
chapter 7 Montage

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice










With that, Dave took two weeks of preparation.

4 days of non-stop training, of course he didn't do it 24/7, he just worked out 4 hours a day, racked up 9600 push-ups and that's not the reverse pun number intended and racked up 96 strength points and got super strong and even toned up his body a lot , he got a good figure.

But it really challenges the balance of the mechanics. Sure, it's cool that he can be physically strong, but what's the catch that he can easily gain ability points? If Dave doesn't know, the answer will be revealed sooner.

As for the extra hours, since he couldn't sleep, he decided to increase his intellect by reading books. Unfortunately Dave doesn't have a book, but luckily for Dave he managed to get some books from the innkeeper.

Surprisingly, the innkeeper has a few book collections, especially books that tell more about the world and history. That being said, Dave could ask the system for more details about it, so he plans to read the books that can be found in them; if not, it asks the system for postscripts if the system can't answer, then Dave will have to look forward to it.

He uses the extra time in 4 days to read and can usually gain 1-3 intelligence points per book after each book read, making it harder to gain those points compared to strength training. He finished 10 books and managed to get 15 intelligence points, which isn't good compared to strength, but it's at least above normal.

Dave also gained 3 points of wisdom, which he can't really understand, but it's probably because according to the system he asked about earlier, Dave can understand how he gained wisdom because he gained understanding, or hopefully that's what he understands it.

For the next 2 days, he starts going out of the village and cutting wood from time to time. Despite the village being surrounded by bandits, he luckily managed to sneak in and cut down some trees and cut them into smaller pieces, totaling 125 wooden logs, as he brought them to the inn and stored them in his room. Good thing the innkeeper could give Dave a free room this time because Dave is willing to help.

It's not like he's doing it for the hidden quest chain reward. definitely not.

As for why he needs so many wooden logs, Well, of course, to increase his axemenship skills. Being skilled with an axe, he could also level up his awesome, powerful, dust-bound iron hatchet. This will be his most used tool and weapon for his mission to help the female hostages. And it really worked because he managed to raise his axmanship to level 3.

Second, he decided to try making wooden stakes. Since he has a lot of knives, he might as well use them. This is also a good chance for him to gain crafting skill. Since he's an expert in all fields, he won't waste most of his time training where he can just build weapons.

"I wanna make a hell of a golem army, damn it! Patience! Patience! I'll have them slowly," Dave said thoughtfully.

After several failed attempts at using the knife to create the perfect stake or wooden spear, it was not perfect and became unusable. The spear that Dave made is either too short or too fragile to be used as a throwing spear.

The rest of the 8 days were still undecided and wanted more time, he's not a very brave type of person, or so Dave thinks, and he wants to be careful enough until he feels he's ready enough. It is a reality; after all, one shot to the head could be enough to kill Dave.

I'm not the kind of protagonist who can go Leroy Jenkins on them and let the plot do the work like it's nothing, Dave thought.

As for the remaining 8 days, he still has no other plans to use them effectively, so he decides to kill some time for those extra days by slowly picking off the bandits one by one, the weak ones.

So he leaves the inn and looks around.

"System, is it possible to simplify my rating?" Dave murmurs.

[Affirmative, would the player like to simplify?]? ]

"Yes, please," Dave mutters again, then spots one of the bandits, then looks at the top of his head. Now it gets easier.

[Bandit Lvl 10]

"Perfect. Okay, let's try this new strength," thought Dave, then left the inn...




He first thought if he should get to the blacksmith's shop, which the innkeeper had mentioned, and to which he resolved to go, and it was not far from the entrance, just a minute's walk and he was able to find it, just as the innkeeper said. It's full of patrolling bandits.

"Mostly level 10 to 14… Hmm," Dave wonders.

Then he sees a bandit coming out of the workshop; it looks like he looks a little smug.

"I was supposed to help him when I was ready, but… I guess if I get to the workshop and ask some things, they won't change that much". Dave thought of it.

So Dave approaches the workshop by hiding behind the alleys and as he gets closer he grabs a pebble and tosses it to the side.

"Hey, I heard something, I'll go check it out" Dave hears the bandit coming.

He then pulls out his dust-bound Iron Hachet and then sees the bandit coming closer and closer until he is within range and not visible enough to alert the other guarding bandit.

When he gets the chance, he swings his hatchet, which bursts into flames as if it were some form of fire breathing form, and then easily cuts the head open with a clean decapitation as the head is thrown high and falls into a nearby trash can. The body stands there for a moment and then slowly falls, but Dave catches it since himself not wanting to draw attention, but he can't help but feel disgusted as he sees blood slowly spilling from the cut throat.

[You killed the bandit; 50 exp]

"Ugh… gross… but" Dave then makes a body and then looks back to the workshop. "1 down, 10 to go," he said as he pilloried the chorus.

Then he looked back at the bandits and something occurred to him. "Since it can be simplified, can you also simplify their states?"

[What would the player like to change?]

"So the system is customizable, I should try out these new options, but can you do an automatic scan of an individual's stats first and then just say it's easy for me?" Dave said that because he wanted to be more careful.


[Loading and Editing Stat placement...]

[Adding and removing unnecessary spaces...]


[New changes: statistical information of individuals can be revealed in detail if the player needs it; the new simplified version allows the player to see and understand the strength of their stats according to these categories: easy, moderate, indecisive, hard, extreme and impossible, compares the player's total stats with the individual's stats and makes simple deductions from their stats] .

Dave looks back at the bandits' foreheads in the distance.

[Bandit Lvl 12]

[Difficulty: Easy]

"Nice, that's better," he picks up the iron hatchet, looks around the corners, then feels a bit of relief. "Okay, no cameras"

He could have stormed in right now with his current stats, but he doesn't want to go all out just yet, so he decided to go to the back of the workshop and then he saw one guard, Dave then start cracking his knuckles and saying, "This should be easy."

"Ice'm!" He then drops the dust-bound Iron Hatchet, and when he throws it, the hatchet is engulfed in snowflakes, and once the axe hits the head of the lazy guard bandit, not only he get a perfect headshot; he even freezes his head and falls to the ground as the hatchet still impales the dead corpses on the frozen head with its blade."The brutality!"

[You have killed the bandit 50 times.]

[Due to perfect throwing effort and amazing skill destruction, the player gains Marksmanship Level 1]

[Marksmanship Level 1]

[Skill Type: Passive]

[Description: The Marksmanship Level 1 skill enhances the precision and accuracy of ranged attacks. [As the character's proficiency with ranged weapons grows, their aim steadies and their shots become more deadly.]


[Improved Accuracy: Shots have a 10% increased chance to hit the target.]

[Steady Aim: Reduces sway when aiming by 15%, allowing for more precise shots.]

[Critical Focus: Critical hit chance with ranged attacks increased by 5%.]

"Nice!" Dave said it in his thoughts, raising his arms up.

[Axemanship Lvl 3] -> [Axemanship Lvl 4]

"NICE!" Dave was even more happy. "Let's check the benefits."


[Mighty Cleave: Increases the chance of the Cleave effect to 20%.]

[Executioner's Strike: Adds a 15% chance to instantly kill lower-level enemies upon critical hit.]

[Bloodlust: Every successful hit increases the critical hit chance by 1%, stacking up to 10 times.]

(Author: We all know we wouldn't be able to memorize this shit, but it's nice to add more game aesthetic.)

"Hmm, nice, nice, which also explains why I felt I could kill bandits almost like butter," Dave thought so.

"Anyway, what was I doing? Ah, right" Dave then quickly takes the loot of the corps and then looks up and sees an open window, then jumps high and is able to reach it due to his Herculean strength.

He then slowly gets inside the workshop, where he looks around and notices he is in the storage room of some sort, seeing the various weapons and shifting weapons he sees in the books he has read, but he quickly stops distracting himself and then finds the blacksmith. He then slowly opens the door and then sees the man with muscular and burly hair and a apron like on his clothes with gloves on it. "That must be the blacksmith." 

He then slowly opens the door a bit wider until he stops instantly as he heard and yelled and then takes a peek again and sees a few bandits, three specific, and it seems they are all yelling at the blacksmith while he talks back as well. He seems to be strong-willed and didn't back down on whatever they were arguing about, and the bandits click their tongues and then threaten him with a knife. "Oi, oi, isn't that cowardly?"

The blacksmith sighs, and then the bandits walk out and exit the workshop.

"Guess it's my turn," Dave thought.

As the black Smith sighs at what happened and Dave just casually walks at the old man and then taps his shoulder, "My, I take an order?"

"Aargh!?!" The blacksmith flinches and then backs off for a bit from the sudden jumoscare that Dave did and looks at him with suspicion. "Who are you!?"

"Damn your charisma!," Dave sighs.

"Listen, I'll keep this brief. Want me to tell you the whole thing in detail or summarize that?" Dave asked.

"Uhhh, the first?" The blacksmith scratches his chin with a confused look.

"Oh boy, alright, sit down. I have a lot of things to say about what happens outside." Dave grabs a chair, sits down, and starts to explain the current condition of the village.

Of course, the blacksmith looks about to explode, and Dave can see his face going red like his blood is boiling. It seems he looks very desperate in a way. Dave can't help but ask after explaining the situation, "You got a family?"

"Aye, a wife and two daughters... They take away it from me..." the blacksmith sighs with a desperate face and a hint of anger.

"Ah, much worse then..." Dave thought of it.

"What do you need?" The voice of the blacksmith grumbles as he mumbles.

"Huh?" Dave asked.

"Ye said you want to get prepared for wipping the bandits out, got some materials?" The blacksmith grabs his hammer, and he looks back at Dave.

"Actually..." Dave quickly jumps out of the window and then comes back with all the loot he just got after killing the bandits as well as the loot he got that he kept in the inn. "Do you even do leatherworking as well?"


"Can you teach me?" Dave grabs a hammer he found by the wall that's been placed.

With new ways he can use the 8 days to learn not only blacksmith and weaponry, but also how to help the blacksmith and Dave work most of the workshop. It's surprisingly lucky that the bandits question the missing bandits that Dave killed; he must not be the loyal or alert type. With the help of the blacksmith and Dave himself, they both were able to make the armor Dave needed and what he thought was what he needed. Dave was helped with the design as the blacksmith edited a few of the design and started on the work while Dave assisted on the work.

The reason why Dave wants to learn how to craft is because he wanted to take the opportunity since he has the jack of all trades system, he wants to get everything that he can possibly learn. Even though it will take time to learn and it will take a bit longer to learn, Dave thinks it will be beneficial once it's late.

With a mix of iron and the combination of leather coating of it, building the leather armor and covering it with iron platings around it, and making another set of tiny pieces of armor into fully plated iron and covering up most of his body, it's more leather armor but with few iron armor pieces, and the one last touch is also a fully long cloth to be like a rogue-like robe. It was Dave's idea since he likes to make himself a bit cooler and mysterious.

It's not like he is edgy. he just really likes clothes with a rogue-like style with robes with a hood in them to make them look better. 

After the last day, Dave wipes his sweat. "Phew, that's a lot of work."

[Due to using the minimum amount of minerals to make and the passion to work, and finding many always to make of players desire, player acquired, Artisan's Mastery Level 1]

[Description: Become a master of the crafts! Artisan Mastery allows you to hone your skills in various disciplines, from blacksmithing to alchemy, unlocking new recipes, improving your efficiency, and crafting legendary items. The foundational skill that allows the player to create a wide array of crafted items, from basic tools to intricate creations, It encompasses knowledge of materials, techniques, and attention to detail.]

[Level 1: Novice Craftsman: Begin your journey as an apprentice artisan. [Unlock basic recipes and improve your crafting speed by 5%.]

"Nice! Alright, let's see here... Status?" A screen pops up in front of him.

[Dave Lvl 6]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Free points: 10]

[Strength: 114(+5)]

[Dexterity: 7]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 23]

[Wisdom: 6]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 4]

[Marksmanship Lvl 1]

[Artisan's Mastery Lvl 1]

[Titles attained:]


"I'll put all the free Points into dexterity," Dave said as he put all his points in DEX.

He then looked at his new armor on the armor stand and felt himself proud. "It looks like I'm ready."

"Oi! Young man!" The blacksmith barges in back to the workshop as he comes back looking out of breath.

"What's wrong?" Dave turns his head.

"There are bandits! Lots of them. I saw them going to the inn just now, probably looking for you," the blacksmith said in worry.

"Well then, perfect timing." Dave looks back at the armor stand and then looks back at the blacksmith. "Did you forge a mask?"




"OI! Open up, you old man! We know you in there!" the bandit shouted, pounding on the front door of the ramshackle inn. The door swings open slowly, revealing a disheveled-looking old man with a wispy white beard. He squints at us through the darkness of the threshold. "I told you he was not here," he said in a raspy voice.

"Well, he will be gone when we can get our hands at his ass first!" The bandit then pulls out his weapon, and so do the other 20 others. "Now, why don't you bring him out, or do you like to get yourself beat up?"

For the moment, it is chaotic, until Dave comes just in time and taps his shoulder and says, "Looking for me?"

"Huh?" The bandit turns around.


Dave hits the man with the end of the handle of the iron hatchet and knocks him out cold.

Dave enters the inn as Dave looks around and sees the mess that the bandits made, and the innkeeper lets out a sigh of relief and mumbles, "Took you long enough."

"W-who are you!?" One of the bandits pointed at Dave; they didn't know it was Dave.

Because he looks extremely different and fully armored, in a sense, he wears full leather armor and is covered in his large robe. Underneath his robes and leather, there are hints of iron armor pieces on his chest and shoulders,and arm and leg plating a fortified armor. For an additional sense of fashion, he wears a golden mask with a humanoid design. "None of your business."

He then raises his dust-bound Iron hatchet, as it slowly activates with different elemental powers that the axe holds as Dave looks at the bandits and points his fingers and counts them one by one. "Aside from this one, there are 14 in total I have to kill."

"Oi! You think you're some kind of hero?" The bandits all turn at him and then raise their weapons; some have weapon-shifting weaponry, others have some basic knives and guns, and so forth.

"Ready to die, punk?" one of the bandits growls.

"..." Dave didn't say anything, as then he raised his dagger as well.

After a few moments, he then stares at them under his mask and says, "Omae wa mou shindeiru."

As the bandits surround Dave, weapons raised and aggression in their eyes, Dave stands unfazed, his golden mask glinting in the dim light of the inn. With a swift motion, he activates his dust-bound iron hatchet, the elemental powers crackling around it. The bandits hesitate for a moment, realizing they might have underestimated this mysterious figure.

Dave, with his skills, the power of the Jack of All Trades system, and his mastery of axemanship, sizes up his opponents. He knows he's outnumbered, but his skills and instincts are honed to deadly precision.

Without a word, Dave launches into action.

Bandit 1 rushes forward with a sword, but Dave anticipates the move. He sidesteps gracefully, bringing down his axe on Bandit 1's shoulder and severing the arm with a burst of fiery flaming power. Bandit 1 screams in agony and falls.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandit 2 tries to shoot Dave with a pistol, but Dave's adaptive instincts kick in. He dodges the bullet with a swift backflip, then throws his dagger with pinpoint accuracy, hitting Bandit 2 between the eyes.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 3, 4, and 5 charge together, but Dave is ready. With a whirlwind of his axe, he creates a barrier of wind, knocking them off balance. Taking advantage of their confusion, Dave swiftly dispatches each with precise strikes to their vital points.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[Level up! ]

Bandits 6 and 7 come at him with daggers, but Dave's agility is unmatched. He parries their strikes with ease, then counters with a series of lightning-fast slashes, leaving them bleeding on the ground.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 8, 9, and 10 try to overwhelm him with sheer numbers, but Dave is a master tactician. He lures them into a tight space, then activates his artisan's mastery. The ground beneath their feet rumbles and cracks, turning into quicksand. The three bandits sink helplessly, their screams echoing in the room.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 11 and 12 attempt to flank him, but Dave's versatile memory serves him well. He recalls a move from an ancient martial art and executes it flawlessly, disarming both bandits in a single fluid motion. With their own weapons, he swiftly ends their lives.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 13 and 14, the last standing, exchange nervous glances. They know they're outmatched. Dave, with a cold stare behind his golden mask, advances slowly. They try to run, but there's no escape. With a final, decisive swing of his elemental axe, Dave ends their lives, the axe crackling with power as it cleaves through their bodies.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[Level up! ]

In a matter of minutes, the room is silent except for the crackling of elemental energy dissipating. Dave, with the help of his system, the Jack of All Trades, stands amidst the fallen bandits, his golden mask stained with blood. The innkeeper watches in awe and relief from the corner, knowing that Dave's appearance was the turning point in this chaotic encounter.

With a calm demeanor, Dave sheathes his weapons, the elemental powers fading. He turns to the innkeeper and offers a nod of assurance. "Took me some time... Ugh... Still gross," he says, his voice muffled behind the mask.

The innkeeper, still in shock from the swift and deadly display of skill, can only manage a weak but grateful, "Thank you."

He then looks around at the inn and then scratches his head. "Should I pay?"

"No, no need," the innkeeper says, then looks at Dave. "Are you ready?"

"Yup," Dave said with assurance, "I'll get the hostages." He then grabbed the bandit by the collar.

The innkeeper nodded with a slight grunt, and he clenched his fist. "Please save them."

"I will." With that, Dave, the wannabe mysterious hero clad in fortified armor and wielding powerful elemental weaponry, exits the inn with the unconscious bandit on his hand, leaving behind a room filled with the defeated bandits, a testament to his unmatched prowess in combat.

As he then walks out of the inn, he pulls up the bandit and then slaps his face in order to wake him up. "Alright, listen here. And I'll say this once..."

He then points the blade of his dust-bound Iron Hachet on his neck as the bandits eyes are wide open as Dave glares at him underneath his golden mask with a muffled voice. "... Where is the bandits main camp, and where is the hut that the hostages are being kept?"

"Please! Don't kill me!" The bandit screams, and his hands wave frantically. "The hut is not too far from here! Just go straight forward outside of the village, and you can see the wood cutter hut!"

"And?" Dave slowly put his blade closer to the neck.

"The bandit camp is also not far too! After going to the hut, just turn to the north and walk straight and you will see it!" The bandit is peeing his pants right now.

"Good..." Dave then swings his hatchet like butter, with subtle snowflakes glittering on the blade itself as he decapitates the bandit and hears a thud of the head on the ground, tossing the body away to the ground.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Dave was about to go as he then flinches and freezes himself in place as he realizes, "Oh! Damn it, I forgot about the loot!" He looks down, scratches his head, swings his leg, and kicks the dirt as he silently lets out his frustrations and grunts.

As Dave grunts, he then hears footsteps all around, and he looks up and stands in the heart of the village, encircled by approaching bandits. He braces himself for the impending clash. The echoes of footsteps reverberate through the deserted streets as the remaining villagers hurriedly retreat to the safety of their homes, leaving Dave to face the threat alone. With a flicker of determination concealed behind his golden mask, he grips his dust-bound Iron Hatchet tightly, accompanied by the familiar weight of the three remaining knives in his hand. 

"23 bandits on the left... 22 on the right," he murmurs, assessing the odds with a calm resolve. Despite the overwhelming numbers, Dave remains composed, his gaming prowess and honed skills poised for the confrontation ahead. With a resigned sigh, he readies himself once more, raising his hatchet defiantly. "Let's do this then," he declares, ready to meet the challenge head-on.

The bandits on the left charge first.

Bandit 1 rushes with a machete, but Dave's axemanship is unmatched. He parries the strike effortlessly and counters with a swift slice across the bandit's chest.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 2, 3, and 4 follow suit, but Dave's marksmanship skill comes into play. With precise throws, he dispatches each with a knife to the throat, their bodies crumpling to the ground.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 5 through 10 approach, armed with various weapons. Dave's versatile memory kicks in as he recalls a move from an ancient martial art. With fluid movements, he disarms and incapacitates each one, leaving them groaning in pain on the ground.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 11 through 15 attempt to overwhelm him with sheer force. Dave activates his artist's mastery, manipulating the environment to his advantage. The ground beneath them turns slick with ice, causing them to slip and fall. Taking advantage of the chaos, Dave swiftly ends their lives with precise strikes of his axe.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 16 through 20 try to regroup, but Dave's adaptive instincts are always a step ahead. He predicts their movements and counters with calculated strikes, each blow finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 21 and 22 attempt a desperate last stand. Dave, with a flick of his wrist, throws his last remaining knife with such speed and precision that it embeds itself in Bandit 21's throat. Before Bandit 22 can react, Dave closes the distance in an instant, his dust-bound Iron Hatchet cleaving through the bandit's skull.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[Level up!]

As the last bandit on the left falls to the ground, Dave's chest rises and falls with exertion. He glances to the right, where the remaining 22 bandits are closing in fast.

With a deep breath, Dave readies himself for the next onslaught.

Bandit 23, the first on the right side, charges with a spear. Dave sidesteps the thrust with agility, then delivers a powerful kick to the bandit's knee, causing him to buckle. Before Bandit 23 can recover, Dave's axe comes down with a swift motion, ending his life.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 24 and 25 come at him together, one wielding a sword and the other a flail. Dave's dexterity shines as he dodges the swings, then disarms both with a series of quick strikes. The sword impales Bandit 24, courtesy of his own comrade's flail.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 26 through 30 attempt a coordinated attack, but Dave is a master of adaptability. He ducks, weaves, and rolls, avoiding their blows with ease. With calculated precision, he takes them down one by one, leaving a trail of fallen bandits in his wake.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 31 through 35 try to encircle him, but Dave's intelligence shines through. He creates illusions with his versatile memory, confusing and disorienting them. In their moment of hesitation, Dave strikes, dispatching them swiftly and efficiently.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 36 through 40 attempt to overwhelm him with brute force. Dave's Constitution proves invaluable as he weathers their blows, each strike fueling his determination. With a roar, he unleashes a flurry of strikes, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

Bandits 41 through 45 attempt a final stand, but Dave's Artisan's Mastery turns the very ground against them. The earth beneath their feet turns to mud, trapping them in place. With a swift motion, Dave ends their lives, their bodies sinking into the muck. They try to run, but there's no escape.

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[You killed a bandit; 50 exp]

[Level up!]

With blood covering him over, he then sits down on top of the pile of corpses in the middle of the street. He then relaxes himself as he looks around with a bunch of dead bandit corpses laying dead everywhere. "Hmm, this reminds me of that one assassin's Creed meme... What was again? Nobody will notice, if there is nobody to notice? Yeah, something like that."

Suddenly a screen pops infront of his face.

[Due to the amount of corpses the player accumulated, the player receives the title, Mass Killer.]

[Description: increases damage by 15% and +10 strength when title is equipped]

[Due to the amount of bandits he slayed, the player receives the title of bandit killer.]

[Description: dealing extra damage of 15% on bandits when the title is equipped.].

"Dang, these are some good sh*t. Hold up. Status!" Dave then opens up his status screen and sees that he is now level ten.

[Dave Lvl 10]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Free points: 12]

[Strength: 114(+5)]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 23]

[Wisdom: 6]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 4]

[Marksmanship Lvl 1]

[Artisan's Mastery Lvl 1]

[Titles attained:]


[Mass Killer]

[Bandit Killer]

"Hmm, this stats is like something a psychotic killer should have." Dave scratches his chin, then looks at the free points, then looks down on his ability scores, and then starts pouring the free points to 4 on wisdom and 8 on constitution. 

[Dave Lvl 10]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 25/25]

[Free points: 0]

[Strength: 114(+5)]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Constitution: 10(+5)]

[Intelligence: 23]

[Wisdom: 10]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 4]

[Marksmanship Lvl 1]

[Artisan's Mastery Lvl 1]

[Titles attained:]


"Finally, I'm on the above normal stats... Except charisma, nah, it will be fine," Dave waves his hand off as he then chuckles slightly.

As he was about to stand up, he then noticed another screen in front of him. "Oh?"


[Player reaches level 10]

[New features unlock]

[Unlocked: inventory]

[Unlocked: Point Store]

"Oooh?" Dave leans forward with excitement. He then notices the description for each of them and decides to read it word for word.


[Description: The player can now put any items into the infinite void of the inventory.]

"Yeaaaaaaah! Let's goooooo!" Dave raises his arms high in joy. And without a second thought, he loots the corpses.

Taking all 45 leather armors and clothes, 25 knives, and 16 pistols with 38 mags with dust ammo inside them, 3 spears, and of course, 6 variations of weapon shifting weapons, he then tries out his new inventory feature, and everything he picks up disappears right out of his hands.

"Yes! Now I can unleash my hoarding obsession!" Dave shouted in glee. "Now what's the other feature?"

[Point store]

[Description: a store where you can buy skills with ability points as it's the only currency to trade.]

[Note: To clarify, once bought, you will only have the knowledge of the skill it's self, for reasons such as that some of these skills need to be learned and some must have to meet other requirements.]



"Wait, are you for real?" Dave was a bit speechless. 

He then opens his status and then tries out the new feature. He then sees a large screen in front of him, with many skills that can be bought, of course, with ability scores.

"What the hell!?" Dave screamed in his thoughts.

[Basic cultivation (Xianxia and Wuxia): A practice in martial arts novels (Xianxia and Wuxia genres) where practitioners cultivate their inner energy, improve their physical bodies, and gain enlightenment to reach higher levels of power and immortality.]

[cost: 75 strength, 100 wisdom points]

[Quenya (Lord of the Rings): The language of the High Elves, known for its beauty and complexity.

[Cost: 30 charisma, 170 intelligence, 90 wisdom points]

[Dragon Shouts (The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim): powerful shouts using the language of dragons, granting abilities like breathing fire and slowing time.]

[Cost: 300 strength, 65 intelligence]

[Requirements: magic]

[Haki (One Piece): A mysterious power that gives users various abilities, including the ability to sense others' presence and overpower opponents.]

[Cost: 500 strength, 350 dexterity, 400 constitution points]

Bending (Avatar: The Last Airbender): The ability to manipulate one of the four elements (water, earth, fire, or air) to various degrees.

[Cost: 50 strength, 40 wisdom, and 20 constitution points]

[Requirements: any four of the elements]

[Stand Abilities (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure): Unique spiritual manifestations with various abilities, from stopping time to creating illusions.]

[Cost: 140 dexterity, 50 constitution points]

[Requirements: any stand]

"What kind of bullshit is this??" Dave just stares at the screen. "So you mean to tell me that I can get stronger by selling my own strength? No wonder it's easy to get points." He thought so.

He then looks around as the few villagers peek out their doors, seeing Dave, but in the eyes of the villagers, he sees a bloody killer, dripping and bathing in the blood of his enemies, drenching blood on his armor and bloodying his mask.

Dave then looks around with the scared looks, and then he finally thinks for a bit, "I'll check out and try out the new feature after the mission."

He then walks away as he walks out of the village, and then, as he was about to head for the hut, he saw another screen in front of him.

[Player completed Part 2 of the Hidden Chain Quest]

[More rewards added]

[Can be claimed after completing the hidden chain quest.]

[Hidden Chain Quest: Bandit Terror, Part 3 Finale]

[Description: knowing the location of the bandits camp and the hostages being placed, eradicating the bandits and rescuing the hostages]

[Bandits killed: 0]

[Hostages rescued: 0]

Dave reads through the text and then swipes it away with his fingers. He then looks towards the forest and pulls out his dust-bound Iron Hachet.

"Alright, let's do this."


To be continued....

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