
The Journey of Becoming a Master

In a world filled with mages and knights, only ten stand at the top. These people are known to the world as masters. These masters decide the world's decisions and protect the people of the world. One day, the masters announced that all positions would be vacant and hereditary will not matter. This meant that anybody would be able to be a master; however, only those with the highest amount of power and intelligence will be able to take a position. Since there is no downside, everyone in the world is trying out to be a master, including Iko Kuniaki. Kuniaki is different from others in the world since he wasn't originally born into this world. Will Kuniaki be able to overcome the other contenders and become a master, or will he stay with the weakened crowd?

Michael_Bits · Fantasy
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3 Chs

2. Reincarnation

[10:00 A.M]

"Akeno, do you know where your brother is?"

"Yes, he went out saying that he was going to play with his friends."

"Again?! Man, that boy needs to grow up. He isn't a child anymore. I mean, today is his 15th birthday!"

"I know father, but give him a little slack. At least he is sociable instead of a loner."

"Yeah, that's true. Maybe he'll bring over a girl. That'll brighten my mood..."

"F-father... I don't think that n-necessary."

"And you! You need to get rid of that brother-complex. I mean, your almost an adult yourself. When are you going to bring home a boyfriend?"


"Kuniaki will never be your boyfriend nor husband! I told you that you need to stop having a brother-complex! Man, I don't know which of you two is better..."


[6:30 A.M - Earlier that day...]

"Ah, another wonderful morning."

It's around 6:30 in the morning. I feel like hunting again. Oh, maybe I'll find a rare monster? It is my birthday, so I think it's fair...

Today is my 15th birthday, meaning that I'm an adult. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Iko Kuniaki, and I'm now living in a world called Renias. I say 'now' because I haven't always lived here.

In my previous life, I lived in a world called Earth. I believed I died around eight years old, so I don't know much about that world. I did like history in that world, but I still was young. Plus, I don't have much memory of that world.

I can't remember my mother or father in that world. Also, I can only recall one memory. That memory is when I died. I was in a building with a dangerous aura. I was in a unique bed and reasonably ill. I remember hearing beeps too, though they slowly got longer in short intervals.

There was a female figure holding my hand almost the entire time. I assume that figure was my mother, but I can't recall any facial features. Then, my vision started to fade into blackness. Along with that, the beeping started fazing out, leaving only an endless beep.

That when I found myself in an endless space. Usually, 8-years-olds would be scared, but I couldn't feel anything. I had no emotions at that time. I was in that void for what feels like days, maybe weeks. One day, however, I could hear talking, and light emerged out of nowhere.

Then, someone pulled me old. It was an older female. He was talking or was moving her lips. The language she was using was a foreign one so I couldn't understand her. She took me and put me in the hands of a younger-looking female, who I now can call my mother. My male, who looks the same age as the female, my father, looks at me with a smile.

I was so confused about what was happening, but I still had no emotions. I remember them slapping me and pinching me, but I continue to have no feelings, and couldn't feel anything. I was getting sleepy by the minute and just fell asleep. When I did, I could hear panic sounds...

And that was my time transferring into this world. Athough I died at 8, I reasonably quickly learn the language and all other manners. I remember that I was more mature than other children on Earth too, but that's all I could recall. The other things were normal for a baby. I started understanding their speech near six months old. I learn to read at four, but it took me three more years to write...

Oh, it was only after being 3-years-old when I realized that I was in another world. My father would read some books for me on occasion. One of those books was about magic and knights. He explained how he used to be a knight and is now retired. He also said that my mother was a famous mage who is retired too.

I remember that Earth was a world with no magic. That could only mean that I was in another world. After being able to read, I tried to find books on this world history, which one book told me that this world is called Renias.

Anyway, after learning about the world, I started to devote myself to learning magic and how to use a sword. My father or mother wouldn't teach me anything since I was so young, so I had to train alone. Though, I did this secretly. Only one person knew about my training, and that was my sister. She was born about six months after me.

As we grew up, she started to get more and more attached to me. So much, that she has a brother-complex. I didn't mind that much, but it was illegal and looked down upon to marry relatives. Some people did do this, but doing this would cause people to distance themselves from you.

Nevertheless, my training was a unique one. I only travel to the nearby forest and fight any monsters I could see. Monsters are beings with evil intent towards humans. As such, they are treated as enemies of humankind and must die. However, some tame beasts to fight for them. These monsters were slightly okay then untamed beings.

Anyway, today is no different. I woke up and prepared myself. At seven, I started my journey to the forest, telling my sister to say to our parents that I was 'playing with friends.' I always used this excuse... Today might not work since I'm an adult now, but it's okay since I left before my parents woke up.

[10:15 A.M]

"And there!"

I slash the nearby monster, making my total kill count about 60. The forest I hunt at contains only G-rank and F-rank monsters. Sometimes, an E-rank or D-rank finds its way into the mix, but that is a rare case. These kills don't go to waste either. I usually take them to the guild for some money.

The guild is a building where people can accept quests or sell monsters to get money. Currently, I have five gold coins—the cash works in five divisions: copper, silver, gold, platinum, magic. Magic coins are unique, so only high-level nobles or royalty have them. Each of these divisions, except for magic, only takes 50 of its kind to make one of a higher one. For example, 50 silver coins is a gold coin. Fifty platinum coins do not create a magic coin. Magic coins are separate then platinum but are considered higher than platinum.

The G-rank and F-rank monsters usually only give 1-5 copper coins. E-rank and D-rank often only give 5-10 copper coins. These ranks are the low-rank monsters and don't fetch for a lot of money; however, if collected in large volumes, you can make some money.

The five gold I do have is quite a lot. With this, I can spend five years in this town with plenty to eat. Nevertheless, I have been saving up since I don't need anything. I made my sword myself through a nearby cave, and you don't need anything to learn magic. Life has been pretty good so far.

Yes, it has been going well so far; however, right now, I could consider today to be my worst day. Standing right in front of me is a three-headed wolf. I heard of these, its a Trihead-Wolf and is regarded as an A-ranked.

Man... Am I about to die at 15 years old? First 8 and now 15. Maybe I'll make it to 22 in my next life...
