
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · Fantasy
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21 Chs





From the minute we crossed the tele-port into the country of North Drakon in the continent of Vasileio Drakon; the kingdom of dragons, where the youth tournament for the children of the direct lineages was to hold, I had a sick feeling of suppression in my stomach.

We got down from the Limousine to enter 'camera hell' tens of paparazzi' and women screaming our names from here to there, and by the time we got to the hotel which was supposed to be a 'drama free zone' we were met by an entourage of soldiers who rushed at the princesses of their kingdoms, popping bottles of champagned laced with mana and shouting chants of joy.

As if that wasn't enough, a man who looked not older than twenty-three and was dressed like the owner of a fashion brand called himself Elizabeth's father; King Richards, the fucking '4th dimension', and then from nowhere, someone who looked the same age as King Richards, just called my thirty-two-year-old father, her son!!

What the hell was happening?


The woman cat walked to us in her high heels, as she swayed from left to right like a fashion model, if not for the extremely dense barrier of mana around her, and the fact that she just called my father her son, I would never believe that this woman was any older than twenty-three.

'Hey, Henry,' Diablo called out to me in an alarming voice.

'I'm sure you've noticed it too,' Kritic said, with regards to why Diablo called out to me.

'Yeah,' I replied, acknowledging that I indeed already notice, 'Alex is unnecessarily powerful, but that man over there is a completely different beast,' I said, looking at King Richards then back at Elizabeth.

'And yet, this woman makes both of them look cute.'

  Her Majesty Queen Scarlett Olivia 'The Martial Sorceress' Le Noir, was the undisputed most powerful being on the planet; the second child and first daughter of the former strongest; Late Christoph Le Noir and his wife, the ice dragon; Cherie Le Noir. The wife of the former Emperor of the Continent of Nort Velia and the former Empress herself, being one of the only Dragon-human hybrids and the first Martial artist to also be a Magician, the mother to the greatest Martial artist of the generation; Prince Alex Le Noir and his two siblings who filled spots on the top ten strongest [making four Le Noir's that were part of the top strongest beings on Atter], and the only human [technically half-human] to achieve Genesis in two Combat stars {Via her martial body and her Soul of Mana} and Mana control.

She was revered as one of the strongest and most politically influential Le Noir's to have ever lived, having defeated King Richards in battle, at the age of twenty-one and claiming her spot at the top, she was a living legend and a myth whose name got even my mother nervous.

That was who was standing in front of us, tiptoeing to pat her son's head as she showered him with hugs while she looked at me with what I could only describe as, disgust.

"Have you seen your brother and sister?" She asked my dad as she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away into the elevators, at this point, we had all dispersed; Elizabeth was with her father and daughter, William and John had been swiped away by promoters who wanted them to be the faces of the event and I was left following my father as we rode the elevator downwards.

"No, we just got here," my dad said to his mother in response to her question, "By the way, this is Henry…your grandson." He said, gently tugging me forward as I bowed my head to greet her,

"Good day grandma." 

The expression on Queen Scarlett's face remained ever cold and still filled with disgust as she simply replied,

"Call me Grandmother, not Grandma." And tried to continue her conversation with my father, who was just as confused as I was.

"Mother, my SON just greeted you…your grandson…and that's all you could say?" My father said to his mother, reprimanding her for her actions.

"What do you want me to say Alex." She said, looking down at me with contempt, "The boy is a disgrace to the Noir."

"Mother!" My dad shot at Scarlett, "What is that supposed to mean." 

"Look at him…people might think he is all that because he got to the seventh stage at twelve, but at twelve, you were at the fifth stage-fourth star," She began, as my father's eyes looked away in acknowledgement, "When compared, he's no different from any special mage or martial artist in this world, in the Le Noir family…in our family's history. He's nothing special."

The elevator fell silent as my dad simply looked down at the floor in defeat, acknowledging that what she said was indeed the truth, which it was;

The Le Noir family, more specifically, the direct lineage of Le Noir as far as I knew, apart from mass producing geniuses like it was nothing, had at least one monster emerged from the Family who always became the strongest in Atter, through one means or the other.

And that person, always had dual combat proficiency; my great grandfather, Christoph, was a martial artist and Saint who achieved sixth stage-fourth stage at my age.

My grandmother; Scarlett, was a Martial artist and Magician, who achieved the same feat as her father, at my age.

And my dad was an Aura User [a knight], in addition to being the greatest Martial artist in the world.

So, while the world, did revere me as a monster, when compared to the past monsters of Le Noir, I was nothing but a pup.

[But that wasn't enough of a fucking reason, for this woman to look at me like filth...like she was a God and I was no one. I knew Gods, I saw Gods, and this woman definitely thought she was, but she was nothing.]

"I guess what 'The Oracle' said about you being the last of a kind in our family was true," Scarlett said to my dad as the elevator opened, "What a shame."

Those words, 'what a shame' resonated in my head as I could feel my ego being struck at heavily; was that, as punishment for not finishing my 'Guardian's test', a part of my usually suppressed emotions got amplified instead, worse of all, it was the emotion that caused wars, disruptions and violence around every [Planet of rejection]; rage.

'She's pissed off the GuArDIANNN!' Kritic mocked as Diablo laughed alongside him.

'Hahaha! let's fuck the history of Le Noir up!'