
the journey of the 13 kings

13thking · Fantasy
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19 Chs

5th king of king of deflection

dancer was the world's best acrobatic but he still wasn't the world's best yet he still had to wait to win the Olympics for the title for the world's best acroacrobatic .

right before the Olympics there was a person that was trying to make him lose but he said no every time they didn't expect that he said no and tried over and over.

after 3 months of him saying no and so they decided to put a boom under his car and detonated it when he was going to get groceries.

the world government got ahold of his body for research just like psycho but when he was brought back he was able to Dodge and deflect enough attack at enough speed.

they may have still been training him to kill when psycho was trying to escape for there plan psycho was going to hold the guard back while dancer was going to destroy the tracking device.

and after they got out they went there different ways after a few months he was also put in the same body as the 13th king .

world earth

dancer the king of deflection

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I know that it is not fun reading this compared to a full story but in need to do this so you can understand the 13 kings before the story really starts thank you very much for looking at my story