
Chapter Thirty-three. The Unknown part 2

Chad stared at his hand in shock. Vesha charged this time, light saber spinning and slashing at the creature. The white blade swept clean through it's gut, black mist spraying in the air. Wait, that wasn't her lightsaber, that was his. How had she-alarms went off in Stilco's head as he realized what they were facing. "No, Jedi, don't-" the soundless explosion knocked everyone off of their feet. Whoever stood within a twenty five meter radius was tossed through the air and thrown to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Stilco tasted blood. He could feel it dribbled down his chin and throat. "Its a Sith Wraith!" He shouted hoarsely. The bounty hunter staggered to his feet, reaching for his weapon. He noticed that Vesha and Chad were already up and ready for the fight. "What is that?" Vesha asked in horror. She stared in shock at the ghastly transformation of the Wraith. It's skin had harden into lizard like scales, pieces flaking off and withering before they hit the ground. Beams of bright light shone through the cracks of the scales, pulsing and moving. The Wraith's face became contorted into mask of furious rage, sharp teeth dripping black liquid and long pointed tongue flicking at the air. "I've only fought one once." Stilco answered. He glanced over at Bandit and Kerren. They were fine, if only bruised and cut. Kerren was holding her head in her hands, trying to stop the dull pain, no doubt, the Mandalorian thought. "I barely escaped with my life." The Wraith swing it's ugly head around, staring at him with gleaming eyes. "Wraith-killer, Wraith-life ender. You won't fare well against me. I have been in this galaxy far too long to fall for your tricks and deceptions." Zekk Stilco was already firing his weapon, pumping short quick bursts into it's face. With a howl of pain or anger, or perhaps both- the Wraith lunged forward, black mist swirling around it like a cloak. Chad reached out with his hand and gestured. The Wraith stumbled but continued forward at the bounty hunter. Stilco activated his jet pack and lifted off. Reaching for another clip, he tried to study the hammering of his heart but wasn't able. The last time he'd fought one of these creatures, he was nearly killed alongside it. This time he had two Jedi and two other bounty hunters with him but he felt that this particular Wraith was indeed dangerous. The Wraith leapt straight at him, eyes narrowed on him, mouth panting black mist. And that's when Vesha struck. The young woman crashed into its side with her- no Stilco's light saber stabbing up and through its brain. The bounty hunter wondered when the Jedi had even taken the weapon from him, he hadn't even felt it leave his hip. The white shaft hissed and spat sparks, the Wraith screamed, falling to the ground with the Jedi on top of it. It lashed out claws raking the Jedi's chest and stomach. Vesha's shout echoed with it's own. Blood was painting her whole upper body. Stilco flipped his gauntlet up and released a quick rocket dart straight into it's head. The dart whizzed past the young Jedi's head so fast it was a blur. It imploded once it entered the Wraith's head. Black mist and bits of skull rained down, spraying Vesha. She jumped back, eyes wide and staring at the creature with fear. "I-is it dead?" she asked in a shaky voice. Chad cautiously walked over, looking at the Wraith's limp body. "I don't know," Stilco said, he motioned the Jedi back. "We need to go. No one's even alive in the village. We need to go before things are worse." "Stilco's right." Kerren limped over, raising her weapon, she emptied a whole clip into the Wraith's body. "There. It should be dead now." Bandit grimaced and gestured the ships on the landing dock. There were two others besides the two Jedi star fighters. "We wanna take the Hak cruiser. It has more space and much better control systems." "Alright. Jedi this is where we part ways." The bounty hunter said, he nodded briefly at them, his gaze lingering on Vesha. "My weapon, I'd like it back." Vesha quickly handed it over, blushing a bit. "Yeah. Here." Chad shook his head. "No. We are going to turn you in, Stilco. Your wanted for interrogation." He said firmly. Bandit and Kerren were already opening up the cruiser, checking the system and functioning controls. He didn't want to be here any longer than he had to be. "Look, Jedi. I am not coming with you. You need-" "I have found you. My old friend." The voice was low and even. Stilco could feel the hair on the back of his neck raise. His hands instinctively went for his weapons and he was already shooting before he realized it. He barely caught a glimpse of the man. One second he was holding his weapon and the next he was disarmed and floating in the air, arms pinned at his side. "I. Did. Not. Come. For. You!" The man shouted. His eyes blazed a deep yellow. His mouth was twisted into a scowl as he raised his hands and lifted both the struggling Jedi into the air as well. "He hadn't even lifted a finger. Stilco could feel the dark energy rolling off of the man in waves. "I came for the Wraith. I came for the Wraith alone." "Who are you?" Chad asked through gritted teeth, his face was twisted into a mask of pain. "I am your better, boy. You would do well to remember that. You may call me Demer. I have finally returned." The man said in response, he flexed his fingers and stared at the Wraith's body. Stilco could barely move, it was if an invisible hand were wrapped around him in a tight grip. He tried to reach for his small hold out blaster but it was out of reach. "Don't, Mandalorian. Don't. It will do you no good. Although I do admire your strong will." Demer said. He reached down and laid a hand on the Wraith's body. "Barely alive. Trying to recover from these wounds." The man muttered to himself. Stilco glanced at the cruiser, hoping that Bandit or Kerren didn't come out. He knew that the man could kill them all with just his bare hands. He guessed that this was a Sith. Most likely a Stih Lord. The last time he'd fought a Sith, their power couldn't even compare to this. "I shall bring you back to life, Wraith. But in return, you shall give me what was taken from me nearly over a millennium ago." "Y-you can't. You don't have the power to do that!" Vesha spat, her eyes were burning in rage and fury. She was still struggling to break free of the Force grip, but she wasn't able. Demer smiled coldly and shrugged, he glanced at the girl over his shoulder. "I guess we shall see."

Sorry. I could only limit it to one chapter ya'll. I'm busy and going thru a lot right now. I hope you enjoy the chapter

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