
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Anko's Decision and Tsunade's Wish

"No doubt this is the product of some mad genius!"

"It's called a Curse Mark and was made by Orochimaru he's . . ." Started Tsunade but was interrupted by Shiki.

"I know who he is!"

"Since you know so much can you remove it?" Requested Anko.

"Sure but why would you want that? Your body has already acclimatized to the Curse Mark so you won't die unless you overuse it." Advised Shiki.

"But what about that thing that allows him to control me or whatever?" Asked Anko.

"I can remove that part and leave the good stuff alone. In fact I can upgrade it so it's actually better. I might even be able to get some info out of that soul piece!" Tempted Shiki.

"I-I need some time to think about this . . ." Requested the purple haired kunoichi.

"Sure thing! Just come by after you've made your decision." Conceded the boy.

Then suddenly as if possessed Tsunade grabbed ahold of Shiki.

"Tsuna-nee!?" Inquired Shiki surprised by Tsunade's sudden move.

"You said you can get information out of a piece Orochimaru's soul, right?"

"Yes?" Tentatively answered Shiki.

"Can you, do the same with a soul of someone who has p-passed on?"

Shiki immediately realised what Tsunade wanted and although he would be revealing a little more than he originally wanted to, he decided to do her this favor.

"If you give me a sample of their DNA I can call their souls from the Pure Land and I have a jutsu that will allow you to talk to them . . ."

In truth, the Soul Reading Jutsu made it possible to speak with a soul but because extracting its knowledge directly was far quicker and more efficient, Shiki never bothered. In this case he would simply teach Tsunade only that particular part of the Soul Reading Jutsu, since unlike the rest of the jutsu, it was quite simple, learning it should be easy enough for her.

"I-I'll get it!"

"I'll teach you the jutsu then."

Feeling utterly out of place and occupied with her own problem Anko excused herself.

"I'll be going then."

"I'll walk you out Anko-nee."

And so after teaching the incomplete Soul Reading Jutsu to Tsunade the rest of the day and night was spent by the trio in their own thoughts.

While Tsunade and Anko both worried about their problems over a few days Shiki was finally able to draw his Tailed Beast Scroll. He even made it with a special chakra condensing seal that automatically gathers and stores chakra for the use of the scrolls abilities.

But just as he walked into the Senju compound feeling good about himself, Tsunade Approached him with samples from both Dan and Nawaki.

"O-Okay . . ." She responded but seemed a little out of it, understandably so. She never would have thought that she would get the chance to speak to the two most important people in her life again.

After a few hours, the preparations were complete, since this was actually the second time Shiki did this, it went much faster. He summoned both souls and before calling Tsunade, he quickly used the Soul Reading Jutsu to extract the information pertaining to the Spirit Transformation Jutsu. Since he didn't have a lot of time unlike when he summoned souls for himself he had to get just what he wanted the most.

He was moved by Tsunade's wish to talk with her loved ones that have passed but that didn't mean he wouldn't take this opportunity luckily he hadn't desecrated Dan's grave in the Konoha cemetery yet since his feelings for Tsunade and Shizune who had taken care of him for years weren't light.

He wouldn't refine their souls but getting one jutsu isn't much to ask right?

Having done that he went to get Tsunade.

"Tsuna-nee, are you ready?"

"Y-Yes! I-I'm ready? She shakily answered.

"I've already summoned Kato Dan's soul so I'll give you some privacy! Call when you want to talk to Nawaki." Informed Shiki with a serious expression, none of his usual playful demeanor being seen.

Tsunade walked into the room of the summoning, to have the conversation she never could while Shiki patiently waited outside.

After a few hours Tsunade walked back out with tears running down her face but with a straight back, no longer being weighed down by so much weight. It might take a while for her to get back to her best but she had most definitely taken a large step in the right direction so Shiki welcomed her with a smile contrasting with his previously serious expression.

Tsunade seemed to want to say something but Shiki just walked into the room without a word, quietly performing the second summoning. A little while later he walked back out and still without a word, he gestured for Tsunade to enter.

Understanding they had time to talk later afterwards, she walked in with a nod.

After a couple more hours, Shiki felt the soul of nawaki return to the Pure Land but Tsunade didn't walk out. Debating in his mind whether to enter or not for a minute or two, he finally decided to enter only to find Tsunade on her knees sobbing so he softly called out to her.

"Tsuna-nee." He could tell she heard him but she showed no signs of responding so he stepped up to her and embraced her from behind.

He didn't say anything for he wasn't sure what to say. What could he say? Words like "It's going to be alright" or anything of the sort just seemed so shallow to him. So he simply embraced her in silence.

After some time had passed, the sobbing gave way to words filled with conviction, resolve and gratitude.

"Thank you Shiki. For being there for me, for letting me see and talk to them one last time and for comforting me."

Realising Tsunade was indeed much better than she was in years, Shiki teased her, his usual behaviour creeping back in.

"Soooo, I wonder what my reward for such a great deed will be?"

Tsunade turned around and pecked him in the mouth.

"We'll talk about it after you grow up!" Tsunade said. After today she realised he was one precocious brat but a brat nonetheless.

After a moment of stupefaction Shiki answered with a devilish smile.

"I'll hold you to that!"

From this day forward, Tsunade and Shiki relationship changed just a bit but this small change was the portent of a far different future than the one Tsunade and Shizune thought for their little family but quite close to what Shiki had jokingly envisioned.

The very next day, Anko showed up at the door having made her decision.

'It's one after another! Can a man have some rest? Well, they do say there's no rest for the wicked don't they.' Thought Shiki as he led her inside.

As they settled in the living room with Tsunade and Shizune, Shiki asked the question.

"So, what's your decision?"

Anko having found her resolve over the last few days opened her mouth.

"I want to be rid of his influence but retain this power and if possible, I wish for you to help me improve and master it!"

"Wow! Seriously, if you want all that, you must be ready to pay me with your body mind and soul for all the work that'll be!" Responded Shiki while calmly sipping his tea.

Tsunade wasn't at all surprised by this but Shizune reprimanded him after a moment of speechlessness.

"Shiki-kun! Do you realise the seriousness of this situation?"

"Jeesh, Shizu-nee! It was only a joke! I'll settle with having Anko-ne a new and obedient wife." Said Shiki, calmly having another sip of his tea, leaving her exasperated.

Anko wasn't really sure how to respond but luckily for her she didn't have to.

"Alrighty Anko-nee! You know the drill, remove the overcoat and sit down!"

Looking thankfully at Shiki, Anko followed his instructions.

'To selectively remove only the partial soul inside the Curse Mark, the most surefire way is the Reaper Death Seal.'

As he though this Shiki brought his hand to his face and called the Reaper's Mask into being. The mask's aura unsettled the three kunoichi but all of them kept quiet.

Drawing upon a Pure Soul contained within the mask Shiki started the jutsu with the required hand signs.

'Reaper Death Seal!'

And so, a translucent, gaunt spectre with a demonic visage was summoned. It was much larger than an average human, possessing long, shaggy, white hair, from which two red horns protrude, as well as purple-coloured skin. It was draped in a large white kimono and carried a set of prayer beads. It had a tantō in its mouth that was full of sharp, jagged teeth, and a very long, almost serpentine tongue.

Since he had use a soul that wasn't his own as a sacrifice to summon the Shinigami, the sealing also occurred in a slightly different way. Instead of the Shinigami's hand coming out of his abdomen, the phantom itself approached the target. As curse marks permeated the hand that held its prayer beads.

As the Shinigami touched Anko she became aware of its existence and was assaulted by an existential dread. The spectre then extracted the piece of Orochimaru's soul and after cutting off its connection to Anko's Curse Mark with the tanto previously held in its mouth, the Reaper swallowed the fragment.