
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

"Lessons" and Puppets

Just as Shiki predicted, these "lesson" soon devolved into making out sessions but all of them in their own unique way.

Haku was the most maidenly of all. getting close to Shiki while being embarrassed and making the face of a pure maiden in love. Soon, not being able to hold back, Shiki pulled her into a hug and kissed her gently across her lips.

After they separated, Haku looked at Shiki in silence with a blush before closing her eyes and waiting for more which Shiki obliged. Soon, he was caressing her firm butt, running his hands across her elegant legs and kissing her neck, teasing the innocent beauty that kept wanting more.

Not that they completely forgot their side objective of actually learning jutsu. After Haku taught him her Ice Mirror Jutsu that allowed for lightspeed movement, Shiki instantly adapted it, combining the jutsu with Flying Raijin to make actual portal mirrors.

Then, in a moment of inspiration, powered by ero energy from snogging Haku, Shiki applied seals to the jutsu and created an Ice Mirror Network Jutsu that would allow him to connect all his bases.

Only people with a special seal applied to them could make use of it and couldn't bring others along without permission from the soul clone Shiki was planning on putting in a permanent managing position for the system.

Hau had also managed to learn the Ice Mirror Transportation Jutsu although she would need a lot more time to use it properly and at greater distances. It also wasn't very efficient for her but she would get there. Most of the problem was her inexperience with spacetime jutsu which Shiki would correct in their further lessons.

Contrary to Haku who did a very poor job of hiding her fascination for Shiki in a more romantic way, Chino, despite having the most innocent appearance out of all three girls, was undoubtedly the most devious of them all. While making an innocent "I'm just a cute little girl" expression, "stealthily" touched Shiki in various "sensitive" places.

When Shiki looked at her afterwards, she just made a "pure" smile as if asking if there was something wrong. As such, intent on paying the girl back for all her teasing Shiki set forth with a single thought in his mind.

'Must protecc true lolis but legal lolis are okay to lewd!'

And so, lewd the legal loli Chino, he did!

The whole episode was filled with lines like.

"Aaaahn! Oniichan is ravaging Chino!"

"What a beast not even letting little girls escape from your perverted claws!"

"Oniiiiiichaaaaan! Chino is feeling strange down there!"

By the end though, the two were snuggling together with satisfied faces with Shiki thinking.

'Just another year or two, and we'll move to the real deal . . . Just a little more . . .'

He was still quite young after all, he wanted to wait for a little while longer before engaging in fulçl on debauchery. But like before, the secondary objective of polishing their skills was not forgotten either. This time, they focused on the Ketsuryugan's relation to blood.

In the original series, the ability of the doujutsu, other than casting genjutsu through eye contact, was manipulating liquids with a high iron content, blood included.

However, with their recentent discoveries, Shiki and Chino theorized that the doujutsu's relation to blood was actually deeper than that and the ability to manipulate ferrous water was just a derivative since it shared a prominent characteristic with blood.

To Shiki, the first hint towards this was the ability shown by Chino in Sasuke Shinden of making exploding humans by channeling he chakra into their blood. This didn't really seem like something that resulted from manipulating the iron within it.

After devoting some time to research, the two found that blood carried a special chakra that could be tapped into very easily by Ketsuryugan users. Discovering this, Shiki used his medical knowledge and seals to refine a blood concentrate form all the corpses he collected and blood he stole.

Soon, they both realized that their Ketsuryugan jutsu were a lot more powerful and easier to use with this Refined Blood as the material rather than ferrous water. Thus they now had to research just what they could do with their new and improved medium that was more powerful but more importantly, far easier to control and filled with properties the previous one did not possess.

Moving on to the final individual, Guren was by far the most honest with her desire. Her face told the whole story. She made zero attempts to disguise her intentions towards Shiki in the lessons. Guren constantly brushed up against him and made suggestive poses when he was looking at her and seductive expressions when looking at him.

Guren was the oldest and most developed of the three girls and her repeated attempts at seduction along with her unflinching devotion to Shiki, sparked the flames of lust in his heart and even though he had previously made the resolution to wait a while before taking things too far, he nearly ignored this as he and Guren tore at each other's clothes in a violent and lustful frenzy.

In started with a french kiss. As their tongues weaved together, Guren's arms snaked around his neck and back, Shiki's left hand was caressing her face while his right ran up her long and fit leg, squeezed her tight butocks eliciting a hot moan and trailed through the left of Guren's torso until it settled on her breast.

"Shiiikii-samaaaa! Ohhh! I love you! Please make a mess of me! I offer you everything!"

Spurred by such a confession, Shiki went even further.

"My cute and beautiful Guren . . . You were the first to follow me and I can't find any more worthy of my love than you . . ." He whispered in her ear his hand on her face went to her but and his hand on her breast started pulling down her kimono.

Guren only moaned in ecstasy as Shiki fondled her bare right breast as he sucked on the right. His erect cock rubbing on her pussy over their clothes but alas, they were interrupted by Chino . . .

Much to Guren's displeasure, Shiki thought it was opportune since he had decided to hold back for a little while more before engaging in sex so as he redressed Guren he just whispered.

"Don't worry lover, There will be a day I ravage every last inch of your body and soul. You're mine until the end of time."

"Yes Shiki-sama!" She answered excitedly with an adoring expression tinged by love and lust.

Turns out Chino was just suspicious things were going to far and just wanted to run interference, not actually having anything important to say. This left Shiki speechless because the legal loli was right on all accounts so he let her off with no punishment or maybe just so fun punishment if you know what I mean, hehehehe.

Regardless, Shiki still took the time to study Crystal Style with Guren as a break from their more entertaining activities and reached a measure of success. The found a was to create a network of crystals that with the assistance of seals could conduct the chakra of the Ryumyaku and even focus it to increase its power.

Or convert it into destructive energy, fired in a powerful beam from several turrets on the fortress. A big crystal was also placed on top of the highest central tower right above the source of the Ryumyaku that could fire omnidirectionally.

On the matter of relationships though, Shiki was sure things only went down this route with the girls from the base and wouldn't go as smoothly with the girls from Konoha. There either the girls were a bit too young in the case of his classmates or saw him as too young in the case of others like Tsunade and Shizune.

In the fortress though, due to all the Shiki did and they knew about, they didn't really see him as the thirteen year old he was, his physical development which made him look a bit older than that also helped affirm this thought process and together with their admiration or even full blown worship, they were far more willing to engage in adult activities with him.

Next, Shiki set about, creating autonomous puppets for two purposes. One to defend the base as disposable troops and be used by his people as a force and other, lower grade ones to sell to other forces. These would include untraceable means of communication that conveyed all the information heard and seen by the puppet to the home base.

An assembly line was quickly created and Shiki used Pure Souls and Soul Binding Seals as well as a few others to make autonomous puppets with self learning and the ability to self upgrade using their power cores refined from Gelel Ore.

As for those sold out, they were much more simple. They had good capabilities and their user could leave them with simple orders or directly take control from a distance as well as see through their "eyes" and listen through their "ears" but no evolution or true intelligence functions were placed.

P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read one week ahead but I'll still post here.

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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