
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Landing Queen

One week later, at night

3 people wearing black uniforms, covering their faces, were talking on the roof

"Seem like she is finally alone" says one of them

"I have a bad feeling about this... her servant is always around, why not now?" another one says expressing worry

"It is strange indeed, but if we don't act now then we may not have another chance to get her alone"

"And, she is just a child, maybe she is stronger among children, but we are trained assassins there's no way she can take us three alone" Says one of them with an arrogant tone and letting out a laugh


I sense some stares from a rooftop nearby, looks like it is time to leave Citadel

sending Eleonore to Vani's room so I can fight more freely

"They are coming..." I can see them through mana vision 

3 of them, they are fast, as expected of assassins or kidnappers hard to say

I take the shelter of my sword and clash with one of them that breaks through the wall, I guess they don't care to cause a commotion... but neither do I

I push his dagger back sending him to the street, then I jump through the hole he made in the wall

falling on the ground with my horror bringer in hands, they seem to be intimidated by my sword, she looks quite menacing, to say the least

taking advantage of their hesitation after seeing Horror Bringer, I channel an ability that has greater side effects in my body, but it is needed right now

Dark red lighting starts to appear around me and, in a blink...

Everyone at the academy that day heard... a thundering sound louder than any other thunder sound they ever heard

all the glasses nearby are now broken

looking to the side the two assassins flinch, I was there, where their other companion should have been... but I guess he is here, at least a part of him

I cut him in half, just now I broke the sound barrier, causing that thundering sound

looking at them with a sinister grim smile I say

"2 more..."

"What the? Quick formation don't let yourself be scared we are still two she is one" one of them say

"Hey, you know an interesting fact? When you are cut in half, you don't die instantly, you just can't move because your organs die, but your brain is there awake you can't close or open your eyes or breath, nothing" I say laughing sinisterly

after hearing this they flinch, I can feel it horror bringer is making me stronger, my body and energy are restoring faster too

"twisted bitch..." one of them whisper

Seriously, men in this world just have one insult to say when they are fighting women?

They dash at me using mana to improve their speed and power, one of them jumps at me from the front, and I block and push him back, the other one is behind me, he throws what seems to be a poisoned dagger, I dodge

one of them rushes at me from my back and the other from my front, I put my greatsword up and smash it on the ground, sending a wave of dark red lighting around me

the assassin behind me couldn't get out at the right time and one of his feet ended up incinerated, the one in front of me got out unscathed 

while he is distracted by the pain in his foot I rush at him, I slice him at the base of his neck and cut all the way down to the armpit

I give a sinister grim and start to laugh

the last one is trembling in fear, I guess the one I just killed was the boss

"2 down, 1 left" I say to him sinisterly looking at him with a grim smile

he loses his mind and starts screaming

"dammit, dammit god dammit!!! I will kill you!" he screams rushing at full speed at me

But at this point, his mind is too frail... I open my eyes and...


In a dark cold forest, a man is running from something

"wHy dId yOu kIlLeD mE?" a twisted voice yells in the forest

more than once many voices are screaming, and they all scream the something

wHy dId yOu kIlLeD mE? wHy dId yOu kIlLeD mE? wHy dId yOu kIlLeD mE? wHy dId yOu kIlLeD mE?

"Stop following me! Where im?! Stop no! No! don't come near me! Somebody help me! Please help!" the men say while running from countless shadows

but there is nobody to listen, and his body is growing colder and colder, the man is freezing, but he is still running

at some point the man stops and looks at the sky

"why did I kill so many people?" he says while tears fall from his eyes


The last man's head was on the ground facing the stars, with tears falling from his cold head

I channel a wave of red lighting in my sword and all the blood evaporates

"if you end up feeling bad, why are you even here" I say with a cold voice while coming back to my room

I see Eleonore and Vani holding a bag and their respective weapons

"let's get out of here girls" I say smiling

we get together and I channel a spell

"hold on tight, this is the first time im using this" I say to the girls

black clouds with red lighting are forming in the sky, like a storm that was not there a minute ago

 "Thunder God Chariot" I scream and a red bolt of lightning strikes us 

in a blink and a thundering sound we were in the sky traveling by the speed of sound inside red dark lighting we went over the walls and crashed into a forest, a few meters from the walls, finally we were outside

"I really need to work on the landing part though..." I say stuck in some tree branches

I look around, there is a river, Vani and Eleonore emerge from it

"Just the landing?! I feel like my organs are still trembling inside Queen" says Vani laughing

Eleonore with an expression of shock says

"That was quite the experience..." says Eleonore

trying to get off the tree I slip and fall

Vani and Eleonore get out of the river and run to aid me

"Queen are you okay?" says Vani worrying for my safety

"don't worry, I just overworked my body a bit, I had to use more mana than I planned to kill those assassins, and after that, I used a big spell to get us out too" I say with a weak voice

"Nothing can be done my lady, let's stay here for the time being shall we?" says Eleonore holding my hand

"Yes Eleonore, let's enjoy our luck at crashing close to a river, would you girls be so kind as to wash my body?" I ask, my voice is weak and hurts to breathe a little

they look at each other and smile maliciously

"would be our utmost pleasure to do so" they say at the same time smiling at me maliciously

Damn perverts...


2 days later

feeling better, I start to plan where we will be going from here, I don't need to rush, vampires can't leave the citadel right now, only the powerful ones can, but they have more important matters to attend to right now, but I must say, outside of citadel is all forest with really big trees

"My Lady, are you awake?" Eleonore asks entering my tent


"Yes Eleonore, everything ok?" I say

"Yes, Vani is watching in case of unexpected movement" says Eleonore bowing

"Good, the items are in the spatial ring?" I ask

"Yes my lady, everything ready for our departure" says Eleonore

I rise from my bed taking my night cloak and horror, im dressed in a bandage covering my top and black pants at my bottom

putting Horror Bringer at my back and spreading my hair I say

"Let us get going, shall we?" I say casually

Eleonore looking at how im dressed blushes

"You are so sexy dressed like this my lady" says Eleonore trying to hide her lust

"yes yes, just don't go drooling ok?" I say while laughing 

"I will try my best my lady" say Eleonore joking

she made way for me to pass and I got out of the tent, I packed the tent and put it inside my spatial ring

I see Vani looking around at the top of a tree

"Vani we are going let's go" I say

she jumps to the ground at my side

"My Queen are you trying to seduce me?" says Vani joking

Why im surrounded by perverts...

"Shut it, I didn't bring any clothes appropriate for walking inside forests" I say

"Sure, sure" says Vani sarcastically while laughing a little

"then let's run west and see what we find," I say preparing to run

we start to run through the forest, vampires are undead so we don't tire if we keep drinking blood, pretty convenient if you ask me

after some hours of running, we finally found a road

"Finally! I know we don't feel tired physically but im mentally exhausted after hours of running" Says Vani happily

true, when we started was daytime now the night takes place

we start to walk the road to see what we find

after some time walking, I feel some strange movement ahead with mana vision

"There is danger ahead, put on your guards but don't make it obvious" I say to the girls, and they answer shaking their heads

im walking in the middle, 3 steps behind me are Vani and Eleonore side by side

soon I saw what it was, seems like bandits, vermins, dared try to ambush me, but it was convenient

we keep walking and about 11 people appear from the woods, they surround us in a cycle, and a man smaller than me with red hair and a scar on his left eye appear

he seems to be the leader, and I notice once more that humans truly are short compared to vampires

im unfazed, Vani and Eleonore too

"heh, what a bunch of fine ladies like yourselves are doing at this time of night in a deserted road, huh?" the red-haired man says with a sarcastic tone, and some guys start to laugh

How can someone be so stupid? Im almost double his size and im carrying a greatsword on my back, like??

"but I must say, you ladies are quite the tall beauties, I think I can find a rich owner to treat you well" says the man laughing maliciously

after hearing this Eleonore flinches, she was a slave some time ago after all

"Oh? Really? You look like a capable man, would you say that your knowledge about this land surpasses any other here?" I say giving him a warm smile

"Yes yes lady, I can show you the ways just come with me ok?" he says smiling maliciously

"Vani Eleonore, kill everyone but that guy with red hair" I say with a cold voice


"Your wish is my command My Queen" they say bowing

"Huh? Do you lose your mind pretty lady?" the leader says

"hahahaha look at this girl she-- heh?" one of the men surrounding us tries to say but Vani is already with her sword deep in his stomach

"Filthy human dare to laugh at the words of a Queen" says Vani after she takes her sword out of the man's guts

the leader seems to wake up now

"shit they are no joke go everyone at the same time!" the leader yells

I go walking calmly while around me blood and heads start to fly but im unfazed, I walk to where the leader is, and he takes out his sword, an iron short sword, he uses mana to improve his legs and rushes at me

he tries to slice my head but I stop his sword with bare fingers and send it flying, the leader is shocked

I stand there in front of him without moving until

the screams around me stopped, when he looks around every one of his comrades was dead

Vani and Eleonore come back to my side

Eleonore rushes at the man in front of me and puts him on his knee

"Filthy human, you have no common sense? When a Queen wishes to speak with you, your knee and bow your head!" says Eleonore kicking his knee making him fall


"Good job Eleonore, Vani" I say to the girls with a gentle tone, and smiling at them

they bow in appreciation for my words

"Then, human what is your name? I allow you to speak" I say

"R-ick, plea-se I ask f-or your mer-" He tries to say, but Vani gives him a kick in his left cheek

"Answer only what the Queen asks nothing more human" says Vani with an angry tone

"Then Rick, do you have some hideouts close by?" I ask

he flinches and hesitates for a moment

"Y-es I have" he says 

"you shall see us there then, in the way talk about this area, everything that you know, sub human settlements, cities, dungeons, anything" I order

"Understood, m-ay I get up?" He asks with fear in his tone

"you may, and if you lie about anything, I will put you in an endless nightmare until you beg for me to kill you" I say giving him a creepy smile

he feels a shiver, and he knows im not lying


After some walking seems that we were close

"There is a small elf village east of here it is well hidden I found not too long ago I managed to kidnap two children there, I was going to trick them into believing I would return them and make a trap, but... you girls came first" Rick said

"And we a-re here the hi-deout, i-f I may coul-d y-ou please let me go?" He says while kneeling and shaking in fear

seems like the hideout is protected by some humans keeping watch, is more like a hole a nice fit for vermins I would say

"Sure sure, you can go to the afterlife that is" I say with a cold voice

I put my foot in his head and smashed it like a cockroach, making a noise so grotesque that normal people would vomit just from hearing it

"then girls let's see what we find, we need maps money things like that" I say to Vani and Eleonore

they bow and say understood

they dash forward and Vani kills the guard on the right side, Eleonore takes care of the other one

I enter the hideout and it is dirty... humans are truly filthy creatures, it is just like a tunnel cave with some doors and some candles

Vani makes a throne-like chair for me with stone magic

"Please My Queen, wait here, and we will bring you what we find, this place is unworthy of you" says Vani, Eleonore agrees

I sit on the throne in the entry

"then go, kill any other bandit, if you find what seems to be slaves bring them to me" I command them


After some minutes, Vani and Eleonore came back with sacks full of what they found useful for us, and a chain with about 5 slaves

"My Lady we did as you wish, and I found a map take it" she says giving me a map

As I'm reading the map I see that there are two elves among the slaves, a little kid with blonde hair and pointy ears, and another more teenage look with long blonde hair extending to her rear

I look at the map and see that the closest city is east of here namely Suaoriz, same direction as the Elf village

"Who of you know about Suaoriz? Every information about the place you can give" I command

3 of the women started to talk, the elves were shut, well they are not humans how can they know about a human city

they talk about leaders, adventure guilds, stores, and more

after some time of hearing them

"You bestow me with valuable information, and I will allow you 3 to go, Eleonore unchains these 3" I say

after hearing this the bigger elf flinches and starts to give an expression of fear


the 3 women say they thank them and go away, well they will probably die in no time anyway

"Then, come closer elves" I say and the two elves came

"What do you have to offer for your freedom?" I ask 

the bigger elf put on a fearful expression

"I do-nt h-ave anything to give you with me right now, but if you see us back to our village I will compensate you greatly" she says desperately with fear in her eyes


"And what kinda of great reward is that?" I ask with a cold voice

shivers run down the elf girl's spine

"the chief of my village was an artifact that can protect one mind" she says

"I see, interesting, very well I shall get you there" I say rising from my stone throne

Vani seems curious to ask something

"Vani I sense your curiosity, speak" I say casually

"My Queen, why we don't just wipe out the elves and take what they have, why take these girls back there?" Vani ask

the girl put her head down and started to shake after hearing what Vani said

"Yes, we could do that but, we will be acting like a group of bandits, is that what you want Vani?" I answer her casually

the elf girl let out a sigh of relief

"Forgive me, Queen, I was not thinking right, such behavior is beneath your perfection" Vani says apologetically

"You are forgiven, then elf speaks your name, and how much time it takes to get there?" I ask the elf girl

"about one day on foot, and my name is Hila and this is Hoki my little sister" she says pointing out to the small girl she is holding

I put all the important items inside the spatial ring, and we enter the forest going to the east

"While we walk speak about your village and elf culture" I say to Hila

then she starts talking about protecting the forest bla bla bla, a bunch of fanatics I guess


We find a little river with some trees around it

"let us rest here, the day will soon come, and we are running almost all day today, Vani Eleonore prepare the tents and food" I say

Vani makes a table and some chairs, and Eleonore gives some food to Hila and Hoki

"Huh?? Why are you guys drinking blood?" says Hila puzzled and scared

"We are vampires" I say casually while taking a sip of blood

Hila seems even more surprised

"wha? So are vampires alive after the war? Word says that your race got wiped out" say Hila surprised

"My race affairs are none of your business, refrain from asking anything related to that" I say to her with a passive-aggressive tone

"sor-ry, I overstep my boundaries" Hila says nervously

"forgiven, then I shall be taking a bath at the river, want to accompany me, Vani Eleonore?" I ask already knowing the answer

taking out my clothes and cloak I step inside the river

I sit at the edge with my back supported by a stone, soon after Vani and Eleonore join me

they start to hug me one on the right side and the other on the left

touching my body and licking my neck

I start to kiss Eleonore while fingering Vani

and like it goes, Hila would cast some curious looks at us from time to time and later that day she masturbated at her tent, kinda cute


8 hours late

I rise from my bed inside the tent, the sun is shining so I put my night cloak on, leaving the tent I see Eleonore preparing the table and Vani is keeping watch for 

anything strange

"Hey girls, everything ok?" I ask them

Hila seems to be watching her sister play

"Everything good my lady, sit down to eat if you may" Eleonore says with a smile

I walk towards my chair, but there is something strange, I feel something that I already felt before

Miasma, getting close to running?

"Vani! Do you see something? I feel a presence getting close" I ask Vani seems like she is seeing something indeed 

"Queen there is a type of wild animal running toward us, but he seems faster than a normal wild animal I cant grasp what it is!" Vani says raising her voice a little

Vani came back to the ground and stopped by my side

"keep on the watch, I feel something strange within this animal, I want to do some experiments, you two protect the elves behind us" I say, and they back down to stay at the elf's side

let's see what this thing can do

it is getting closer and closer, and finally, it finds me at the river

looks like a mutant wild animal for some reason, a big bear much bigger than a normal bear, with giant claws too with a horn at the top of its head

it comes rushing toward me, but an animal is an animal all it can do are mindless attacks

he tries to get me with his claws but I evade everything, I back down a little, and he jumps at me trying to get me with a bite

before his teeth find me I grab the bear by his neck and punch its face, the bear falls to the ground unconscious

"hey Hila, do you know what is it?" I say pointing at the bear on the ground

Her sister is crying in fear of the bear... she is not crying about me but is crying about this wild beast? im 100 times worse come on kid get a hint

"Ah… Yes, it is a corrupted animal, they tend to live inside dungeons but sometimes one or two leave, they are corrupted by the dungeon miasma" says Hila trying to calm down her sister

"talk about this dungeon and dungeon miasma" I say

"you see, dungeons are places with monsters usually caves or holes, ruins too, a dungeon is formed by miasma, miasma is what you can call dead mana.

if a lot of people with a decent amount of mana die at one place at once, are likely to form a dungeon because of the miasma their body will liberate in the air.

some people call themselves necromancers, they can wield the power of miasma like it is mana, the miasma corrupts the former ecosystem of a place and the animals turn into monsters and can even appear some undead in the dungeons too, usually, dungeons have chiefs, they are the most dangerous monster at the dungeon" say Hila tired of speaking so much

Interesting, a necromancer seems useful

"huh? So there is a dungeon nearby correct?" I ask curiously

"Yes there must be a dungeon nearby" Hila answered


"One could find items inside dungeons?" I ask casually

Hila thinks for a moment 

"it depends, some monster like goblins that are considered sub wild, tend to stock treasures, but in most of the dungeons you will find some kind of item if not, someone has already taken it" Hila answered

"If I kill the dungeon chief the dungeon disappear?" I ask Hila

"Not exactly disappears, a chief is a monster that received a big amount of miasma, so he is stronger and usually different than the others, so if you kill him that big amount of miasma is released and if there is some other monster left in the dungeon, in some time he will mutate to a stronger version and become the new boss"

say Hila

"thank you for the information Hila, we shall get going then" I say and then cut the head of the bear with my sword

I didn't want to dirty my clothes so I just cut him with my sword and I used a wave of red lighting to evaporate the blood

Hila looks scared after seeing it for the first time, horror bringer with red lighting around it is quite intimidating indeed


I can already feel the village with mana vision, looks like everything is fine, there are some guards in the trees too

I walk forward and an arrow flies in my direction, I grab and snap it

damn animals dare to fly an arrow at someone they don't even know

two elves jump from the tree and point their bow towards me

Eleonore and Vani try to rush at them but I stop them with a gesture

"Hey! Who are you guys what you are doing with Hila and Hoki? So you guys are the slavers, huh? Coming to trade, bastards!" one of the elf men say

Can they not just ask? Before shooting someone

"WAIT! Calm down they helped me come back here they are not slavers" Hila screams

"I already heard about this, they are trying to get us to let the guard down, she is probably affected by some drug humans are always like this!" an elf says yelling


Red lighting appears around me and in an instant, I appear behind them

Their bows are broken now, they are making puzzled expressions

when they look behind, im there with red lighting around me with an angry expression


these two elves are paralyzed, they can't move not even breathe

then Hila screamed something at them

"Knee! Knee, get on your knee!" Hilda says with desperate

Vani and Eleonore are giving malicious smiles 

when they hear Hilda's voice their survival instincts wake up, and their knee to the ground

"Mercy, please! He didn't intend to cause evil superior being" one of them says the other agrees

when I was about to talk, an elf appeared from behind and ask

"What is happening here?! Hila?!" the elf that appeared behind me asked surprised

the elf that appeared looked stronger than these, probably the so-called village chief, but wow... he is jacked I always thought of elves as skinny but this guy is massive, with blonde hair and green eyes, and looks kinda silly with flowers around his body

"Chief! These women helped me get here, but the guards offended her" Hila scream

the chief sees me glowing with dark red lighting around me and understands it all... smart people are always a pleasure to meet people with brains these days

the chief got to one knee and supplicated

"Superior being, could you please have mercy on us? If it would satisfy you take only my life please" the chief said with fear in his tone

"I shall not take any life here today, but punishment is appropriate, you two raise your heads" I say ordering the guards

they hesitate and paralyze

the chief then yell

"Do as the supreme being says, or it will be worse!"

rising their head, I then take out the right eye of each one, faster than they could feel, after that, I calm myself

the guards start to scream in pain some moments later, I place their eyes close to them carefully

I turn to the chief still kneeling, I make a gesture to Vani and Eleonore to bring Hila and her sister closer

"rise village chief, your etiquette before me is pleasing, finding someone with eyes among brutes is reassuring" I say to him

he gets on his feet

"Your words bring me greater joy supreme being, and I will be eternally grateful for your mercy and for bringing back Hila and her sister" the elf says

"no need to thank me, I didn't do it for free, im on a journey to collect magic artifacts, and Hila offered a magic artifact that is in your possession" I explain to the chief casually

the chief takes out a necklace with a relatively big tusk tied at the string, this tusk seems to have some letters in it

"Please take it" the chief says while bowing his head

I like him, he can think

"very well, the deal has been completed, but for your pleasing etiquette, I shall bestow upon you a simple wish, say what do you want?" I ask the chief

the chief opens wide his eyes in surprise and starts to think about a wish

"if you may, I wish for rain, it will take some time that we don't see rain in these parts, and or crops are starting to spoil" says the chief bowing his head

Well, I would make it rain anyway

"then if you could back down a little, Vani Eleonore, hold on tight we will go back to try finding that dungeon" I say smiling maliciously

Vani and Eleonore glance at each other

"ow no" they say at the same time 

they come closer and hold on into my arms

I channel a red bolt of lighting to the sky, starting to form dark clouds and the rain comes

"then Hilda, and little child that I don't recall the name of because you never talked, I bid you farewell" I say channeling more lighting 

"thunder god's chariot!!" I scream

A gigantic bolt of dark red lighting hit us, making a thundering sound louder than any other, we ascended to heaven with a boom following us and above the clouds, all you could see was a bolt of dark red thunder passing by at an incredible speed making a rumble whenever it passes...

"That was truly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen with my eyes" the chief says while looking at the sky, feeling raindrops on his skin