
Imaginative forest

I figured it out when I saw that T-Rex because he didn't even harmed us and was just scaring us away.

Uhh big brains beauty with brain

Thankyou for your compliment but that crocodile was real.

How did you know.

He was about to eat me and than I got a scratch on my leg. So thats why I think some of the things are real while others are imaginary and it's difficult for us to find out which one is real or not and also restricted places appear on the map when we go there at that place.


Lets go did you find any way out of this muddy puddle.

Yeah it's right there let's go

We have to go to the top of nirato mountain.

No freaking way you know that trolls live at that mountain

I Have to go mallcoln I told you if you don't want To come than you can go u.

How can I leave you so easily

I thought you were my friend and you will understand me but you are trying to stop me only. I don't have anyone who literally understand my feelings. (crying)

"( he pulled Me up for a kiss and it was magical and fantastic in the middle of the forest)"

I was to stunned but than I closed my eyes and just felt the kiss.

You don't know but let me tell you I like you and i can't resist my feelings now.if you don't love me than its okay I will leave you

" ( I pulled him for another kiss) "

I love you dummy..
