
The spawn Island

Tridip had a very hectic day the day before. As a part of the major corporation , although the pay scale is huge, so is the workload. There is the demon boss as well as the annoying workmates. By the end of the day he is beaten down to his very core. He lives alone, and that means he had to prepare his own meals. Getting a holiday other then sunday once in a while isn't too bad. So today he was relaxing comfortably in house. His apartment is rented. The building is not in the costly areas of the city, and so the rent is affordable, but the environment is very bad. As a rural village boy who grew up surrounded by paddy field and trees, the regular honking and screeching sounds of automobiles gives him a headache and even after spending close to 3 years he hadn't gotten used to it. His other family members lives in their original house in a rural village. He thought about Visiting his parents next weekend if he is free, which he doubts. There his sisters marriage to think about. After his fathers retirement all the responsibilities of their family is on him now, so sometimes he feels burdened. But he feels happy thinking that at least now he could let their parents a relaxing life in their old age.

Thinking all that while the tv was still playing the comedy show he turned on to, he fell asleep. Guess he was really exhausted. Even his dream was jumbled. In his dream there he was standing, blankly staring into nothing in particular, with all the other people around him some of whom were confused or some who were shouting in excitement. Then he looked around what this place was. But he didn't recognise the area. Or anything present there. It's strange, as one is supposed to dream about only the things which one had seen or have experienced of. But what is with this situation? He neither recognise the place nor any of the people present. There were some strange poster saying

"Winner Winner Chicken Dinner"

What a strange saying that is. What is that supposed to mean.

He tried asking one of the stranger standing besides him.

"Hello, I am Tridip. Can you tell me what place this is?"

"Hello there. Myself Ramesh. I don't know this place either. I was with my friends. We went bowling, I was tired so I went ahead to rest. I guess I fell asleep and found myself here." Replied Ramesh. From his reply he seemed anxious.

'Well, that was not so helpful' thought tridip.

He thought it's better to look around the area to better grasp of the location, perhaps he had been here before, it's just he doesn't remember it. Well he read in some article before that no one forgets anything they have seen or experienced in their life. It's just that it's deep in their subconscious mind. Well he didn't get all those subconscious or metaphysical stuff all too well.

As he looked around he discovered that it was an island, not a big one, only about 3 kilometres in radius. There is building of sort, two storey tall. Upon entering he found the place empty, devoid of any furnitures or beddings. He could guess that no one had lived it the building for years?there were some other people as well, upon interacting with them he found out that even they have no idea about the place and were just looking around to find more, same as him. No finding anything fruitful he left the building. A few hundred meters away there was a bunker and a shelter of some sort inside the hill behind the bunker. It looked dark and gloomy inside, so decided against going in. There was a dilapidated tower a few tens of meter from the bunker. Upon going further he reached the end of the island. The water was very clear, blue and endless. He could see his reflection, and embarrassed. He realised that he was wearing nothing other then the underwear and briefs. What is wrong with this situation. He should be wearing clothes at least. Now that he realised it, he remembered that most of the people he met were in their underwear and briefs. Only some of them were wearing pants or jackets. Pondering on this point he walked back to the centre of the island to meet more people. He encountered some containers most of them are rusted already. He noticed there is a crashed Airplane and a runway for airplane as well. The plane is crashed at the end of it. As he was searching around the crashed plane he found a blue coloured jeans.. At least won't have to walk around in nudes. So he wore the clothes. He left the crashed site and walking a little further he ran into Ramesh once again. He looked as pale as when he met him earlier . That boy was only 16 or so, and may be he was getting anxious about this whole situation. Even he himself was in no better position to talk about. As even after all this time he was not waking up, that means something is not right about this whole situation thing. He tried pinching himself earlier, to shock himself awake, but didn't work. May be he this is not a dream at all, and all these people are abducted by someone? But for what reason?

While musing on all these he found himself walking to the poster area and there he saw that a crowd forming under the poster. As he got nearer he heard angry shouting of people's. Maybe a fight is about to begin. Not surprising considering the fact that everyone is in tensed condition. But on closer look they were all making ugly, angry faces as they were looking onto a screen there. He made his way through the crowds to the front to get a view of it. And as he laid his eyes on the big screen he saw a series of clauses written there….

1. Welcome players to this awe inspiring GAME of battle royal. You all are now in the spawn island. When all the players are gathered you will taken to a different island which is the hosting location of the actual Game.

2. While in spawn island you can not harm others, and in turn others can not harm you.

3. When the plane reaches the battle map, you or your team is free to take off to any location on the map. Upon landing you must procure you own supplies, equipment, fire arms and other provisions.

4. For your beginning provision only a parachute and a watch will be provided. The watch will show your location as well as team members.

5. You are free to form parties of up to a maximum of 4 other players. You can request or accept team requests by the help of the watch. Only the team leader can banish a team member. You can also walk out of a team by your own volition.

6. Friendly fire is enabled and hence be careful of firing your own team mate.

7. There will be time limits and safe zones. As the time limit approached zero, the safe zone will shrink and a new safe zone will be created within the previous zone map randomly. The boundary of safe zone will be visible on the GPS enabled watch provided as starter pack.

8. For solo players there will be no reviving option once they are dead. Players in teams can revive there dead teammates by bringing their remains to 'Temple of afterlife'. After reviving the player will be in weakened state.

9. Battle contributions will be provided as per your player kills, Damage dealt, supplies procurement, support provided and surviving time.

10. Only the last player or team of player will be allowed to leave the game space. Good luck.



He just stood there dumbly staring into it…..