
The journey of Mephistopheles.

I am Mephistopheles the Archdevil of combat and there are only three things i seek. The first is to seek battlefields to fight the strongest of opponents, I live for the thrill of combat. It's the most exhilarating thing, it's the purest and most beautiful form of madness. So overwhelmingly overpowering that it nearly devours me. The second thing I seek is absolute Domination and control in combat, I seek their greatest fear and absolute despair after a fierce battle with them and lastly I seek their death. After that I move onto the next battlefield to find more opponents to fight. The third thing I seek, different from my love for combat is my love for women . I'm not just an Archdevil but also the Incubus god, I seek to find the most worthy of women to become my partners. My name is Mephistopheles, and this is my journey. I do not care if you follow me or if you may come to hate me for my future actions, your words and feelings are not of importance to me. I do what I want, whenever I want, and however I want because I can, for I am Mephistopheles. Do not judge me by your feelings of good and evil because I care not for such things. Since when did mortals become the judge of gods. I shall say this again One-Last-Time. My name is Mephistopheles, the Archdevil of combat. And for those who will follow me truthfully, then know you are not part of the weak mortal whom shall think they have any right to judge me. I hereby grant you godhood and when you grow strong enough.......you know what's coming next don't you, so just wait for it and 'It' shall come. Written by yours faithfully Chibi Mephisto.

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Chapter 2: Creation of the contract.

[AN: First off let me clarify something real quick, if you think Mephisto or any other Archdevil is aware of fate/plot then you have another thing coming. They totally are ignorant about it as they live outside of it already and make their own plot/fate/path, Mephisto only bothers to know key parts of it, people whom he's interested in. Everything else is absolutely worthless to him, so he would still go about doing anything he wants to do and not bothering about what fate has in mind for anyone else that isn't close to him.

Also another heads up, I'll be heading into some medieval type shit for a bit, there'll be names and places but please don't expect accuracy because 1: I'm mixing things. 2: not the same reality as ours].

It had been centuries after their battle and some decades ago, the human Faust had finally been born. And after the demon Gairon had fought Mephisto and barely lived, he went on to fight the Archangels and the other Archdevils.

He lost on every single occasion but even then he never was scared or worried, except for one opponent.

The one battle he would never forget even if he wished to, the most terrifying thing he ever came across was not Mephisto. No, Mephisto was different, his nature made him probably the easiest Archdevil to approach.

But, that wasn't the case for Beelzebub. The first time he crossed his domain he had it imprinted onto his very soul, he for the first time felt....no. He knew he should run, run with all his might, it screamed in every single cell of his abstract existence.

He wanted to quit right then and there and he hadn't even met him yet, but when he eventually did, it would forever be the most unforgettable of experiences. One that made him question how he really was in any way alive and sane till this very day...

Gairon stood, donning a stoic look and a milky brown suit with one hand in pocket and the other holding an exquisite glass of wine as he gazed at the blossoming city outside his company. He exuded extreme class and authority, he took a sip of his wine and paused looking at his arm seeing it's very light trembling vibrations.

He ignored it and took another sip of his wine "hmm, the mixture isn't perfect" he said looking at the glass of wine which was in truth a mixture of powerful human souls mixed with that of some poor demons which had been turned and processed into a powerful wine. The wine for sure wasn't normal and for sure had massive benefits, but to him? they were just nothing but a delicacy and he actually had no dependency on them, nor did he or any other demon actually need to eat, this was just for the sake of tasting sweet delicacies.

"Next batch should be better" said Gairon, he ran the largest company in the underworld, providing almost anything a Demon, Witch, Angel or any other race might need. His greatest goal was to take the influence and power of the demon race much further beyond, but some things still need to be sorted, but for now he was in no rush at all. He had time, lot's and lot's of it. Gairon smirked at the end of his thoughts and turned around as he walked away to attend to business.....

In the castle of the Archdevil, two figures lay fully naked on the bed. One of the figures moved and raised her head up, she was an absolute beauty with light blueish silvery short hair and blue irises. Her skin was smooth and her body flawless, she looked down beneath her seeing a cute chibi Mephisto resting peacefully with his face buried in her boobs.

She smiled looking at the mightiest of Archdevils look so innocent, cute and defenseless. His guard was nonexistent right now, just any random demon could walk in and he still wouldn't know. She gently and carefully touched his hair, feeling the extreme smoothness and it also felt just like him. Hot, with a very cool warmth and an underlying softness.

Her gaze rest on his wrist, the strange bracelet around it. There was one thing she could vouch for with her very life, in fact any demon could do the same, and that was Mephisto was not a man of jewellery. There was not one single bone of desire in his body for it, he was completely indifferent about it.

Hence why this was most definitely strange for her, he never took it off also, but he also never acted like it was something he cherished or cared for. He had fought multiple battles with different opponent and in those battles, he even used the same arm the bracelet resided on to block. The first time he did that was definitely shocking for her, because before then another theory was festering in her mind.

She had thought of the possibility that the bracelet may have been gifted by someone special to Mephisto, the possibility that the Archdevil might have been in love sounded crazy to even her but that was the greatest possibility at that time for her.

On that same day when she saw him block an attack with his arm was the day she was sure that her theory was absolute bullshit, her face has turned blank at that moment. If he so cared about it that he never took it off once, then would he use it to block an attack, no matter how indestructible it was, he should at least have shown some level of care when he fought right ?

Nope. He didn't, not one single bit of care was shown. She was sure then that what she thought was the deal with the bracelet was wrong, which brought her back to square one of what exactly the deal with the bracelet was.

She looked at Mephisto, his cute little bat like wings twitched from time to time, she had never asked him what the bracelet was. Probably because of a 98% chance he won't tell her, it wasn't like they were that close. This was the thought that ran in her mind.

Mephisto raised his hand and placed them on her boobs, then he pushed his face out and sat up itching his eyes and yawning without a care in the world.

He flinched when he felt a hand on the tip of his tail, "hey!" he snarled at her but she giggled and smiled at him "it's not my fault Mephisto, your guard was down" she said with the gesture of a shrug.

"Hmpf" expressed Mephisto as he levitated off the bed and began his lazy flight outside, his clothes which were in fact his element of darkness and an extension of his being materialized around him. He reached the main space of his castle to see her already there and fully dressed in a blue long sleeved top with black pants that was actually just her materialized darkness.

All demons had an innate ability to control and manifest an infinitesimally small and lesser portion of darkness, it was imbedded in their inherent nature and it was present in every ability they had, amplifying it to much greater levels.

The greatest and truest users of this element was of course Archdevils, it was around them every second of their eternal life, it came into existence with them and will stay with them.

They didn't need a conscious effort to use or control it, it just was always there for them. Mephisto looked at the huge destruction that had been caused on the main floor of his castle "heal" he spoke and the castle began healing itself.

Without even blinking or making another form of expression, he raised his hand up and halted Cerberus in it's movements. The dog immediately followed orders and halted it's advance, but he had a pitiful expression as he whined sadly.

"Awww, don't have to be so harsh Mephisto" said Yetchna as she knelt down and hugged the big fluffy three headed monster, rubbing her head against him.

"Don't care, tell it to not bother me" said Mephisto maintaining his stance, Cerberus made another sad whine and put it's head even lower. Then it began sniffing as tears flowed down it's furry face, Yetchna held him tighter and kissed it's head as she spoke consoling words to him while giving Mephisto a mean look.

Mephisto looked at Yetchna and then Cerberus seeing it cry in such sadness "hmm, *sigh* you can do whatever you want stupid doggy" said Mephisto waving his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Not even a second later Cerberus was already atop Mephisto licking his face as it's tail wag in extreme joy.

Yetchna smiled looking at the cute scene of Cerberus assaulting Mephisto's face with his saliva while it's big fluffy tail wagged in happiness.

"Alright alright you dumb doggy enough". Cerberus paused for a bit then it continued to assault Mephisto once more, but it soon stopped and moved back then sat up.

"Errggh expressed Mephisto as he touched the saliva on his face which began evaporating a second later until there was nothing left at all, Yetchna came from behind and hugged Mephisto "see, it pays to be nice sometimes" she said to him but he wasn't having it and was going to retort when he remembered something.

"That guy has already been born some decades ago right" said Mephisto. Yetchna was confused and asked "who?".

Mephisto smiled "my new plaything" he replied and gestured to Cerberus "come it's time for us to visit the human world" he said as he climbed atop Cerberus.

Yetchna had a surprised expression "isn't interfering with mortals forbidden by the God and Archangels, and the gate leading to the human world is protected by angels" she said trying to discourage Mephisto from probably starting a small war of sorts.

Mephisto nod his head "yup, I'm still going anyways, I'm the Archdevil Mephsitopheles, i do whatever i want" he said raising his head in extreme pride and putting his chest forward a bit.

Yetchna sighed and smiled as she shook her head "i'm coming with you" she said.

"Hm? You sure" he said and she nod her head "I probably won't be needed in hell for quite sometime, and there's substitutes who can fill in my position for the time being while i'm gone so yeah" said Yetchna changing her clothing to look something more medieval but still incredibly seductive.

"Okay" Mephisto agreed and they set out of his Castle, he saw his lackeys hanging around and playing games. Once they saw him they greeted him

"Ahh boss, you're stepping out after such a long time inside" said one of his demon Lackeys.

Mephisto nod his head "take care of my house" he said as Cerberus's eyes glowed and he began running on space leaving the 8th hell in seconds but they forgot something.

Yetchna stood awkwardly with a blank look, those guys forgot she couldn't move in and out of realms as quickly as them.

The demon Lackeys gave nervous coughs "Ahem, sorry about our boss, he's like that sometimes" one apologized.

Yetchna sighed blue wisps of aura rose around her, a second later wings of blue pulsing magma formed on her back. She spread them and was gone the next instant.

[Meanwhile at the 1st Azrael base].

Chibi Mephisto placed his leg down on an angel shattering it's chest and nearly killing it, he smirked as he looked at the other Azraels surrounding him, each with extreme caution, fear and anger on their faces.

"What is the meaning of this Archdevil, are you tryi–

"Wrong" Mephisto interrupted the angel and levitated towards him, the angel put it's guard up but didn't back away and stood it's ground before the Archdevil.

Mephisto smiled seeing such brave stupidity "you Azraels were always like this, valuing your job over your own lives, it's why you die so quickly" he said as he lay upside down in the air "anyways i need to borrow something of yours" he said.

The angel looked straight at Mephisto "What do you want Archdevil".

Mephisto looked at his fingers and blew on them "oh nothing much you know, just the teleporter" he gaze went to their faces to see their expressions and it was as he expected.

"WHAT!?" They all yelled but the Angel in front of Mephisto put his hand up indicating for them to stop, he looked at Mephisto and spoke "Do you take us for fools Archdevil, you know that can't happen" the lead Azrael said.

Mephisto smiled "but that's the thing ya know, i get to decide what gets and what doesn't get to happen" said Mephisto as an Azrael in the far back suddenly caught ablaze and screamed as he burned to nothing.

The lead Azrael sweat dropped but still maintained a strong look "that fool was going to summon an Archangel, playing tricks against an Archdevil is a stupid move you know" said Mephisto with a wide smile as he stretched his hand "now what's it going to be, to burn or not to burn, you decide" said Mephisto with a devilish smirk on his face while the other Azreals quaked in their boots.

[Minutes Later]

The teleporter was activated and a man in a white silhouette with long golden straight hair that reached all the way to his back passed through it, he looked all around the base witnessing the destruction "what happened here" he asked the leading Azrael.

He knelt down before the man with the others following suit "the Archdevil Mephistopheles, breaking the rules of conduct between devils and angels attacked the base and demanded we give control of the teleporter" answered the leading Azrael.

...."I see" said Michael as he looked up *{so in the end he still went after him huh" *fuuuu* *{poor faust, he really has no chance of winning}*. He looked at the Azraels, the leader spoke "please punish us Archangel, we fell to his threats and gave him control".

Michael smiled "you shouldn't feel bad about that, the one whom you dealt with wasn't just any being but an Archdevil. It's most impressive that you just didn't immediately flee on contact, i still wouldn't have blamed you if you had done so. And your lives are really more important than any old base or teleporter, those can be recovered with no effort" said Michael.

The Azrael leader and others bowed "thank you Archangel" they said in unison, soldiers will always be soldiers thought Michael internally.

"What should we do now Archangel, the Archdevil Mephistopheles now roams free in the human world and nothing there could hope to stop him" asked the leader of the Azreals.

Michael replied to him "i cannot step into the mortal realm with him because i do not interfere with mortal realm unless asked to do so by God.

Azreals, as the middle guardian between all three realms, you have the authority to travel between all three freely so I am giving you the mission to watch Mephistopheles. I forbid you direct conflict with him no matter the stakes, if he takes things too far then I myself shall intervene" said Michael as he turned around and stepping back into the teleporter then turning around to face them "and don't worry about if Mephisto would mind you watching him, he's not going to bother at all" and then he was gone.

The leading Azrael turned to the rest of the soldiers and began assigning whom exactly would go to the mortal realm to watch the Archdevil Mephistopheles.

[At Mastema's Castle]

"So you want to borrow a gate to the mortal realm" said Mastema not even looking up from the book he was reading.

Some distance away from him sat Yetchna "yup, your Hyung-nim left without me, and I can't exactly go raid an Azrael base like i know he has done already. And besides even if I did do, unlike you guys who really can't be held accountable i can be still punished" said Yetchna.

Mastema for the first time looked up at her "i doubt it" he said and went back to his reading.

Yetchna raised a brow "doubt what" she asked.

Mastema turned over a page and continued his reading as he spoke "that Mephi-Hyung would let the Angels have any authority over you" he said.

Yetchna rest the side of her face on her knuckles and smiled "yeah, i guess he may not allow that to happen, so will i be borrowing a gate or not. Tell me the price if there's any" she said to him.

Mastema scoffed lightly and closed the book and raised his gaze to her "no worries, as someone that Mephi-Hyung values you get this for free" said Mastema as a singular small cube appeared in front of him then immediately expanded to become a gate. He turned to her and gestured towards the gate "there you go, one free ride to the mortal realm".

Yetchna eyed the gate and got up, walking towards it then stepping into it as it closed behind her a second later.

Mastema was back to his old peace or so it would have been if he didn't have another visitor waiting in line for him "I guess it's your turn now Gairon" he said as he turned his head towards the door which opened a second later with Gairon and someone else stepping in with him.

Mastema smiled and crossed his legs as he placed both hands on his thighs "so, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Gairon"....

[At the Human World]

Mephisto sat atop Cerberus, they both were high in the air as they watched the medieval human world beneath them. Nobody could see them unless they wanted it or if someone had a high enough spiritual presence, then they could interact with them. This applied to both the demons and angels, just as long as you weren't completely normal and had access to spiritual energy then you could and interact with them normally, this was just how they preferred to function.

Already super complicated beings didn't need to complicate themselves even more with even more complications, there was nothing fun in that, a singular notion they all shared when it came to this part of their existence.

Mephisto smiled as he finally found what he was looking for "move lower Cerberus" he instructed but then a voice interrupted him

"Oooh, so I really am that forgettable huh" the voice said.

Mephisto turned to his side to see Yetchna levitating right besides him "hehe so Mastema gave you a gate huh".

Yetchna sighed "why couldn't you have teleported here directly again, was it really necessary to scare those poor Azreals out of their mind as I'm sure you did" she asked.

Mephisto shrugged "doing that means forcefully breaking through a realm which would naturally alert the guardians because the nature of my teleportation is quite different, so why not be courteous and use their own way of teleportation, probably prevents a lot more problems that way" said Mephisto as he looked down watching his new toy.

Yetchna followed his gaze too "so that's what you came to find huh".

Mephisto smiled and shook his head "Nahh, he's not an important piece. Just a toy" he answered. Yetchen raised a brow "so who then is it" she asked.

"Her name's Gretchen, she's the important one" said Mephisto as he opened his palm and a small ring of fire was formed atop it, then it began expanding until it grew to about 2meters in length with a width of about 0·5meters.

The space between the flaming rings began distorting and transformed into a scenery, and in that scenery was the image of a light silvery golden long haired woman with the most delicate of features, white eyelashes and deep blue oceanic eyes. She looked to be angelic and there seemed to be an inherent cold, innocent and elegant aura attached to her.

"Hmmm" Yetchna expressed looking at the woman in the scenery "she's definitely something, she doesn't feel normal at all"

"That's because she isn't" said Mephisto as he dispelled the image and leaned back onto Cerberus "she has the bloodline of a witch, i don't particularly know or care about her specific ancestry but she's a witch no doubt. It's been so dormant for generations and only now is it showing itself physically in her. It's not awakened yet but at least it's presence is visible" he explained.

"I see" she said nodding her head, she hadn't any contact with witches before, those guys barely ever step outside their space but she was aware of them nonetheless. "Aren't you and the witches a little umm, yeah"

Mephisto shrugged "No, we're just what we are, devils and Witches. We perfectly understand each other and they're actually a very fun race" said Mephisto as they began going down lower to the ground. He willed himself visible "time to go greet my new pet".....

Inside a medium sized and poorly maintained bedroom, a figure sat at his desk in the far corner of the room. He had short blonde hair reaching his neck with bangs falling over his eyes and he wore a light grey robe, on his desk were multiple piles of books, some open and stacked carelessly and some closed. It was a very dark night, the cool wind blew the curtains occasionally and had already seeped into the whole room itself giving the room a very cold feel, and the only source of lighting available was the natural luminescent moon shining through and the help of some candles surrounding his desk enabling him to see and navigate his study.


The curtains of the room blew as a small figure with two small bat like wings attached to his back and a very luscious crimson red hair entered his room. He smiled, most of his face still hidden in the darkness but those deep crimson red irises were much too visible in the dark "hello...Faust" the being called....

/And so it was on that day the human Faust met the Archdevil Mephistopheles and a contract was formed between both parties. It's details you ask? Well, you just have to wait and see/.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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