
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Slaves Introduced, Onto the Next Task

"Follow me!" Guren commanded after her explanation and with no other viable choice, the newcomers obeyed.

They stopped in a room filled with people sized chambers. Four of them were open and were meant for Orochimaru, Kabuto, Tayuya and Kidomaru.

"Enter the chambers in order!" Guren ordered.

"What are t-" Kabuto attempted to ask.

Guren just punched him across the face putting him on the ground which only didn't break because it was reinforced.

"Look like you weren't paying attention when I said it! QUESTION AT THE END! GET IN THE DAMN CHAMBERS!" She screamed like a drill sergeant.

For their own good, they all listened and entered Kabuto stumbling into his, still dizzy from the hit. Orochimaru knew Shiki would not have gone through all that trouble just to screw them over right now so he surmised this was actually a part of the promised benefits.

And right he was. As the chambers closed, the occupants lost consciousness and were submerged in a special liquid. This was an enhancement procedure Shiki had perfected not long ago and applied to his subordinates but a toned down version for the non full members.

It was also combined with the the procedure to implant Stones of Gelel but the current users would not get such benefits yet.

What they got, was an overall strengthening through a specially developed medicinal liquid with several new medicine produced with the Kodo clan's hijutsu, Shiki enhanced mixed with Takigakure Hero Water whose side effects were eliminated.

The liquid was choked full of Ryumyaku chakra to enhance its effects and an infusion procedure for Gelel Energy, which granted some of the benefits of the Stone implant, even if not nearly as pronounced was also included.

These chambers were the base of strengthening procedures for the future and even Shiki had a personal one with a lot more features. As he acquired new things and greater knowledge, Shiki would upgrade these chambers to further enhanced his subordinates in any way possible.

Tayuya's and Kimimaro's chambers had modifications to apply a similar process to what Shiki did with Anko's Cursed Mark.

It was far easier since his skills had developed since them but instead of just enhancing the mark and ridding it of Orochimaru's soul and influence. SHiki places a the soul of one of his soul clones in each of them to monitor them.

In fact, once he learned senjutsu in Ryuchi cave,Shiki would make his own Curse Marks with soul clones attached to them both as a way to strengthen, keep watch and ultimately protect his subordinates.

Orochimaru's chamber was also modified to apply an adapted Soul Binding Seal that would solve the rejection problem he had which combined with the strengthening of his host body would be enough of an incentive to work harder.

His arms were also returned from the Shinigami's belly fulfilling the most urgent part of Shiki's promises to him. The rest would come once he proved useful enough.

After all, if these were just the benefits for partial members, how good would be those for full members? They should be much better right?

A little while later, the chambers were drained and even dried the occupants, truly convenient. As they opened the newly strengthened slaves saw Guren waiting for them.

"Take a couple of minutes to check how your new selves feel." Guren said.

It was truly as she spoke. It felt the they were reborn into better versions of themselves. Kabuto as an experienced medical-nin was carefully going through his body checking for side effect to such a miraculous power up.

'There's absolutely no way such a comprehensive and seemingly permanent enhancement bears no risks at all.' He thought.

Tayuya and Kidomaru were like children with a new toy marveling over their new power with excitement.

'Fuck yes! I really made a good choice in choosing to accept Shiki-sama's proposal. Although he is even scarier than Orochimaru-sama, Shiki-sama also seems to treat his subordinate quite well unlike him."

'I better prove my worth and become an actual member of their organization, then my life will be even better!" Tayuya thought with excitement.

Kidomaru's thoughts were on a similar line and he too, was thinking along those lines. But unfortunately for him, since he wasn't a hot chick like Tayuya, his chances of reaching the peak were somewhat lower.

The most surprised out of all of them however, was Orochimaru whose tongue was already creepily moving around with his excitement.

'Such a degree of enhancement and not just in a few areas but a comprehensive one. My arms are back and my soul is perfectly fitted onto this body . . . How marvelous!' He pondered.

'And this should not even be the limit. That boy's actual subordinates should have much better things . . . A much more thorough and intense strengthening, hehehehe. Maybe this servitude will provide me with what I have been searching for . . .'

As all of the newbies marveled at their boosts, Guren called out to them once again.

"I see all of you are enjoying your gifts! Here's another one." As she said this, Guren threw out a bracer to each one of them.

"Put them on your preferred arm." She commanded.

These were modified versions of the member exclusive forearm pad. They had limited access to everything but common things like getting food and water in the various outposts and accessing non restricted areas.

Their main purpose was to communicate orders to them and their access to things would have less restriction as as they were needed while on mission.

After explaining the general functions and how to use the pad, Guren just said one final thing before going on her way.

"Welcome to Mugetsu!"

At this name, everyone froze. Mugetsu, currently considered one of the top organizations in the continent whose reach even expanded to other places in the world. They were standing smack in the middle of their HQ and had just joined.

Despite their confusion, just like an RPG system giving quests, their pad alerted them to their next course of action and their only road forward was to follow those "quests" religiously.

Back to a while earlier, when Shiki went to visit Tsunade in the Lab, rather than talk, they just immediately started making out like a pair of horny teenagers.

Apparently, having the smug bastard Orochimaru to work to death as a slave got Tsunade turned on so she need to work out all that excess energy in a hot makeout session ending in a very nice 69.

'Maybe this is why she was constantly angry in the series . . . Sexual frustration!" SHiki rudely thought.

'Ever since our relationship became like this, Tsunade has been much less violent and much "thirstier" so maybe that is close to the actual truth.'

"Are you thinking of something rude?" Tsunade asked suspiciously from the side.

"Ahh! You know me far to well Tsuna-nee! But as much as I would love to discuss this, the snake should be around soon, bye!"

And just like that, he was gone.

The days passed by and the new additions to the Mugetsu roster seemed to be settling in. Orochimaru seemed to be on the verge of suicide for a few days though.

First Tsunade said she didn't like his fake face and tore it down showing the face of the woman whose body he had taken over. But that was just the beginning, she dressed him up in fel«male clothing because since her body is that of a woman's he should dress like one.

And that was all Shiki knew but he was sure Tsunade was making the snake suffer in some cruel ways that were not visible. It honestly sent a chill down his spine even if he himself had nothing to fear from his Tsuna-nee.

Onto other matter though, Shiki had already scouted out Mount Katsuragi were the Tsuchigumo clan's Kinjutsu was hidden, in the body of a young girl would grow up to be a hottie.

The supposedly impenetrable barrier surrounding the Mount was no challenge at all to him, so Shiki just walked in like he owned the place, finding the deceased body of the patriarch, En no Gyoja, creator of the kinjutsu and associated jutsu, Shiki collected a sample for soul retrieval.

Now though, a choice was presented to Shiki. Weather to take over the place and add another beauty to Mugetsu, or just ignore it since he already had the means to obtain the Kinjutsu of the Tsuchigumo clan . . .

There was also the caretaker whose name Shiki didn't remember at all, he was a waste of space and Shiki didn't want to bother with him, so he started concocting an evil plan to bring the girl to see things his way and take over this actually nice place for another fortress hideout . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.