
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasy
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21 Chs




'Myself devours me to please my hunger

Death devours me in its bid to conquer

I killed life, who to all was their mother

And only after a million deaths, have I realized my blunder'

"Ghaaaaaa!", I gasped for air for the last time as the torture was finally over.

Unknown to me, with the end of the torture came the beginning of something even worse.

I sat down in a meditative position as I began to think of what exactly just happened, upon every death that befell me, I realized that my emotions were slowly being chipped away and I could feel something akin to my soul become…well…solid, like my soul became more and more of a body rather than an intangible concept.

I could also remember little details of my life, like my name and that I was an athlete on a planet called 'Terra'. Other than that, I could feel nothing different about myself.

I basically just went through hours of pain, for absolutely nothing and the test was not yet even completed.

"You've put me through everything already KANE!!!, If you're going to do it then just do it!" I screamed as the sound of my voice that had finally come back just sunk through the blackness I was in, with not even a single echo resonating off the walls of black.

"I mean, how much worse could it get?", I said in a defeated tone, quite literally jinxing myself.

Just as I finished my statement, a thick white fog surrounded the area around me as the fog slowly started to near me.

"Fuck." I spat out as the fog invaded my orifices and once again, I died.


"GHAA!" I woke up once again, in a completely different room. I was still trapped in a room but unlike the room of black, it was white all around me. And in front of me were two figures that looked like they were made up of clouds. One resembled the Angel in my vision, and the other resembled the disgusting devil-like one.

As I tried to move forward towards the figures, I soon realized I was no more on my feet but levitated, my skin was now white and I could barely feel my own weight. I swiped on the cloud figures and my hand passed through them.

I looked around the room of white once again and this time it was filled with several cloudy figures; one of myself on a race track, in front of the Abomination, at my parent's funeral, at an alleyway, in my house, and so many other things around me.

"My memories." I realized as my eyes widened at the sight of myself before this 'guardian program' shit that I was being put through. I had a life, a purpose, as far as I could see, and that purpose vanquished for reasons which I didn't know up till now.

At the moment of realization my memories began to flood my head, right from my birth up till the point where I met the Abomination. I grabbed my stomach as I remembered the beings who were trapped in me as I thought their names in my head,

'Kritic, Diablo,' I called out to no response,

'maybe they took them out.' I thought as I continued to loiter around the empty white space like a child.

A few hours went by and I had finished destroying all the cloudy figures around me when I suddenly remembered,

"The ABOMINATION!!", my head rang like a bell, as the voice of the entity with silver hair echoed in my brain,

"THE ABOMINATION.", that statement felt like a trigger, a detonator to a bomb I didn't want to explode, upon hearing it a flash of pain zapped through my head as information violated my brain; I remembered it all now, what a guardian was, who Kane and the Abomination were, the fallen, and the fact that I was going through all this torture simply because the Abomination wanted it.

All of a sudden I heard a 'ding' sound from behind me and I turned to see an inscription, just like the one in the cage, except, this was on thin air;


I looked at the notification confused, as I wondered what exactly was self-purgatory and just like always, simply thinking that, was not enough to help me find out. I looked around to see dark clouds of smoke around as I readied my orifices for invasion, this was my second experience with sexual harassment from inanimate objects, I was used to it.

How wrong I was!

The smoke slid into my system smoothly as I breathed it in even more, readying myself for my obvious death. Seconds passed and nothing happened, minutes passed and nothing happened, and then an hour later I had given up and stopped breathing in such a way that would regulate the smoke even more.

Unknown to me, not accepting the smoke was the trigger.

My body began to corrode from my insides as I screamed out with all my might, only for nothing to come out, my voice was muted once again as I now began to feel my flesh burn. The pain was intense, so intense that I had accepted death, only to realize that I wasn't dying.

The corrosion burnt my organs, my bones, my skin, and throughout the whole thing, I was conscious as my whole body was burnt into nothing.

My consciousness still remained as I stared into the white space filled with dark smoke in complete confusion as I looked down at my hand to see that my entire body began to regenerate at an extremely high speed.

Once my body had completed its regeneration, the penetration continued again and again and again, my body burning to death and my mind, living through it, over and over again until I lost my sense of time.

'Haaa' I sighed, as my body had finished going through yet another cycle of corrosion.

'I wonder where its going to start from', I said, as I felt my skin grow back again from the top of my head. 'There it is'.

I looked at my hands as I saw it burn once again, not paying attention to the pain.

I had become numb as I simply lunged my head backwards in what looked like a stance of ecstasy as my body burned to nothing once again.

'I'd be nice to at least have someone to talk to here, you know?' I thought to myself, questioning the unknown around me.

'Kritic, Diablo.' I called out again to no response.

'KRITIC, DIABLO!' I called out once again, a bit fiercer, but to no response.

'KRITIIIC!! DIABLO!!!'I screamed at the top of my voice, [if what I had was even a voice at the moment]. An air of silence fell between me and the space as the sound of roasting flesh filled up the room.

I gave up, 'I guess they actually took- '

'Oi kid, why the fuck are you waking me up?' A familiar, thick and ladylike voice questioned,

'Calm down demon, the boy is lonely, we both feel it and you know it', Kritic replied to Diablo.

'Hmph,' Diablo scoffed, both of their voices purging the aura of loneliness around me.

'Uhmm...Hi', I began,

'I know we didn't really become acquainted with each other…. consensually. But, considering the situation in which WE are in, I would like to get to know you both better.' I said, finishing my statement with not a tinge of nervousness in my voice.

'And why should we answer you, we were imprisoned in you.' Diablo rebutted,

'How about this, you talk to me or you spend the next millennia with me screaming your name throughout our consciousnesses and I promise you, I will not stop.' I threatened as Diablo fell silent.

'HAHAHA!' Kritic laughed 'So, boy, what do you want to know?' he asked.

'Everything, your origin, your powers, my powers, our powers…everything'. I replied.

'Ho!' he said in a surprised tone, 'I can feel your boredom but I guess I truly underestimated it'. he paused before breaking the silence with a heavy sigh,

'Hmmm, so, about my origin...'he began.


And so, a millennium passed without me being lonely, a millennium with only me, Kritic and Diablo, learning of everything we could about each other in other to appease my boredom, in that millennia, we had thousands of millions of conversations; with me and Kritic teasing Diablo and Diablo getting frustrated from our teasing, we talked and talked until we knew everything about each other, and formed a bond with. Not a family like bond, but rather, like a bond with oneself....like a connection to a part of our souls,  and even though my body kept on dying over and over again, my soul was fully alive.