
Chapter 1

I've woken up because of the intense pain in my head. I look around to find where I am

All I can see is dark

"Where am I" as I spoke in the middle of the dark

'I'm just doing my homework at my room and fallen asleep..'


'What is this pain in my head... urgh...'


[Synchronizing System with the User]

[Synchronization Completed]

[Beginning System Update]

[System Updating]

'Urghh.. what is this mechanical voice...? System...?'

[System Update Complete: You can now input your name]

'A name? What is this?'


As I'm thinking what this system is, something pop in my view, it's like what you see in video games

'Am I in a video game??'

As im having a hard time to think what's happening, i just put my name


This is what I always used in every games I played

As I input the name, the mechanical voice sound once more.


[Name Accepted]



As the System sound, rpg video game user interface like appear in my point of view.

[Name: Akkey

Lvl: 1

Hp 500/500

Mana 100/100

Exp: 0% / 100%

Stats Points: 0

Str: 5

Dex: 5

Agi: 5

Int: 5

Stm: 5

Skill Points: 0

Skill List: ]


"It really is a rpg game like.. there's also a map..."

'What i see on the map is.. Im surrounded of walls.. and there's also only one way out.. I might be in some caves'

I can finally see, my eyes adjusted to the dark.

I can see the way out. I walk to the enrtance I'm seeing.

After i passed the entrance of the cave i still don't see anything other than it's dark

'Looks like i need to walk for an hour or so...'

After thinking to myself I walk until my legs give up.

"What the heck is this. How long should i walk, it's already been 3 hours"

'Gonna rest for now'

I sat down to the cold ground and fell asleep

Time passed when i am sleeping


I woke up

'Ok. Nice rest, but i am hungry, let's walk again..'

As i'm walking, time passed without me realizing.

'How many hours passed while i'm walking..uhh.. i want foods..'

"A light?"

As i am walking and pondering about getting some rest again light's reach my eyes.

I ran to the location of the light.

After a minutes passed i reach the sourced of the light.

"Huff huff"

Catching my breath I survey the surroundings. What i see is full of crystals

"What is this.. so beautiful.."

As Im gazing and admiring the beauty of the crystals. A name pop up in my view and an explanation of the object right next to it.

[Object name = Mana Crystal

Rarety = Epic

A pure substance of mana that is extremely valuable]

'Mana crystals?'

'Rarety Epic?'

I walked to some crystal on the ground and tap it. A text again appeared

[Add to Storage]


I click the text but nothing happened.

"Hmm? Why nothing happened?"

As I'm pondering why I can't add it,

I think how to keep it and start to think i want to add it in my storage, a storage box appeared in my view.

"Oh.. a storage, this will be useful"

'Is there limit to the storage? In video games there should be limit... and it should show it at the bottom yet there's none here...'

As i'm thinking i stored all of the crystals in the cave on my storage.

After an hour or so i finish collecting all the crystals in the cave.

All in there's over a thousand of stock on my storage with every 99 pieces of crystals every stock.

After I finish collecting the crystals, I turn toward the the other cave entrance and started walking again.

"Need to find the exit"

While walking through the dark path, time passed and i can see lights again. After a couple of minutes i finally reach the exit.


Towering mountains stood tall in the distant, tall trees swaying gently, sound of birds chirping.

"What a scenery"

After leaving the cave i found myself on a mountain cliff.

'Uwah, so high'

"That's a large forest.. is there even people living here?"

I survey my surrounding and see if there's a path to go down.

'Oh let's try that path'

While going down the path, I've been thinking how to get some foods.

'Uhh.. foods.. hmm. Hopefully I can find some foods...'

While thinking how to get some foods something caught my eyes.

"That is.."

A rabbit, the cute rabbit is looking at me. But what I see is.

"..a food!"

The rabbit quickly ran away, I quickly give chased.

"My little friend! Don't run away! Be obedient and let me eat you!"

The rabbit quickly shudder after hearing what i said

Dozens of minutes passed but I still haven't catch the rabbit. There's still 5 meters between us.

'Why is he so fast! Ah my legs won't last long..'

After that my legs finally give up, my body plumped down.

"Huff huff huff"

The rabbit also stop and look at me with a smirk face.

'Damm this rabbit'

As I'm having a hard time to breath, I didn't realize that I'm already at the foot of the cliff and at the front of the forest.

After stabilizing my breath I finally realize where I'm currently at.

The rabbit is also gone.

"But when I think about it I dont have a weapon to kill the rabbit.. also it's a Level 2..."

I enter the forest and think how to survive.

Most likely this world is a fantasy world where strong is a must. I need to become strong to survive in this world

'First i need to make a tool that can help me kill that rabbit'

I picked up a branch of wood and two stones. I used the other stone to sharpen the other, once I sharpen the stone I used it to make the one end of the branch a pointed tip.

After doing so, I examine the wooden spear I make.

"Wow, this craftmanship of mine is amazing..."

The wooden spear I maked is so terribly poor in all terms, in terms of look and quality it's so poor.

Even tho the materials is just a branch and a stone, if one is a master at craftmanship they can make the wooden spear as strong as an average spear with a decent materials.

After that I then gathered another batch of branch of woods and stone and some vines. Then I maked a bow and dozen of arrows.

"Thankfully I have learned how to hunt from my grandpa and make bows, tho not as good as him"

My grandpa is an old modern hunter back on earth, he won't used Rifles or such things, rather he'll used Bows to hunt.

Time to time when I was young my grandpa will always take me with him to hunt in the forest. That's why I learned how to make bow and arrows.

Walking through the woods, Im surveying my surroundings to not missed some to hunt.

While Im walking, I heard some noise.

Crackle Crackle

I quickly hid to the nearby tree, after hiding I quietly look at the direction where I heard the sound.

Crackle Crackle

What I see is the rabbit earlier.


I silently lift the bow and silently aim it.

After a few seconds of concentrating, I release the string and the arrow quietly flew.


In just an instant the rabbit plumped down.

Also at the same time a text box appeared at the bottom left of my view.


[ Announcement Box

You Acquire 30%Exp]


I near the dead rabbit and tap it.

I add it at my storage. I take out the rabbit and look at it happily.

'Finally i can eat'

I gather some branch of woods and light it with fire and cook the rabbit on it.

Dozen of minutes passed since I started cooking it.

After I finish eating the rabbit, I again look to find some to hunt. 4 hours passed since I started hunting for more foods in that 4 hours I killed 2 level 2 rabbit making my exp 90% and 1 level 3 boar. The boar gives me 60% making me Lvl 2.

Killing the boar is not easy, I used differ traps and lure it in it.

I open my status and look at it having deep thoughts how to raise my level.

[Name: Akkey

Lvl: 2

Hp 600/600

Mana 200/200

Exp: 50% / 100%

Stats Points: 10

Str: 7

Dex: 7

Agi: 7

Int: 7

Stm: 7

Skill Points: 5

Skill List: ]

"So every level up it gives me 10 Stats Points and 5 Skill Points. It also gives me 2 points in all stats, how generous. "

I then put 5 points on Agility and also 5 points on Strength.

'First I'll make my physical strength increase'

After distributing the points I felt my strength increasing. I try throwing a punch on the nearby tree.



The spot where i punch the tree now have a hole.

"Ohh.. it doesn't hurt.. this feels good"

I rest a little bit and proceed again to my adventure. every now and then I'll find some rabbit and boars along the way. Quickly time passed, a couple of hours of walking and killing made me Lvl 5 as my level increased it also goes for the enemy I hunt.

Sometime I encounter monsters such as Goblins, for the time being I encounter only 2 goblins their Lvl is Lvl 5.

Even tho their Lvl are 5 and higher than me the Goblins are the creatures that are very stupid so hunting them is not so hard.

While walking through the woods i heard noises.

"Ugwah ugwah"

"Ugwah ugwah"

'Looks like they're talking'

Hiding on a tree I silently look at the 2 Goblins talking to each other.

I lift the bow in my hands and aim it to one of the goblins. I silently pull the string after a couple of seconds of concentrating I release the string.


The arrow flew through the air and hit the goblin.


[ Announcement Box

You Acquired 20%Exp ]

The goblin's body collapsed and the other goblin immediately become startled. The goblin ready it's sword and panickly look everywhere.

I again aim the bow and pull the string and shot the arrow to the goblin. The goblin cannot do anything as it's body collapsed.

[ Announcement Box

You Acquired 20%Exp

You Acquired The Bow Mastery Class ]