
The Jade Emperor In Naruto

What happens when a Naruto fan reincarnates as a god? “Complete mayhem” says Hisui on top his throne.

Big_Poppa · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Let’s Talk

So guys I know you're all probably mad at me. I said I was gonna pick this back up but I really couldn't. Everytime I tried to write a chapter I was just so unhappy and didn't want to do it anymore. The past few chapters I was forcing myself for you guys but I just can't anymore, and I'm sorry. So with that said I've been picking writing back up, and this time I'm enjoying it again. So please go check out my new story "Beware His Power: Izuku's Light". With your help and support I feel I can do this again, and maybe one day I'll pick this story back up.

Beware His power: Izuku’s Light

Big_Poppacreators' thoughts