

The forest was calm and tranquil. Only the slight rustling of the trees could be heard as the wind whistled through their leaves. The overhead topiary allowed little light to pass through, engulfing the greenery below in darkness.

Eyes locked on her grazing prey, she slowly raised her hunting rifle and took aim. The deer tensed, sensing danger; her breath stilled, years of experience and honed reflexes at work. When the prey relaxed, she brushed her short hair out of her face, and raised the weapon again, making sure not to alert her prey. She took aim, held her breath, and-


The deer suddenly looked up and fled with swift movements as Leysa Silas started violently, broken free of her stupor. "Dang it," she cursed under her breath as she got up, brushed the dust off her knees in annoyance, and left her trusty hiding place to examine the heavy mass which fell from the tree nearby and scared her game away. What she did not expect, however, was a pair of large eyes staring back at her. Startled, she asked "Who are you?"

The mass stirred and straightened, revealing itself to be a young woman clad in majestic clothing. "Very uncommon..." Leysa noted as she eyed the stranger from head to toe, when the brooch on the woman's shoulder caught her eye. It depicted a moon with an asterisk at the center, and exhibited a fine show of craftsmanship. Her eyes widened as realization dawned upon her. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the stranger tilted her head up, clearly showing authority, and spoke in a rich tone.

"I am Zion Yezekael, the runaway princess of the West. And you, hunter, shall help me achieve my goal."
