
The Journey of Two, One mortal and one God.

Arthur Holloster, and his brother Alexander Holloster went on two journeys. Alexander must save the world from the incoming monsters. While Arthur #### (It's a special thing) Arthur's Romance is pretty obvious. Also suggest tags and other gods or filler dungeons. WIP also don't know how to get people into this.

Aisumnetes · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Cry of War

Arthur coughed as dust covered his face. His eyes closed, 'Wait, Am I fighting a war?' he opened his eyes to be on his bum, a young and minor god smiled putting his hand out 'Hey, Kromon get off your ass, we are fighting a war." This was Talos when he was human; it was his original form before he proved himself and became a messenger. Talos' handsome face was well surprising since Arthur thought he just used his shapeshifting ability to be a pretty boy. Talos had brown hair and hazel eyes, wore a highschool uniform apparently from before he died The only difference is that he wore a gas mask. Arthur wore https://www.pinterest.com/pin/381257924709677138/

(That, Im to lazy to design armour and I would be like '2 cm away from that was a scratch' and just make that a chapter, Maybe I should do that next time.) He sighed once he looked down and grabbed Talos' hand Arthur asked Talos. Arthur got up to see himself ontop of a mountain covered in snow. Auril came up from behind and said "Finally ready? I know you don't wanna seal Erebus away but, I know you have heard the saying 'A Tyrant is a Tyrant. Tyrants don't change unless they change for the worse, falling into their own desires even further than before.' We won't seal you, but we have to seal Erebus and whoever your mom is, so another Tyrant is born." Arthur gulps as he silently cries 'Why am I sad?' Arthur didn't know but he grew up with Erebus a good father figure, even if his own memories betray that feeling. He clutches his fingers to find ten rings, seven of which were familiar 'The Rings of the Seven Liches' the other three weren't. He prepared himself, two beings appeared from the ground; they were prototypes of what he wanted to create but they would have to do. A shield appeared out of thin air made up of a special metal which conducts the New Gods' divine energy. The metal was specifically forged to conduct his 'Fear' Element. The two abominations he called 'Royals' were dead wolf spirits which he turned into werewolves which could transform for a short amount of time, the transformation would be into one of the enemies greatest fears if they were scared of spiders it would turn into a 30 meter tall spider, how many they kills makes the 'Royals' stronger which can make them transform into things they have transformed into before or they could willing transform out so they wouldn't be a two foot tall spider for five minutes. Remos walked out. She was apparently an old general suit which people would wear in the renaissance. She was beautiful since her suit was very tight showing her curves, I smiled at the price of her disgust. I readied and looked down the mountain (we were in a cave). This battle was most likely against the Greeks or Romans, as legions of mortals lined up, a huge cloud was at the back of the thousands of mortals. We could see what was happening above the clouds from the mountain, Zeus was angry causing occasional lightning bolts almost hitting some of his legions, 8 gods were there, Ares was on the earth preparing the armies. Hades sat there bored and done with Zeus' Rage, Hera trying to calm him down, Dionysus informed the others of his true powers as a god of nature and madness, Hestia was sad that they had to fight another war but was determined hoping it would bring her brothers and sisters would be more connected, Demeter came to the land to ask some of the soldiers to make farmlands, Hepheastus was at his forge, Artemis and Apollo were hunting things down and practicing archery, Aphrodite was known for leading armies and uniting people she also helped the army's morale, Hermes came back and forth sending messages and orders to every god, Athena was always formulating her plan and always listening. We(Kromon's Side) sent a minor god of athletes to tell them for a meeting.

We met in the middle of a mountain, most of the Council members were there, everyone except Talos but he was replaced with Joyce the goddess of war, she wore a thick leather shirt and pants, under the armour pads made of steel which cover the legs, arms, chest. She had long purple hair which she wore in a bun and had deep blue eyes. Nikias was a 10 foot tall man wearing nothing except vines and leaves. Zeus sat in a thrones of clouds, Athena sat beside him Remos seemingly the leader spoke up "We can kill you or you can quietly go in 'seal'" everyone had a symbol on their armour 'ˠ' Usmos interrupted her on how the conditions in the seal were not the worse, "Let's just kill them!" Usmos said in an angry tone, I touched his shoulder and said "Usmos, I'd rather not kill them. You're lucky enough for me to fight in this war since I will have to fight my father." Usmos bursted with anger "You're lucky enough to be in this force, I know you've been eyeing my sister!" Usmos tried to punch me with a ton of force as the air bursted, I swiftly dodged and attacked him in the back with my shield. I HIT him with my SHIELD you know the one which can cause fear, he suddenly yelled in agony covering his eyes and ears. I sighed "This is so embarrassing." I rubbed my forehead, I looked back to the rest of them to see them surprised since I was apparently a coward who didn't like fighting and would submit to peer pressure. I ask questionably, "What?" I guess to Athena she thought I was just there since death is a major element and from on how the others looked at me she would probably call me weak until I took out a 'General' or someone who is among the strongest the council was made up of the strongest gods so most probably Generals except for Talos he was one of the strongest minor gods however he couldn't step into the Major Stage until he was a messenger god even then he as a semi-major god. Ares,Hephaestus, and Aphrodite were missing until Ares finally appeared by himself climbing the steep mountain he yelled "DIE!" as he jumped but as Remos is the god of misfortune he fell losing an eye which would most likely regenerate. I chuckled. Remos said "Well, if you want to be left in a small box which you can barely fit in if you fight, but if you surrender you could live each in your own realm like Olympus except for you." That wasn't entirely true as it would be worse than Olympus but it would be better than Eylism which was basically the Vahalla for but they didn't have to die in battle just be a hero. Joyce stomped on the ground after looking at Zeus was about to get up and fight, Nikias knowing this signal let her spear shoot in the air like a bullet and let her catch it. Athena prepared for war while Qedra said "She did that because Zeus seems like he is going to attack us." He sat down yawning, asking Nikias "Can I get some grapes, or maybe an apple?" Nikias sighs as an apple drops hitting Qedra's head. "Oww" Qedra expressed his pain while rubbing his head. Hestia said "Zeus wouldn't do that unprovoked!" she defended him even though I swear I could see fumes coming from him. Zeus got up from his chair hitting the solid cloud maybe as strong as bronze and made it disperse. Zeus said "This is War!" he threw a bolt of lightning at Remos, Qedra saddened chanted "Dleids I nommus!" (Just a few words spelt backwards got the technique from Our lord in savior, The Cornbringer.) I ran at Athena canceling the spell on Usmos, Dionysus the Idiot tried to make me go mad, which I just in return said "A Fool is a Fool, and a fool must suffer to learn.." I said in a cold tone as he yelled in madness,fear,pain,agony. I smile sadistically for a second enjoying his pain. I shake off the immense pleasure of seeing him go mad and whisper to myself "Wait no I'm fighting a war." I look back to see Athena rushing towards me with her spear and a shield. She yelled "Hermes, tell the mortals to CHARGE!" she struck at me not only with her spear but her piercing bloodlust I deflected taking it head on then moving it with my shield which I drop and hold her spear I say aloud "Huh, maybe should get that glued to my arm, it's annoying to have to drop it" I look away to see her shield bash coming for the arm. I turn my back towards her as she bashes my back I feel pain not alot but pain, she a bit smaller than me but would I risk it, yea I would I wind up a swing and turn back to look at her cowering belower her shield, I smile and laugh "This is so much more fun than I could have ever imagined," I continue with the sentence 'I see why my mum and dad did it' but in my mind I slash at her head but Hades attacked me with his bident. I wonder where Poseidon is I forgot he existed until my skin turns paler as I hear "Poseidon has gifted us with Alanteans! His own children, we can not lose this battle!" they shouted in arrogance thinking demi-gods would make a difference, I mean they would, my skin returned to normal as I remember they are most likely quarter gods or just fat ol humans. I got lost in thought and get brought back to it as a bident tries to get my heart. I pierced him with my sword in response, he falls back since I mean it must be bad if a kidney is bleeding. I smile as my 'Royals' run to me after sensing me attacking an enemy, I am so glad I let them hunt before this as it did not only help with some of the army's morale it also let them kill stuff I could raise and they could transform into. I speak "kcatta dan esir eomc stirisp eht eralcde I!" I yell out violently (It translates to I declare the, you can make out the rest right? good.) Four canine bodies covered in blood came from the ground scratching their way out, some missing chunks of flesh which reveal bones, some which show the missing liver and organs. My Royals wasn't going to be to good again gods as they haven't killed any mythical creatures to transform into, but they couldn't die as they would just regenerate in a few minutes unless they were turned into ashes which were miles away from each other but even then it might take months but it would still heal, they were great cannon fodder is what i'm trying to say. I slash at his throat which he dodges. I try again and again, I tell my royals to go and attack Hermes while I fight Hades.