
The Dream

I couldn t even remember how I got to work... It was one of those days, that I could barely keep my eyes open. I could t find a point in it anyway, I had lost interest in pretty much everything. It was merely the lack of sleep, I mean, of course that had been taking its toll but it was not the main issue. Actually, at that point, I couldn t figure out what was. Until years later... However, back then, I felt so weak to even deal with my inner issues. I preferred much better to suck it all up, than to actually go deeper. It seemed so much work to do... Little did I know, it was much more than I could possibly imagine! On that Tuesday though, things were kind of all right, apart from my semi absence from the world... Or maybe because of it..? Having somewhat woken up, after a couple of hours, it hit me. That dream. That specific one that I have been having since I was a teen. What does it mean? It is so vivid... Actually, I feel more awaken in the dream than in actual life. I am lucid with full consciousness. Yet, it is so strange. I am even afraid to tell anyone, they may think I m totally nuts. Is their judgment I want to avoid? Or maybe the fact that they may be right..?