
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 2; DIABLO

Chapter 2;


'When the Angel from hell rises

Treat him like a devil

For his darkness soaked wings imply this;

That hell can turn even Angels evil'

"Dodge." I heard, as my face was met with the eccentric fist of the devil, the ice behind us, shattering from the shock-wave of the punch, as the impact caused a large crater around everywhere my eyes could see.

"*DODGE, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!", the voice said to me, much more angrily this time, "If you die, I also fucking die, do you understand." The rather manly voice said to me once again before another punch landed on my belly as my body ejected blood through its mouth.

"LEFT!", the voice said to me as I instinctively swerved to the right. It was only after the intense breeze and shock wave from yet another punch from the devil hit me, that I realized that I had successfully evaded the bullet fast punch from the devil.

"Its thousands of times faster than a bullet, you idiot!….quickly, duck." the voice said again as if it had read my mind, I quickly dodged and evaded another hook from the devil.

"Hmm". The devil grunted, "I knew you were there, Kritic". the devil said, with a thick but feminine voice, to my surprise.

The 'devil' was at least seven foot tall, with what I can only describe as a morbid figure, it was the darkest of dark, with very bright lines of white around its body in a pattern that looked more like a tattoo than its complexion, its face was empty, just like the God like creature which I assumed was the voice in my head, its upper body looked simply bizarre, with eyes surrounding places they weren't meant to be, and his lips on his shoulders… the only thing that kept me sane after seeing his body, was my new found numbness to emotion, but even still, that didn't stop me from feeling fear.

"Left block to the face, raise your right leg about 90 degrees, parry with your right hand by slapping from left to right, use both hands to catch, and twist what you catch, then rush in and scream 'burst' before hitting that big bastard." Kritic said as my body did as he asked, and I blocked its punch, before blocking his kick, parrying another punch, catching a blow and then screaming 'BURSTTT!!!', I rushed in to deliver my final punch as I felt a power envelope my arm.

My feet traveled a distance as I put my entire back into the punch, I felt contact with what should be its torso, followed by a crunching sound and the enormous shock-wave from the shattered glaciers several meters across from us.

Satisfied with myself, I pulled away as I watched what was supposed to be dead or at least be in pain, smiling at me, looking down at my torso.

I looked down, and to my horror, the left part of my body was empty, as I could smell the scent of burnt meat.

"Ah", I screamed as I fell down to the floor, writhing in the pain of having half my body destroyed, in pain and utter hopelessness, I simply continued to scream into thin air as I now desperately hung onto my life, praying for a miracle to happen.

My 'apple logo' looking body bled juices from the opening the devil had created as pain found its way into my nerves, my patriotic mind beseeching me to simply end my own life before this creature in front of me did it for me. As my injured self was preoccupied with screaming in agony, from the blurred side view of my vision, I soon started to see the smile on the devil's face slowly wear off as the pain I felt followed suit.

Around the empty-flesh missing area where my palms had desperately gripped, moulds of flesh started to fill up as I watched in shock, my body regenerate. Without a moment's waste I saw the huge destruction-fashioned fist of the devil descend upon my cerebrum, now, I had gotten used to its attacks and for some reason his 'scary' looking fists didn't look so scary anymore.

'Wham'. the glacier floors sounded as I quickly rolled away and stood up to dodge the devil's blow which had now destroyed what little piece of ice was left beneath our feet as we were now, to my surprise, standing on water, I looked down as I could feel the water touch my bare feet and somehow remained just like that; with only the sole of my feet touching the water. But more than that, I was alone, in the middle of nowhere and in front of the friggin' devil…what the hell was I supposed to do now?

"Oi". The voice in my head started again, "1 minute". he said,

"What do you mean, '1 minute'?" I replied as I had somehow figured how to communicate with it by thought.

"Let me take over for a minute?" he said,

"Wait...what?, you mean my body?", I asked, completely in shock.

"No, I mean your house… of course I mean your fucking body, let me take over, you're suppressing me, relax your thoughts and emotions a bit and for 1 minute let me kill this guy so you stop shivering inside…its starting to irritate me".

Coincidentally, at the very moment he said that, the devil rushed at me from where he was standing, ready to throw what I could only describe as death at me, instinctively, I let myself go and let the angel do as he wanted with my body.

As soon as I let him him, I felt my consciousness fade and my sense of living dull, the only thing left of me were my basic senses, it felt like I was in my body, but I wasn't the owner, I could see all that was happening but it wasn't happening to me, to describe how I felt was more akin to a driver and a passenger, both of them in the same car but I felt like the passenger; in the car but not controlling it.

A large gust of wind came out from nowhere as I could hear the Angel laugh, "HAHAHAHA!" He said before looking up, " Diablo!, you wanted to fight me right, here I am…come on…let's fight", he finished as he put his right leg back in a stance.

"Hmmm, Kritic!", The devil said "Welcome..is what I should say…but, since you're going to die here anyways…Goodbye".