
Finding Home

When Sarah ran away, Akio was brokenhearted. He didn't know Sarah knew his obsession with Ellie and couldn't understand why she didn't told him the day they first met as fiancé. Akio faced his in-laws anger and his parents hateful words. Ellie was there too. When she heard the truth, she looked at Akio with fear. She didn't love Akio but his bestfriend Brent.

After a few days of the pushing and pulling between Ellie and Akio, Ellie decided to end things. She didn't want anything to do with Akio. She confronted him together with Brent. Letting him know that they were going to marry one another. Akio was devastated. He didn't know what to do. Ellie advice him to moved and to find a new love.

Thus, when Sarah and Akio met again after a few years of being apart she was startled by the change in Akio's appearance. Likewise, Akio was surprised to see her change too. The two of them couldn't help but notice how much they had grown mature all the years being apart.

They began to share their stories to one another. Talking about their work, their hobbies, and their relationship. Both of them were surprised to know that they still had s connection despite being apart from one another.

Akio confessed that when Sarah ran away that day, something inside of him broke. At first, he thought that it Ellie whom he was in love with. Later, he realized that his love and obsession for Ellie steamed from her saving him. If anyone had saved him that day when he was dying, maybe he would also grew fond of them. Sarah was different though. He loved Sarah and saw a future together with her. It also didn't came from an obsession about something. It came from the responsibility of being a good husband and future father for their children.

Sarah accepted him and they got married after a year of courtship. Ellie was unable to attend their wedding and even Brent was nowhere to be seen. When Sarah contacted her, Ellie told her that she was pregnant. Both Akio and Sarah understand her. When the priest told, "Kiss the bride" , Sarah and Akio finally felt warmth spreading in their hearts. Finally, finding a place to call home.

Sarah became friends with Ellie. Thus, why she contacted her. While Akio and Brent are still friends even after the misunderstanding.

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