
Chapter 11

While Myranda and Mikoto are asleep the rest of the gang is having a discussion.

Yata: So, what do you think there doing. He says looking at Myranda's door.

Izumo: Who knows, they are dating after all but sure is quiet without her yelling at us. I kinda miss it for some odd reason.

Rikio: Me to Izumo, me too.

Yata: That's my little sister for ya. Hahaha.

Izumo: So, what do you guys want to do. I so bored right now all I want to do is really do anything, to be honest.

Yata: I don't know man. I feel the same way. He says tiredly.

Just when they were all about to give up Mikoto and Myranda walk out of the room.

Rikio: Myranda, you look more different now than what you did before you behind that door.... Oh yeah you don't look as scary. That's the good news.

He says teasingly and smiling.

Myranda shrugs her shoulders.

Myranda: Ok, what's the bad news.

Rikio: Oh the bad news, you still look scary.

Myranda goes quiet while crossing her arms. She try's to be calm but cannot contain the slight anger she has at the moment. She then places her fingers to her temples.

Yata: You've done it now you, dumb ass bastard.

Rikio notices how ticked off he made her and tries to say he is sorry many times but she doesn't listen.

Myranda: Riki, do you ever know when to shut the hell up because sometimes I think you just say anything you fucking want to without fucking thinking. Oh you better be glad I don't...

Mikoto: That's enough you too. Riki stop saying things that are gonna set her off.

Myranda: I'm not...

Mikoto: Myranda, stop getting mad at everything.

Myranda: Well he needs to shut his trap more often. She mumbles.

Mikoto: What was that.

Myranda: It's nothing. She says stretching her arms above her head.

Myranda goes and sits on the couch beside Yata.

Yata: So, what were you to doing in there.

Myranda: Give me a break Yata, your acting like everybody else here. I was sleeping he came in and, we exchanged a few words then we both went to sleep. Other than that nothing else happened. She says sadly.

Yata: I'm sorry, wanna go out later and let get you something to make you feel better. Like a stuffed animal or something.

Myranda: I don't really care right now. But I guess it won't hurt.

Yata: Sweet.