
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs




'Once upon a time a little guardian lived

In a once upon a time a little guardian believed

And in that once upon a time, the little guardian started his training

Once upon a time, a little guardian was left wondering,

unaware that his starting line was just a new beginning'

My head spun around as I wondered what the words on the wall meant;


'Neither did I know who I was, nor where I was and I was now also expected to somehow conjure something I had never heard about? I think not.' I thought to myself as I calmly sat down on the concrete like floors in hopes that somehow, I was going to get rescued.

Four hours passed and there was still no sign of anyone or even any hope of me getting out of this place, I stood up and walked to the blue walls of energy around before pressing the palm of my hand firmly against it as I tried to give it a push with my full strength, but, nothing came out of that.

I continued to try pushing against the walls before eventually stopping after I got tired, and laid down on the floor to sleep, by the time I was awake I could only imagine it was nighttime as I felt a fiery blaze of skin tearing cold surrounding the entire cage, and to my horror, it dawned on me that I was quite literally the only thing in that circle. No water, no clothing, no form of protection, and not even food. As I realized, I quickly stood up and rushed at the walls in another futile attempt to break it and before I knew it, I was punching, kicking, pushing and clawing away at the wall ever so psychopathically because, to the best of my understanding; I was fucked.

Soon enough, I tired myself out, and left without any option; as I had no food or water, I conserved my strength through sleep and funny enough, although there was bone chilling breeze everywhere, I calmly slept without catching a fever or even a cold when I woke up.

And so, a day passed with me repeating the same routine as the last, I hit the wall as many times as I could in as many ways I thought was possible until I eventually collapsed from fatigue, and like this, one month passed, and then another, until three months had now passed with me stuck in a cage, neither eating nor drinking.

On the first month I stayed in the cage, I could barely feel the effect of not eating, it actually seemed like I had grown a bit bigger from just hitting at the wall severally.

On the second month, I could feel the pain of not having digested anything in my body; my mouth was dry and my lips were cracked, my head spun around every time I stood up, my joints felt like they were being worked on by a blacksmith and I could feel the lack of food in my brain but, even with all these, for some reason, my stomach never growled once, nor did I actually have an appetite for food, my body and mind became impaired because of the lack of nutrients, but, to say that I was hungry, was very wrong.

On the third month was my limit, I was growing larger somehow as I never skipped a day of trying to get out of the fucking cage that trapped me in, but, my mind and body was at its limit. The symptoms from the last month had increased by a tenfold and now, I felt like a zombie, like I didn't have any power to do anything, but every time I needed to punch or push at that fucking wall, I just somehow had strength to do so.

I was lonely, sad, devoid of any feeling in my body but most notably, ANGRY!

'ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!', I thought to myself as I picked up my body from the floor of the cage. Slowly, I walked to the wall as I stood at arm's length in front of it and put my right foot behind my back, I readied my right hand for a punch as I closed my eyes and took a very deep breathe.

My body was at its worse; my bones felt like biscuit and my brain felt like a slushy being slammed everywhere around my head, subconsciously I knew, that this was going to be my last chance, even though I knew I wasn't going to die, I knew that if I didn't make this hit, I wouldn't even be able to stand up for another one.

As I twisted my upper body, I made up a picture in my head, a picture where all my emotions were physical; where they were weapons and, I could wield them. I began gathering all my negative emotions, all the pain, sadness and anger that I felt, as I let them all flow into my fist and lunged my body frontwards, throwing my arm at the wall.

Just before contact, an image flashed in my head; a person that I imagined to be myself, surrounded by seven Supremes, seven godlike beings; a man clad in black; the most hideous creature I had ever seen and a white light that felt like that of an angel. In the moment when these images flooded my brain, I could feel all the negative energy that I had imagined flowing into my fist amplify and then suddenly, dissipate.

In that single moment, my body felt better than when I had firstly found myself in that cage, my mind was back to normal and my fist was empty, my heart was clear. I felt nothing, no negative, no positive, no anger and no sadness as my fist smashed into the blue wall with a softness that I didn't know my body could illustrate.

Along with the punch came a crack on the wall, a crack that spread further around the wall as its four corners crashed down on itself to reveal a romantic landscape.

The wonders of nature flaunted itself in front me; trees surrounded the entire terrain as I could see birds of unimaginable sizes fluttering around, the pure scent of the breeze made its way to my system and made me feel like I was drinking water itself, the sunlight shone with a decent heat and mountains that were so tall they looked like they could lead to space were everywhere.

I myself, was on a cliff, enjoying the cool fresh breeze as it touched my naked skin, my eyes, on their way down to looking at the floor caught a glimpse of something which reflexively made it go back the way it came from.

Just in front of me, were a large pair of brown eyes, eyes that were as big as my entire body, I looked around to realize the impossible creature in front of me; it was a gorilla, how I knew the name of this animal, I didn't know, but it was definitely a gorilla, one that was as tall as half a mountain.

My body froze up as I understood finally, why the birds that flocked around this planet were so huge and why everything on this world was so big. I slowly started to walk back as the gorilla roared.

"AAARRGHHH!", it let out a heavy gust of wind from its mouth that blew me away, before I knew it, it's hand was above me, ready to smack me away like I was a piece of filth.

As the hand came down at me, I remembered the feeling I had in the cage as my body reflexively jumped on its hand as I quickly sprinted to its face with a speed that felt like I was teleporting. Before I knew it, I was in front of its eyes as my legs halted and my body twisted, my arms drifted and then collided with the gorilla's face, I could feel that he resisted but the unknown power I used persisted and the Gorilla had been decapitated.

I jumped off the gorilla's falling body to land back on the cliff as I stared at my arm in awe,

'What is this this power', I questioned myself as I proceeded to find myself some food.


About thirty years passed, and now, I had gotten so much control over my powers; I could run around the planet in about 4 minutes and lift a hill about half the size of a mountain. I realized I could speak telepathically to animals about thirteen years ago, and if I put some effort into it, I could physically conjure up the mysterious 'pure energy' that I assumed was the source of my power.

I had a very simple routine; I woke up, and ran as fast as I could around the planet, making sure that nothing new was happening, I was living amongst a pack of gorilla's who I considered family and, in the mornings, we scouted for food, {although I needed barely any food, I still ate a lot}, after that we slept around and I did some training. In the evenings, we had territory wars amongst the beasts of the forests as the gorillas practically ruled the lands; the biggest threat to us were the cockroaches. At about half the size of the gorilla's, they could dash at a speed that made them look invincible to everyone but me, who was the only person that could actually match their speed.

The wars took about an hour before they stopped, and casualties were always many. The dead were burned after the fight and by the time we got back from our hunt, food, prepared by the women was given to us back at home, this was the simple life that we lived.

I lived with a gorilla couple and their child; Hindard the 7th and his wife Knyet the 4th, along with their child; Hindard the 8th. We were family, we dined together, hunted together, lived together and even shared bedding together, it was truly a simple life.

Until about a hundred and thirty years after my arrival to the planet, I had not aged a single bit, but I had grown to be extremely muscular and veiny, at this point I was the king of the gorillas, who were the rulers of this world; making me the emperor of the planet.

My nether regions were covered with a piece of tiger fur, my skin had become tanned and my hair was reaching my waist, I had practically forgotten that I wasn't originally from this land and well, so did everyone else.


It was at night, just after a territory war, the mood was gloomy, bodies were being dragged around here and there and we were getting ready to hold a funeral for the fallen warriors when suddenly it became bright.

The sky cleared up its darkness, as the sun shone down in the middle of the sky, a piercing ray of light hit the ground as everyone stared in awe at what it could be, as soon as I saw what it was I ran towards the light at my best speed as I soon came face to face with him, as I came face to face with the man, the man clad in all black.