
the jojoobh

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 7 Lilith

suddenly I herd a screm aaaaaaaaaaaah I turned and saw my new demon servant what the fuck did you do to me my hair is white and I have horns shut up is that any way to talk to your master Lilith pov suddenly I wasn't able to speak it felt like my throat was being crushed by some invisible force I wasn't able to speak mc pov I saw that the power I have over Lilith was absolute I then began to speak you are now my servant but every king needs a maid so you will. become my personal maid you will listen to every command that I give you and if you don't you will be punished understand she began to nod since your began good for now I will let you speak ok I understand but what will happen to me now you will become my maid ok but you don't look like a maid suddenly created a worm hole and pulled a maid outfit out and threw it at Lilith and said put it on we are going out she nodded I thought to myself this is going to be interesting... Next time a night out /AT thanks for all the support I really do appreciate you all