
Past One: Neglected Brother And Their Golden Child Daughter...

(POV: 3rd POV)

[Location: Bahamas]

"Oh, wouldn't you look at that? Aren't you guys such a happy family, Mr. and Mrs. Arlington? But where's your son? Shouldn't he be here on your daughter's fifth birthday?" The mother chuckled at her cousin's question while the father carried on watching his beloved daughter's happy smile as she blew her candles on the vanilla cake.

"Ahh~ don't worry about that child of ours. He was too sick to attend the birthday party and had to stay home, but I promise you that he's being well taken care of by a really close friend." The mother told a lie like it was breathing to her, and the father turned his head to say.

"Yep!!! Adolf will be much better next week!!" The father carelessly said without much sympathy that would be extremely hard to see through as he cheerfully acted unless you knew him personally.

Their replies silenced Aunt Carla as it seemed a bit odd to her for their son to be left behind, but hey, he must be really sick then. She finally mustered up something else to say, "Oh... Well, that's too bad, then; just tell Max to get better for me, Ellie!" 

The mother, Ellie Dremlin Arlington, smiled at her sister and said, "Of course I will do that, just for you, Carlie!!" 

Ellie's genuine smile was enough for Carla to feel at ease. Still, she couldn't have realized that after the party, she would go through a terrible accident as she was soon to be kidnapped by pirates from her ride back and was tortured for countless months before succumbing to death from starvation and other inflicted injuries and traumas that were too inhumane to speak of...

Poor Maximus was probably confusing her with her mother at such a young age.






(POV: Forgotten Child: Maximus Adolf)

At this point, I was around eight, and my little sister was close to becoming five years old. I was genuinely excited to celebrate her birthday. But it was weird how both of my parents' personalities flipped on me right after Fia, my sister, was born.

That change grew more and more distant and cold toward me, but oddly enough, I wasn't really bothered by it, as I still got to live under the house and have a bed and food, which was just enough for me.

I don't think it should be expected for kids to act like this, but it's expected of me, and I'll be alright with that. As long as I have a little sister, then I am content.

Yet, I wanted to ask my mom something, and I said, "H-hey, Mom? Why don't I have a last name as the rest of you?" My mother's answer kind of tore a part of my emotions when she chuckled.

"Oh? Well, why should you have Arlington as your last name? I think Adolf should be enough for you, right?" She stared at me with a smile, but her eyes were as cold as those of my little sister when she was born around when I was four and my father... Who just sat there ignoring this like the pathetic father that he is, and my little sister, who was almost turning five tomorrow, was busy with her food.

But, during this time, when I stayed at the same table with my parents and little sister, I was sure there was something in the food I ate while the others looked normal while eating.

I stood up from the table and said, "I- I don't feel so good... Can I head to bed, please?" At this point, my eyelids were feeling especially heavy, but I had the willpower to stay awake.

When I asked that, my mom, for the first in a long time in my life, had the most gentle smile on her face and stated.

"Sure, sweetie... If you're not feeling well, then just go to bed." And my dad added.

"Get to bed, twerp! You'll feel better tomorrow." My dad said to me.

I walked off, and each step was getting harder and harder, yet I persisted until I finally found my room, which had barely anything. Unlike my sister's room, which had a bunch of toys, etc., her room was colorful, pink, and expansive. I had a small room; I'm pretty sure this was a guest room I was sleeping in. It had gray-colored walling with no windows to look into; it was more of a prison but with a soft bed.

But I fell onto the bed, and my eyes were closed for who knows how long.






I was heavily asleep for who knows how long, and yet... As I opened my eyes, I felt better, but I felt a horrible premonition as I jolted up and ran out of my room to find where my family was.

But... Who would've thought that they were nowhere to be seen? Me being pissed off was an understatement for how I felt but, at the same time, I felt kind of numb too... I missed my sister's birthday again, and worst off, I am now stuck in this blasted house again...

Now I have to wait for them to come back. When did I actually have my birthday with those three? "Meh, I have to focus on taking care of myself instead... I think I know the combination from their safe."

I spoke to myself, as I had no idea that this would be the most significant change in my entire life. 





(POV: Indra Brahman %%%^%%$#$@!#$%$#$)

Indra reminisced a bit about his past life as he played like a maestro, creating silent bells that could barely be heard across the planet. He closed his eyes and gave himself a content smile.

"I am me, and that is all I'll ever be..." He then opened his eyes and that smile of his grew more cheerful.

"I guess it's my turn to meet a certain scientist who probably lost his pizza rights." His body turned into static energy as he searched for the same doctor who had invited himself to his home.

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