
The Journey of Two, One mortal and one God.

Arthur Holloster, and his brother Alexander Holloster went on two journeys. Alexander must save the world from the incoming monsters. While Arthur #### (It's a special thing) Arthur's Romance is pretty obvious. Also suggest tags and other gods or filler dungeons. WIP also don't know how to get people into this.

Aisumnetes · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Climb I

scrapped part of the old story.

An ear piercing scream spread through the small house. A boy who was 16 hid under his white blanket, he breathed heavily before looking above the cover to see if his nightmare was true. It turned out it wasn't; he sighed in relief and got up putting on his black pants and a white shirt which complimented his black button up jacket which had a spear behind a shield as a badge. He went up to a mirror, to see his short and messy black hair he cleans it and swipes it up to the left with his right hand. "I'm moving to a different school." his voice saddens, for some reason he missed that school, the one which beat him and the one that helped him even if it did more bad than good. He leaves his square room small enough for a two meter bed, a mirror, and a stack of clothes and two more meters for funzies. He opens his door to see a kitchen small one which was not out of the usual, he notices a note on the fridge saying "Ragon, please remember where to go let me tell you again." it follows on with directions and ends with "Love Mom" he smiles saddened that she has work so much only having one day off which she may be called in and have to work. He got the bread which was right next to the stove, took a slice of bread and put it in the toaster and went to get his backpack which was in the living room which was technically in the same room as there was no door and the kitchen was in the corner of the room. He looks around to see his backpack on the black sofa which is the border between kitchen and living room. He throws it down on the coffee table next to it and checks to see if anything is missing "English? Check. Mathematic? Yep. Biology? Yes sir. Science? Yes. Quantum Mechanics? Yes. Latin? Kheck. History! Yes M'lord! Algebra? Umm think fast make it funny!" Ragon pauses before sighing and giving up, he does chuckle at the other jokes. Ragon picked up his backpack and ran out the door, to see himself near the woods which confused him because yesterday he lived in the city. He checks his pocket to notice his phone is gone and when he looks behind him his house fades into dust. He looks at his note and follows hoping to find civilization, "Walk until you see a path west north from where the door points. The path is in a forest and should lead you to people which can direct you to your new school."

Meanwhile with ME and FS (You don't know them)

"Hey, how do you think Father is fairing?" a girlish voice asks someone, a manly voice hummed thinking, "Well, we should have helped him ya know." the girlish voice responded "Well he said we should not mingle with the mortals." she said that in a spiteful tone the man sighs before mumbling about how his wife is a dunce.

Meanwhile with Ragon

The black haired boy stumbles on a rock on his uphill climb, apparently one it becomes less steep and then it will become a crater in the mountain. He sighs and continues his climb hearing growls from the forest which makes him periodically turn back. He starts upping his pace and when he does more growling and footsteps he runs more and hearing a wolf or something of that he jumps on a big oak tree he got to the branch which he could sit on which was 5 meters (18 ft) above the ground. He sits waiting for the predator to leave sweating which made his clothes damp, and when he looks at it he notices it was indeed a wolf three giant wolves about 0.5(1 ft) meters taller actually soon after that he falls asleep from exhaustion from climbing a mountain for a few hours then running away from a life or death situation.

5 Hours later

Ragon awoke from his slumber, sitting up properly on the thick branch. He puts his hand up to block the bright moon to hurt his eyes, he sighs and decides after trying to climb up to get a better vantage point to give up and just climb the mountain. He dropped down from the branch doing a combat roll and decided to move one after he got a stick and a rock, after a thirty minutes of sharpening the stick it could be more comparable to a short spear.

First POV

'Quetoo' I spat on the dirt bored of the venture, I held my spear in my dominant hand or my right one. I didn't really learn how to fight. I only really learned from times when martial artist were kind enough to show the entire school how to do it, but I could've I just felt like I didn't have time since I had to do housework,cook, and I occasionally went out with the few friends I had; but that took up most of the time if I wasn't studying I was doing one of three or two of three though sometimes I played video games which was rare,I guess I had manufactured a love for music by writing it to impress my friends and listening to it while doing work. I giggled, the only real friends I had were Asher and Crystal which were dating so I guess I was the third wheel. Asher was nice. He helped me fight the jocks which would attack me from time to time. He had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. He was much more physical and even his dad was a master in martial arts and raised/trained people for a living. Crystal was his girlfriend, she had red hair and red eyes for some odd reason. She was less physical and knew when to take a bet. While I met Asher since we sat next together in class, I met her since she needed tutoring. She also helps me get the 'Chads' off my back by gambling which she could be considered a demi-god at "You leave him alone if I win and if you win I give you 100 and you can do whatever" though this treaty only lasted a few days at least and a week at most. I helped Crystal because she had helped me, and I can't regret it once I felt like I owed her something instead of getting Bs she would get As because of my tutoring! I mentally pointed up my nose, and didn't actually point up my nose because of the wolves. Hmm? I turned around to see where the noise came from, and a light orange creature which was spotted with many black dots, the creature pounced and went to my stomach. I have a pseudo-blackout, I had control of my body but I was just listening to what my senses said. Dodge! My senses told me, so I dodged to the left.Stab! They told me, so I stab it in the neck. Block! They told me again and again, and I listened again and again. It lunged at me and I pushed it back while blocking and stabbed it while it was midair.

I quickly run to a tree climbing up to a meter thick branch and huff and pant after another life and death situation. I sit there for an hour or so before deciding to get down and make a fire, which I did. I skinned the bobcat even though it looked like a lion to me; and cut it up in pieces putting it on recently sharpened sticks which lay stuck on stones which allow me to do other stuff while it cooks, I sigh "To think if I didn't get this flint I couldn't have made fire or cooked any meals? Dang I am lucky" a clunky voice that sounded mechanical said "1%" I was surprised but it didn't say anything , I hope I am not going insane. After eating I then made a makeshift med which was attached to other branches which made my sleeping area 2 meters wide and 2.6 meters tall. I drifted to sleep, having dreams of the infinite area known as space, I dreamed of something different that just that; A plane or a different place of reality like hell or heaven, but in this case it was in between those places it was in a swamp guarded by some kind of giant which looked like a ape it could control the overgrown swamp to choke people, but it was guarding something amazing portals opened which lead to any and every reality or at least 50 universes. Now to the people whom the vision was following, A man with neck length dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes wears a chestplate that has four protrusions showing up on each side of his torso these protrusions formed in half circles. Under his armour he wears chainmail, he holds a hammer that has an oblong head about a foot long and a handle of equal length. The handle is wrapped in leather that seems to be unbreakable that ends in a loop. And suddenly the dream stops once the Ape-Giant notices me while I was having my vision and kills me by grabbing me by my throat and punching my guts out of me.

A/N: The Reincarnation tag will make sense soon, so wait. I mean I guess it isnt 'Reincarnation' but.