breakfast today.'

'So that's why he lod us not to eat breakfast today dattebayo.'

'I even skipped dinner last night! I shouldn't have gone on a diet!'

Though the trio as they heard the explanation but then Sakura made an obvious observation.

"But sensei, there are only two bells for the three of us!"

"That's right! Which means at least one of you will end up tied to the logs and thus fail. By the way you're allowed to use shuriken and other ninja tools. If you don't come at me with the intention to kill,, you'll never take these bells."

Unlike the anime Naruto just kept quiet his training with Shiki didn't only involve practising jutsu and sparring he also taught him to fight, evaluate enemies and choose the best line of attack. Thus he knew that fighting a jounin would be extremely hard.

Sakura still had a small outburst but everyone ignored her. After a few seconds, Kakashi announced the start of the exercise.


Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a look and then.


The trio bolted from their position into the forest, Naruto dragging Sakura with him as he followed Sasuke.

Sakura tried to fight but stopped after hearing Sasuke.

"Usuratonkachi! Why did you bring the deadweight!?"

Sakura froze not knowing how to respond.

"Well, having one more couldn't hurt our chances right?" Defended Naruto.

"Don't you remember Shiki's advice? A useless aly is worse than a competent enemy!" Countered Sasuke.

"Sakura-chan is not useless dattebayo!" Started Naruto. "Probably . . ." He continued in a low voice.

"Whatever." Relented Sasuke. "Let's move to that clearing and hash out a battle plan."

"Roger tebayo!" Responded Naruto while Sakura observed the two while being immensely surprised at how well they worked together.

After they arrived at the clearing they quickly decided on a formation. They would set traps in the surrounding area, Sakura would be in charge of this as well as of when to activate them should it be required. Naruto would be in charge of probing Kakashi's ability and luring him with his shadow clones. Sasuke would launch a blitz attack as soon as Kakashi reached the clearing. If that failed Naruto and Sasuke would be the main fighters and attempt to guide him towards the traps.

Sakura was dumbfounded at the efficiency of the two boys in hashing out a plan. In truth, since they had fought Shiki as a team many times before, this was nothing out of the ordinary.

Sakura started to set the traps, Sasuke hid and began to gather chakra for a powerful fire jutsu while Naruto sent a couple of shadow clones to attack Kakashi and draw him in.

Kakashi hadn't moved from his initial position.

'Hmm they retreated quite easily in the beginning, they're not even close by . . . What are they planning?' But just as he thought this he detected someone approaching from underground.

Naruto burst from the ground attacking Kakashi who simply backstepped but another Naruto was waiting for him there, reaching for the bells. Kakashi was surprised at the multi layered attack but disappointed he came alone and jumped to avoid the attack after which yet another naruto was waiting for him.

'This kid! Shadow clones and used quite skillfully too!'

Kakashi skillfully parried the third Naruto's blow and tossed him away "popping" the shadow clone. The first Naruto then pressed the assault while the other ran to the forest. Deducing that the escaping Naruto was the real one, Kakashi quickly got rid of the clone and pursued the running Naruto.

Meanwhile, at the clearing, Sasuke asked Naruto while focusing his chakra.

"How was it?"

"He's strong dattebayo! The only way I see us winning is getting the bells with the initial attack while he still thinks I'm acting alone!" Answered Naruto.

"Get into position then." Said Sasuke prompting Naruto to do an ok sign and hide underground.

Kakashi caught up fairly easily at a clearing and started talking.

"You're pretty good but there's no way an Academy graduate like you could take a bell alone."

"We'll see about that tebayo!" Shouted Naruto as he attacked.

Kakashi sighed while thinking the kid just didn't get it. but as Kakashi caught Naruto's strike, he was surprised when instead of trying to break free, Naruto instead held on tighter while saying.


Kakashi then looked up to see Sasuke above them in the sky but when his attention was drawn up, a second Naruto grabbed his ankles from underground.

'Fire Style: Great Dragon Flame Jutsu!'

The boosted B-rank fire jutsu of Sasuke hit the ground causing an explosion.

'Did I get him?' Sasuke raised a flag and for it was rewarded with the ashes of an incinerated log.

Having lost sight of Kakashi, Sasuke quickly activated his Sharingan allowing him to see his underground attack. Jumping to avoid, Sasuke quickly wove two hand signs.

'Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!'

Despite being greeted with a powerful fireball as soon as he reached the surface, Kakashi still managed to dodge . . . Right into the range one of the prepared traps that Sakura immediately activated, causing kunai to fly out of several directions at him.

Kakashi countered with his Shuriken knocking a few of them out of the sky opening an escape route but Sasuke beat him there with his Lightning Style: Overdrive.

And just as Kakashi defended himself from Sasuke, the real Naruto burst out of the ground and actually managed to snatch the bells causing Kakashi to just stare at both of them dumbfounded.

Sakura then came out of the nearby bushes and after Naruto stared at the bells in his hand for a bit he tossed one to Sasuke and another one to Sakura.



Inquisitively said Sakura and Sasuke.

"Don't look at me like that tebayo! I'll just prepare myself for Shiki's punishment and try next time!"

Sakura didn't know what to say, as for Sasuke . . .

"Tch!" He sounded out as he threw his bell back to Naruto later saying. "Training with Shiki is probably better than going on genin D-rank missions anyway!"



Kakashi looked on, amazed at the two boys and coughed to draw their attention.

"Hate to break up your show of friendship but . . . All of you have passed! Congratulations!"

"Heh?""Heh?""Heh?" Said the trio utterly dumbfounded.

And thus, Naruto and Sasuke passed with flying colors while Sakura got a free pass thanks to both of them.

A few hours later, in Shiki's personal training ground, he was looking at a small crowd of visitors while thinking what the hell brought so many people to his doorstep. The Rookie Nine, their respective jonin senseis, Hinata's younger sister, and even her father! Shiki was a bit overwhelmed by the sudden influx of visitors to his personal space.

"Alright everyone! From my left to the right, state your business please!" Said Shiki trying to bring order to the mass of invading people.

It started with Hinata's group.

"I came here to say I've successfully become a genin and to hang out I guess." Started Hinata saying the last part with a slight blush. "The rest of my team wanted to meet you after I talked about our training. My family wanted to meet you as well and I would like you to listen to my father's request to if that's alright."

"Sure thing Hinata! I'll listen to the request after I've heard everybody else's reasons for coming. Is that okay, Clan Head Hyuga?"

"Yes, of course you may call me by name as well." Responded Hiashi. While Hanabi stared at him intently.

"Very well Hiashi-san. Alright, next group!" Said Shiki turning his head towards team 10.

"Well my reasons are kinda the same as Hinata! As for everyone else, Asuma sensei said this would be our first activity as a team since we need to know each other better and all . . ." Said Ino.

"And I was quite interested in meeting you as well Shiki-kun." Said Asuma.

"Okay then how about all of you?" Questioned Shiki turning to team 7.

"We just came to report our successful promotion to genin dattebayo!" Naruto said proudly.

"What are you so proud of unh?" Asked Shiki. "I trained you and Sasuke to be better than most chunin! If you hadn't passed the test I would've ended your miserable existence myself!" Said Shiki causing Naruto to start trembling and everyone to be surprised at Shiki's evaluation of the two boys' ability except Kakashi who had experienced it first hand.

"That aside congrats on your promotion everyone!" Congratulated Shiki.

"If it's alright I'd like to have a word with you as well." Said Kakashi from the side.

"Sure!" Answered Shiki.

P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read one week ahead but I'll still post here.

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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