
The Jester’s Rebellion

For years the Kingdom of Spalis has remained a stable nation in Bontium. It’s Kings remained mostly beloved by their people, until Magito rose to power. He rules his Kingdom with an iron fist. One day, he discovers the truth of the relationship between his wife and the royal jester. From then on, Spalis would change.

HeroOfHero · Fantasy
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13 Chs

His Eastern City

The power that lied in the King's hand. It was almost intoxicating. An entire nation completely controlled by one man and the words "yes" or "no." Almost everyone around the world all had a tiny wish, a tiny dream of becoming King. Almost everyone wanted to be at the top of the nation, at the top of the world. It was a desire for fame and power. Magito was one person who never had such a dream, one of the few who didn't want to be a King. But he was one of the royal line. One destined to have power at a national scale. He was born and forced into a role. One others can only crave.

An entire people at his fingertips. A people, many in the country were vying for favor with. Magito's brother had returned to the Spalio. Magito informed him of everything he wanted and needed. Contavion set off with this knowledge eastward. With Zarina, shrouded in a cloak. As Contavion set off, Casimar and his travel group arrived in Ladrio. The jewel of the East. A city distinct in its beauty and culture from Spalio.

A long time ago, before Spalis's inception, the two cities stood. They helped each other for hundreds of years. Time passed, the cities grew. Their friendship grew more and more prominent. Both cities were ruled by their own versions of Kings. The cities had become so intertwined that a prince of Spalio and princess of Ladrio had fallen in love. A grand plague had fallen upon Ladrio. It had been weakened and was suffering. When the two married, so did the cities. With Spalio taking control in order to help its struggling sister city.

Back then, the arrangement made sense. But with a despot in power, those of Ladrio have begun seeing things differently. Ladrio has its own arena, full of gladiators and rabid beasts. It was home to many great champions and warriors who went on to serve the army and the King. One champion never joined the army or went on to fight for the King. Onus, the leader of the Eastern Crest. He never believed in the Monarchy or the state. He was a man of Ladrio, all his loyalty remained there. When Magito rose to power, and his despotic reign began, Onus knew what he had to do. He formed many connections over his years in Ladrio, and he began utilizing them. From there, the Eastern Crest was created in secret. It continues to look for its moment to strike, while consolidating power.

Originally shrouded in secrecy, the Eastern Crest has grown to a size way too large to keep itself underground. Onus thought this would be a death sentence for the organization he was building, but the people of Ladrio welcomed it and him with open arms. The Eastern Crest was so beloved that although not officially, Ladrio had already become the Eastern Crest's headquarters, where its people gathered. Onus had decided the first place to begin his uprising against the King would be his beloved Ladrio.

Ladrio's people had a pact they all shared. You never sell out the Eastern Crest or its members. If you find someone trying to, you drag them to the gladiator pits and leave them to fight until they die. Ladrio's royal guards have been looking into the Crest for months. Ladrio's leader, Quinton, had essentially given up on taking down the Crest; they were too powerful for him to do anything. He had given them the city.

Until, a letter from Contavion reached his desk. Contavion was coming and bringing an army. They would enter the city and hunt them down. No investigation. It would be a sweep of the entire city. Quinton knew innocents would be caught in the crossfire. He knew this would be reckless and detrimental. But Quinton could say nothing and accepted it wholeheartedly. Contavion was coming. With an army larger than Quinton could conceive.

In Contavion's caravan, he speaks to Zarina, who sits on the back of his horse.

"If you don't mind my asking, why did my brother send you to the East?"

"Do you know who I am?" Zarina responded.

"One of his maids. That's all I know." Contavion continued.

"My mother was your father's spymaster. She worked all around. But mainly in the Queen isles."

"What did my father want in the Queen isles?"

"I don't know, my mother never told me anything."

"Does my brother know?"

"I have no idea. The only people who absolutely knew were my mother and your father."

"How often did you see your mother after my father sent her off?"

"Never. I saw her body after it had been returned to Spalio. A funeral was held in secret."

Contavion didn't know what to say next. But both were enamored with the curiosity of what happened in the Queen isles.

"It's time you took a horse and went ahead." Contavion said.

"Alright, thank you for speaking with me." Zarina said.

Contavion had been walking with a horse strapped to the back of his. Zarina got on that horse, freed it and began rushing toward Ladrio. Contavion sat in silence after she left. He had thoughts of the Queen isles, but quickly refocused himself on the upcoming events in Ladrio. All of which, spearheaded by him and his brother.