
The journey starts from Dragon Ball

This is the story of an ordinary otaku crossing into the Monkey King in "Dragon Ball". This is an invincible flow novel in which an endless world is full. To make donations for my work it's here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/profile

MOFU · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 Kick and Fly

Kenzi opened the door and several women rushed into the bus...

"Wukong..." Kongzi shouted while standing at the door of the car.

Seeing that the five girls were all on the bus, Monkey King yelled, an invisible wave of air centered on him instantly spread out, and the windows around it were all broken, and the zombies were blown out in all directions, smashing into one side. Facing the wall, this otherwise beautiful hall became dilapidated and dusty in a moment.

Monkey King did not stop, just ran away...

Seeing the sight of Monkey King not far away shooting a zombie while running, the women were dumbfounded and speechless: "Is this... still a human?..." Li looked a little lost.

"This... Isn't it a bit too strong?" Kongzi was also a little uncomfortable.

When Monkey King jumped onto the bus, Kongzi closed the door immediately.

Ju Chuan Shizuka looked at Monkey King with excitement, her eyes beaming: "Wukong, aren't you the legendary Superman? Have you been bitten by a spider? Or have you taken some potion?"

"..." Upon hearing the words, Monkey King felt speechless for a while. The brain circuit of this natural dull girl was indeed magical.

Shaking his head, Monkey King sat down at will: "I haven't been bitten by a spider, and I haven't taken any strengthening potions, thank you."

"Then why are you so good?" Ju Chuan Shizuka looked curious.

"If you practice more, you can do it naturally." Monkey King said, looking at the zombies that had been besieged, and said to Ju Chuan Jingxiang: "You should drive quickly, or you won't be able to leave after a while."

"Oh~ good... good!" Shizuka looked at the zombies outside the car, hurriedly returned to the driver's seat, test-driving with a dull expression: "This is the handbrake...this is the accelerator..."

Just when Xianzi and the others were worried, the bus suddenly started and rushed out towards the school gate...

"It's no longer a human... It's no longer a human..." Looking at the zombies in school uniforms, Shizuka stepped on the gas pedal, hitting countless zombies all the way, smashing open the iron gate, and rushing out of the campus...

The bus drove smoothly in the lane...

"Finally escaped!" Gui Meilin exhaled as he looked at the scenery outside the window. The women's nervousness was temporarily relieved.

"So, whose house should I go to now?" Saya stood up, helped her glasses, and expressed her opinion.

"Whoever's home is near, go to whose home first." Monkey King said.

"I only have one father left. He is in a foreign martial arts gym, and there is not much to go to." Kengzi said calmly.

Ju Chuan Shizuka: "Ah, my parents are gone, so there is nowhere to go...but I have a friend who lives in the city in front...but I think she should not be at home?"

"My home is on Zhongshan Road not far ahead, but I live alone, so there is nothing to go." Gui Meilin finished speaking and looked at Gaocheng Saye.

"I...want to go back and see my mother..." Saya's expression was strange, as if she wanted to go home but didn't want to go back.

"In this case, Gaocheng's home is closer to mine, so let's go to Gaocheng's home first!" Li finally announced the result.

"So, Teacher Shizuka, drive to Saye's house!" Monkey King looked at Ju Chuan Shizuka.

"What about you?" Saye asked suspiciously.

"My home is not here, so there is nothing to go." Monkey King said calmly.

The bus went all the way, but encountered a lot of zombies, but those zombies who got in the way were crushed by sister Jingxiang who stepped on the accelerator...

Driven all the way to a quiet trail, where no zombie can be seen. At this time, Gui Meilin blushed slightly and said embarrassedly: "That, Teacher Ju Chuan, can you stop the car? "

"What's the matter?" Shizuka glanced at her suspiciously, and then suddenly realized: "Oh! I know! Wait a minute!" As he said, she pulled the bus over and stopped slowly.

However, at this moment, a bus suddenly rushed towards them!

Through the car window, you can clearly see the car full of zombies.

"Ah~ Get out of the way!" Saya's shrill scream sounded instantly.

"Chong...Come here!!" Li looked horrified.

"The car is full of zombies, Teacher Shizuka, get away quickly, don't get hit!!" Kuangzi appeared extremely calm when he arrived.

Unfortunately, the time was too late. The bus ran into the road at an alarming speed, and he was about to come into close contact with the bus.

"Ah~~!!!~" The women screamed in fright.

Monkey King is solemn, if this is hit, the people in the bus will not die or become disabled!

The decisive figure flashed, and instantly broke through the front windshield, flew out, and directly against the head of the rushing bus with his hands.

With a sound of "touch~~", the two collided. The head of the bus was directly blocked by Monkey King's hands, and it was deeply dented. The doors and glass of the bus were shattered by the shock...

However, Monkey King made a hasty shot and was in the air without time to accumulate his energy. His body was knocked back to the ground by two meters, his back directly dented the bus head behind him, and the bus also retreated under the huge impact. After a few meters, Saya and the others screamed in the car and suddenly rolled over to the ground.

"Hmm~!" Sun Wukong frowned slightly, angrily because he was worried about the safety of the women, his breath suddenly erupted, and the surrounding sand, gravel, and vegetation were swept into the sky by an invisible and powerful'qi'.

The next moment, I saw Monkey King kick up and kicked the bus out like a football... It landed on a mountain road tens of meters away and exploded!

"Are you all okay?" Monkey King anxiously rescued the five people one by one from the bus. Fortunately, none of the five people were in serious trouble.

The women stared at the soaring fire dozens of meters away. It was hard to believe that Sun Wukong kicked it so far with such a big car...

"Nah~ I didn't expect Wukong to be so powerful. He kicked such a big car so far, and said you are not Superman?" The only person on the scene who was not surprised was the natural and silly Ju Chuan Jingxiang.

The regained Kongzi came to Monkey King's side with a shocked expression on his face. This is simply not something human can do, right? Is it true that as Ju Chuan Shizuka said, he is Superman?

"Are you a human? Or an alien?" Saye helped her glasses and looked up and down Monkey King. She was also stunned, who was always sensible.

But at this time, Teacher Lin looked at Monkey King with a look of admiration. The Prince Charming in her mind was not a powerful and indomitable man like Monkey King?

Li also looked at Monkey King with a strange expression. His performance before was amazing enough, but now he can only describe it as inhuman.

"Zombies have all appeared, what else is there to be surprised?" Monkey King looked at the women, but smiled: "You may encounter even more incredible things in the future, so you have to be psychologically prepared."

"Indeed." Saye stroked his glasses lightly, full of seriousness: "The end of the world is here, and there is really nothing to be surprised, but you are sure that you didn't eat some biochemical medicine or something?"

"No, they all said they were cultivated. When I have time, I will teach you."

"One word is definite." Kongzi's eyes lit up, obviously, he was very interested in the practice I was talking about.