

... SHIT.

Leysa racked her brain desperately, trying to come up with a cover up for the blunder her idiot of a friend had just made. Said friend was gaping like a fish at the girl at the entrance, apparently, and unusually, at a loss for words. Because the girl at the door was none other than Avren Ilaria, the firstborn daughter of the Ilaria house, a family of nobles, and the first cousin of Aramis (sometimes Leysa wondered how such a gentle, sophisticated and well mannered maiden could possibly be related to the literal feral gremlin at her side, but she had learned long ago not to question it.)

"Hey Avren, what's up?" Aramis said beside her, propping up her chin by her elbow casually. Leysa facepalmed internally.

Avren raised her eyebrows. "Seriously? I expected better from that sharp tongue of yours, Aramis."

Aramis rubbed the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly. "Honestly? Me too."

Avren turned towards Leysa, smiling warmly. "Hello, Leysa. It's been a while. You're back pretty early."

"Yeah I uh..." Leysa said eloquently, earning a snigger from Aramis, ".... got the job done quick." Avren's eyebrows rose even more. "Got the job done? Or got the job delayed, for some reasons?"

... This woman is a human lie detector.

Leysa sweatdropped, mentally preparing herself for a long and winding explanation, because the truth is, she was actually gonna talk to Avren about this. That's why she approached Aramis first, because she was the negotiator of the group.

Said girl came to the rescues by putting up her I'm-gonna-convince-you-with-my-inconspicuous-bullshit smile.

"So, Avren darling...

... ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️"

Avren's soft brown eyes blew wide open as she stared wordlessly at the pair. "You've got to be joking."

Aramis's smile faded slightly as she glanced at Leysa uneasily. "Avren, I know you think it's dangerous, and it is, but hear me out."

"No, No!" Avren excalmed wildly, then took a deep sigh, spending a few seconds to organize her thoughts. "Guys, the danger isn't the problem here. Leysa's a really capable fighter, you're pretty resourceful, and if things get too out of hand, we could even ask the boys for help. But the thing is..." she bit her lip nervously, "this is a really big step to take independently. Not to mention the whole royal family's looking for the Royal Highness. So..."

Avren takes a small pause. "I think this is a matter which should be discussed with the royal family at least. The princess is royalty, I get it, but she's still young adult, for peace's sake!"

Leysa racked her brains for an excuse, glancing at Aramis for moral support, but the knowing smile on her face tells her that she's already got it all worked out. "Avren, the princess already has discussed this with her family, I believe. After all, who would take such a large step without the king and queen's consent? You honestly don't believe the princess is that dumb, do you?"

An unreadable expression flashes on Avren's face, before she sighs." That is true... Well then, I'll help you."

... Jackpot. But she gave in a bit too easily...

Leysa couldn't help but think, but shared a triumphant smile with Aramis, who slaps her hands together. "Well then, now I just have to convince Enver that I might disappear for an indeterminate amount of time which is completely normal, and we're off. Almost."

Suddenly, she flings her arms around both Leysa and Avren's shoulders, briefly pulling them into a hug before releasing them just as rapidly. "Let's go on an adventure! Can't wait~"

As she waltzed out the door, Leysa can't help but ask Avren the question nagging her since the start of the conversation. "Hey Avren."

Said girl turns around, soft features arranged into a inquiring expression.

"You kind of agreed to her crap pretty easily. You don't believe her, do you?

Avren's lips curl up into a conspiratory smile. "Leysa, she's my cousin, I've known her since before we can remember. Do you honestly think I'd fall for that?"

As she leaves, Leysa can't help but think how scary Avren could be. Sighing, she follows them outside.

Two hurdles down, countless to go.
