
The Journey of Two, One mortal and one God.

Arthur Holloster, and his brother Alexander Holloster went on two journeys. Alexander must save the world from the incoming monsters. While Arthur #### (It's a special thing) Arthur's Romance is pretty obvious. Also suggest tags and other gods or filler dungeons. WIP also don't know how to get people into this.

Aisumnetes · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Spoilers for the future. (Also inspired me to do this)

A wolf two meters tall ash-gray fur the wolf had deep yellow eyes, it wore a tattered saddle with a sword peaking out one of the two giant bags. On the bad first bag had the word 'Agni' engraved into it. On Top of the mighty wolf was a man four meters tall, the man did not have flesh at least in most places, a lot of his torso was missing flesh and let his skeleton shine. His bones were pitch black, and had red-orange engravings on it. The man wore a shirt which was tattered on top of the hole on the left side of his torso, which revealed two golden rings which was had seagreen engravings on it one word written in english was the word 'Demon' on one ring the other one had the word 'Lich'.

The demonic figure missing a jaw yelled out in a deep and distorted voice 'Human?' in a questioning voice, before yelling out in anger 'Human' he chanted while ordering his stead most likely through a psionic mean. The wolf which clearly understood it and by all means could be considered intelligent ran towards us, I think it thought Tristan our assassin as the most lethal act of all of us since he targeted him. Which is another thing of showing off his intelligence, our tanker Tyler guarded his brother with his life holding his shield up and going toe to toe with the giant wolf the demon grabbed the sword from his bag and swung it at Tyler.

Our support Francis, applied some buffs trying to make Tyler be able to deal with both monsters applying pressure on him. I admitly should have done something sooner, but I was in shock. I attacked the demon, rushing at him and jumping on the wolf's head making his head jerk up, before hitting the undead demon he continued attacking Tyler. I attacked undead in its makeshift heart thingie, I admittedly did not know what it was, right before my spear could pierce its heart the undead swung his which was on his sword.

Getting backhanded by the undead made me fly into a tree. Apparently the giant two meter sword could be swung with both one hand and two hands. I mean like what? In spite I cast my greatest skill which I had a hard time using 'Frost' but I was angry, I summoned two giant three meters spears made of ice which flung themselves towards the demonic undead, to both my and the undead surprise. The undead I guess sensing the magic turned around blocking both spears, while he was distracted despite Tyler's warning Tristan jumped up and attacked the undead. Tristan tried to stab the heart but his blade was too short, the demon noticed Tristan's futile attempts and tried to cut him in half.Sadly in the demon's perspective Tyler yelled at Tristan telling him to run and the Francis cast 'Haste' causing Tristan to barely make it out alive.

Tristan, in terror and realizing he almost died rushed back behind Tristan. I got up with my back broken, and I could tell you it hurt alot. I looked at Francis and he got the hint and started supporting me. The undead was on defense, b ut he didn't care to defend behind him unless he noticed Tristan moving, he thought I was dead which to be honest I should have been out of commision but not dead. I get ready and get in an offensive form holding my spear.

I thought I had this in the bag, until...

A/N : I cant tell you everything, now can I.