
Dr. Bright's Pity Party... A Spider Visits Before His Early Vacation...

(POV: Dr. Jack Bright)

[3 hours after the incident that went live for the world to see]

'SIIGH!!!!! Well, damn... Of all of the things that the council would ban me from, it had to be that infinite pizza.

Sheesh!! Now, I'm wondering where Dr. Sherman is; I think he was supposed to be my partner initially, but with his disappearance, I had to go solo when looking at the papers, and yet the O5 didn't talk about him during the meetings. With timing like this, I might even jump to a different universe because I'm starting to shiver a bit. I feel like someone spoke about me behind my back..'

I just got into my office, sat on my chair, and began to tinker with some mechanical scrap I'd left behind before the foundation told me to look for the new anomaly. This mechanical scrap right here will be my gateway to another Universe that has yet to be explored. Oddly enough, the person that I was thinking about earlier was ringing on my phone in one of my pockets, so I immediately spoke in Spanish.

"«Hola Sr. "Estoy demasiado enfermo para ir a trabajar hoy". Me gustaría mandarte a la mierda, pero mi curiosidad me dice que has hecho algo divertido sin mí, así que ¿dónde estabas mientras yo me partía el culo en una dimensión con un payaso morado que tiene a la fundación hecha una mierda?».." I spoke to doctor Sherman, and his reply was.

"Are you kidding me, Bright? And first off, fuck you too, and second off, if you're sooo curious, then I have to say that I noped out of this universe, and I am taking an extended vacation break...

Did you say that the anomaly that needs the foundation tweaking was an actual clown? Well, then, I guess Pennywise was keeping himself busy with a different goal instead of bullying children." Well, now, that was a pretty interesting theory. He could be right, but he looked more like a pimp than a clown and less sadistic but more showy... But now I'm even more curious, so I asked.

"Okay, I was playing around with you before, but why did you leave for another universe? Isn't that a bit drastic?" I said to Sherman, trying not to sound like a hypocrite. Dr. Sherman was quiet during the phone call for a brief period before rebutting.

"Umm, dude? There is no way that you're asking me that when you were probably going to do the same thing at some point?!?! I'll even show you my coordinates in the message so that we can watch and see who will win!! The Scarlet King Vs. SCP-2845!!! It's going to be a showdown, I tell you!!" My mouth had comedically widened upon hearing this new info.

"I've been lore bombed... When did you find this out!!!" Sherman laughed and said.

"Sadly, even if I were to give out this info to the O5, it would still be too late, as those two would have to take a ton of time and prep, and we got none of that as from rumors that the site for SCP-2845 had become too lazy... No, never mind, the site was abandoned and added by that anomaly instigating it all... I wanted to go to a safer place and watch it all unfold... It's time for a Death Battle Bright. We have to see who wins!!" Sherman's excitement pretty much swept me as I sped up with the scraps on my desk and built my transporter that would help with my laser pointer trajectory when traveling.

A third person popped into the call. It was from an unknown source, but the voice was unforgettable. "Sorry to intrude on the conversation, but are you two placing any bets on who's going to win?

Sherman and I were silent when we heard the voice... I was perplexed by Indras' sudden call, but I'm not sure about Sherman's reason. He was the first one to speak before me while I was still thinking.

"Well... If we're betting on who would win? I would have to go with the Scarlet King all the way!! But who the fuck are you?* Indra spoke carefreely.

"Ohhh... I was that clown that Bright was talking about....." Another silence can be felt in the room, and oddly enough, 'Why the hell am I hearing bells ringing?' I shivered a bit, but I voiced something.

"My bad about calling you a clown..." I said as I felt like my privacy was being torn apart by this anomaly in front of me.

"Nah, it's alright, Bright, but yeah, Sherman, I would actually bet on that bastard, too!!" Sherman, the ever-positive doctor, said.

"Man, I knew I wasn't the only one that would bet on him!!! God, Bright, why didn't you bring him up sooner!! An interdimensional reality-warping anomaly that's actually chill!! I can only count those with my hands..." Indra refuted lightly.

"I mean, I'm not exactly interdimensional as that would mean I'm existing or traveling between dimensions of space or time because my existence is Irrelevant... I'm just trying to will my "existence" to be lower, and that's why I appear not to be breaking realities apart... But believe me, though, I don't think I'm the strongest." I was cringing a bit when Indra said realities instead of reality.. And Sherman asked the same thought I did... I'll just sweep his last sentence under the rug.

*Wait a minute... Did you say reality... As in Plural? And how many realities?* Indra was stressing me out when I heard his answer.

"Yes... That is my answer, next question." Yep, he fucking said it like if this is some sort of interview... I finally wanted to say something.

"Are you planning to... You know? Destroy everything?" My question had him burst out, cackling as he answered.

"HhHhhhhAHAHAHAHAHHEEHEHHHEEHHEHAAA!!! Phew... Nope, that's the Scarlet Kings fetish, not mine~ But seriously, though, are we going to place bets now on who wins, or nah? But sooner or later, I'll be visiting your office, Dr. Bright, and you have a wonderful day, Mr. Sherman." 'Huh? Maybe we could be friends...' I thought Sherman chuckled as he spoke.

*We'll actually bet if there are more contenders; what's your name?* Indra uttered.

"Alright, bet, and my name is Indra, by the way." Never in my life have I ever met with a "reality warper." or anything else to that level to be so... Mentally stable? The more he acts like this, the more I feel like he is such a twisted individual. I know not every reality warper is evil, but they were never well-grounded at all, and he's giving me those vibes... Dr. Sherman decided to finish the call.

"Alright then, Bright, I'll see you if you travel to my coordinates, and you, Indra!! I'll probably be seeing you later!!" And just like that, Sherman hung up, leaving me with Indra.

"Wow... Talking to Sherman was a lot of fun!! And also, I'm at your door in Office 235..." *Beep* 'Well now, what does he want with me now...' I sighed to myself as I went to open the door in front of me.






(POV: Indra Brahman Tattvas)

I was already in front of Dr. Bright's office, waiting for him with my new get-up... a styled purple dress suit with purple-black shoes, gold-colored sunglasses and necklace, earrings, a variety-colored purple hat, and a pimp cane that was initially a maestro stick, I was still pale white, and my eyes glowed purple... I knocked on the door to let him know I was there.

And a door swung open, and there he was, the one and only Dr. Bright if you ignore the other infinite variations of him.

He stared at me, and squinted his eyes, and said. "I was right!! You look more like a pimp than a clown!! But I'm betting you're bitchless, which would make you the ultimate clown!!!"

I couldn't imagine that Bright would start the conversation like that... But should I even be mad? He's right... But I couldn't give less of a fuck either when the grind is real, so I said, "How's Pokemon GO? You're still losing your gyms, huh? I couldn't imagine losing that at all. It couldn't be me!!" 

Dr. Bright, who was already losing it, cried out, "Fuck you!!! What do you want from me?!?!?" He went straight to the main topic... I don't think I even had a reason... Other than reviving Mekhane and studying the fleshy deity Yaldabaoth, and now an added list because of Mr. James here... yeah, I'll bullshit my way.

"Well, now, that's quite simple. It's to give you a little something before I take my vacation somewhere else..." The Doc looked highly skeptical about my declaration... But bullshitting my way through truthful words can go far in life.

"I don't trust you... But with the way you operate, you can link your realms to different places. Are you bored staying here?" I immediately denied that.

"Oh heavens no!! This place has so many things to enjoy with my own eyes when physically closing off one of my own causal Transcendence when interacting with others!!" Dr. Bright gave me a deadpan look and shook his head.

"I don't get why you're telling me all of this, but what was it that you wanted to give me?" I raised my hand with my palm up, and a purple-like matter began to take shape into what looked like a pizza box that looked like it was from Jets: Pizza, and I handed it to him.

"I know you could've made something like this on your own, but this pizza is THE 2.0 version of the infinite pizza slices in this facility, but instead of the triangle, it's a Detroit-style pizza!!!" Dr. Bright looked stunned as he looked at the pizza box, and he held on to it while still looking at it.

"You know what, Indra... You're alright in my books; do whatever you want. I'm going back to designing something in my office." He said in an even tone as he closed his door.

"Um, okay, then... I guess I'll go back to my realm temporarily to set off onto a random world..." I said reluctantly, as there was still so much fun to do around this world, but sometimes, 'a different perspective shouldn't be wrong at all, right?' I thought to myself, but... Who knows.

I smiled to myself as I disappeared from Dr. Bright's door and back to [Mechromia]. 







(A/n: I wanted a chapter focused on Dr. Bright, Sherman, And Indra for this one. I just hope it was a good chapter; I thought the dialogue was fun.)

Next Chapter: Aftermaths of other Organizations and a temporary Vacation. 

Next chapter