
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs




In the single moment when Fyjon swung his sword a million things happened that only the eyes of those from combat families could see.

From the moment Fyjon broke through, the absurd calmness that Henry had on his face was very unsettling as Fyjon finally unleased {NUCLEAR}.

The attack was as perfect as could be, Fyjon had successfully connected only Henry to his mana as he was ready to effectively unleash enough power on Henry to destroy a large city.

The power of the {Nuclear} would have been close to 50 megatons of TNT, as Fyjon imagined it in his head, once he swung his sword Henry would have noticed the danger and wrapped himself around reinforced mana, rendering the explosion unable to kill Henry but very able to knock him out and secure his victory for this round.

But he was wrong.

His sword ignited the oxygen in the air as several sparks began flying from the hilt of his sword, travelling down to the tip. In the moment just before his sword could reach Henry, it was as if time had stopped as the boy looked down at it and slowly grabbed it.

The eyes of every combatant present [of course, besides Elizabeth and Alex] widened as they witnessed a mere 7th stage martial artist move at a speed that was around Mach 300, something that even high-ranking 6th stage-7th star martial artists struggled with.

Henry grabbed the sword at its tip as he redirected the flow of aura backwards to Fyjon, causing the opposite of what was supposed to happen, to happen.

The air quickly exploded as Blaze quickly rose a hand up and sent mana to Fyjon, causing his body to detect a threat and transform into his original dragon body, lessening the brunt of the explosion, but still knocking him out.

The smoke rose up from the explosion as the sound deafened the auditorium, from the smoke came a sight that none could believe, but none could deny; therein lay Fyjon, knocked out cold on the floor in his dragon form as multiple injuries serenaded his body, and in front oh him stood triumphantly Henry, with almost no damage, his face; completely void of any excitement.


People watched in shock from screens everywhere as Henry's Butler delivered him his rose while he was making his way out of the arena; it was already a shock to see a [zero star] do that to someone way more higher ranking than him, but, the true shock came as when everyone realized that he did all of that without hardly ever using his mana.


His eyes shone a bright red in the darkness as his followers stood in front of him, all carrying staffs with stones that illuminated the room with a blue light.

"For years, Le Noir has been under the rule of tyrants who have nothing to show except for their unnecessary power. A bunch of brainless fools have been trusted to lead the continent, time and time again simply because of their power," the man stepped forward to reveal his figure covered by a dark hood, 

"The time for the lections has come once more, we will not yield to the direct line!" The man declared as his followers screamed in affirmation.


"We will not let them rule us!!!"


"We will not let leave our future in their hands!!!!!"


From the shadows came a man who was also shrouded in his hood with a large staff that was taller than him, walking up to the man and whispering in his ears.

"We're ready,"

"Good," The man replied,

"It's time to see Alex step down".


The rest of the matches proceeded exactly the way everyone thought they would; at first the final match was predicted to be a show off between Le Rouge and Le Blanc, but after Le Noir's unexpected triumph against Fyjon, it was needless to say that everyone had predicted the final match to be a massacre between Le Noir and Le Blanc.

[Back to Henry's Pov] 

After the match with Fyjon, every other one I had was like cutting butter with a knife, from the first match, I had noticed though that my grandmother had stopped looking at me with disgust which honestly made me very satisfied with myself.

I was now fighting in the semifinal against the barbarian boy from Vel Noshu; a 6'5 monster who could not convince me for the death of me that he was 11 years old. I made lightwork of him as I grabbed his arm and performed what I called the [Giant Breaker] on him; grabbing him by an arm that he intended to hit me with, twisting it clockwise and then rotating it anticlockwise, using the strength of his body to jump on his arm and twisting it with my entire weight, forcing his own momentum against him, and effectively breaking his arm.

'By the way...' I said to Kritic and Diablo, 'I think some people here want to kill me, hope you guys are ready?'

'Yeah!' They answered in unison as I entered the stage to reveal in front of me, the prodigy of my generation; Alexia Le Blanc.

The Le Blanc family was the most powerful magic family in the world. Elves were said to be creatures blessed by magic and thus, the most powerful magic family being a family of elves came as a surprise to no one.

Sigfrid Le Blanc, the master of the world magic tower and the rank 10 most powerful being in the world was the father of Alexia. Frey Le Blanc, although not being one of the top ten was a [seat] in the world magic tower and the matriarch of Le Blanc, being the youngest head of any house, at only thirty years old; [two years older than my dad], was the aunt and teacher of Alexia, making her the next most influential child in the entire junior category by far.

She appeared before me in her magician's gown, wielding nothing more than a small floating orb that circled around her as she walked with an overwhelming finesse that captured the eyes of everyone, including mine.

Her skin was bleached white and long hair that strolled down to her lower back was the same being the signature looks of the Le Blanc [and also where my mom got her facial features from], her lips were scarlet red; the color of my eyes, her eyes shone a blue that was blessed with abundant mana, and her face in general was just…so plump and cute, like a baby [well…she looked like a very very cute child].

Her expression had an aggressive feel to it as she stared me down in the middle of the stadium, looking up at me like a wolf. I gave her my usual smile as our PAS results were displayed on the screen and the announcer declared.


'Wooooohhh!!!' roars came flooding down at the mention of her name, like I was merely the side event of the show and everyone came to see just her.


The auditorium was as silent as space as everyone looked at me with a dead empty expression plastered on all their faces. In my head, I could hear Kritic and Diablo begin to laugh at me with passion, I simply stood there to wait for the coach's signal to start.

And soon enough came the bell that saved me,